[Collection of Arabic texts on Islamic inheritance law]

Manuscript, Book
[19th century?]
71 leaves : paper ; 210 x 153 (145-180 x 85-120) mm bound to 208 x 155 mm.


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 276L Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    A collection of six fragmentary works on inheritance. Although different, two bear the same title, Jawāhir al-farāʼiḍ.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title supplied by cataloger.
    • Marginal notes.
    • Collation: Paper ; fol. i + 71 ; catchwords ; watermarks (three crescents; circle topped by a crown; cross atop mounds; coat-of-arms) ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 15-17 lines per page.
    • Description: Written in different hands ; MS in fair condition.
    • Origin: MS probably from the early XlXth century. [Kitāb al-Farāʼiḍ] Copied by Ibrāhīm ibn Muḥammad ibn Darwīsh (fol. 40b)
    • Incipit: [Treatise 1] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه النستعين الحمد لله العليم الحليم والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الكريم وعلى اله واصحابه الذين فازوا وامنه بخط جسيم -- [جواهر 1] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه النستعين كتاب الفرائض يخرج من تركة الميت حق تعلق في الحيوة بالعين فقط -- [Treatise 2] لما كان علم الفرايض مفتقرا الى الحساب شديد الحاجه الى معرفته افرد له -- [جواهر 2] بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه النستعين كتاب جواهر الفرائض اعلم انه اذا مات انان اول ما يبدء من التركة ويحتاج اليه من ذلك
    • Colophon: [جواهر 1] تمت جوهر الفرائض على يد اضعف الضعفاء واذل الطلباء وافقر الفقراء الراجي من الله العضو والرضاء في المعاد ويوم اللقا ابراهيم ابن محمد بن درويش حين رحم الله لمن نظر فيه وقراء لهم الفاتحه امين -- [Treatise 2] ... وهو الجواب. تمت -- [جواهر 2] تمت الاصطلاحات بعون الله تعالى علي يد حسن ابن ملا ابراهيم عفر الله له ولوالد كبته في اواخر سفر سنة 1131 في نهار الاحد تم تم تم تم ...
    Binding note
    Type III (without flap) binding in brown leather and paper with block-pressed design. Multi-colored endbands. Upper cover missing.
    • 1. fol. ia-1a: [Inscriptions]
    • 2. fol. 1b-20b: [Treatise on inheritance]
    • 3. fol. 21a-21b: [Inscriptions]
    • 4. fol. 22b-40b: Jawāhir al-farāʼiḍ.
    • 5. fol. 41b-54a: [Treatise on inheritance]
    • 6. fol. 54a-57a: [Fawāʼid] Extracts, lines of poetry, paragraph on coffee.
    • 7. fol. 57a-63b: Kitāb Jawāhir al-farāʼiḍ.
    • 8. fol. 64a-71a: [Masāʼil, and other inscriptions]
    Seal impressions: fol. ia; ʻAbduh Saʻīd Muḥammad (fol. ib). Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1904.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 2184.
    Other format(s)
    Also available in an electronic version.
    Other title(s)
    • Jawāhir al-farāʼiḍ.
    • جواهر الفرائض.
    Title in Hitti, P. Garrett Collection
    • Majmūʻah
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    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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