رسالة بيان غربة الاسلام بواسطة صنفي المتفقهة والمتفقرة من اهل مصر والشام وما يليهم من بلاد الاعجام.

Risālat Bayān ghurbat al-Islām bi-wāsiṭat ṣinfay al-mutafaqqihah wa-al-mutafaqqirah min ahl Miṣr wa-al-Shām wa-mā yalīhima min bilād al-aʻjām.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
101 leaves : paper ; 184 x 135 (125 x 92) mm. bound to 183 x 135 mm.


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 828H Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    A treatise exposing the deviation from the principles of Islam of those of the people of Egypt, Syria and other countries who claim mastery of jurisprudence and saintliness through ascetic practices.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title from title page (fol. 1a).
    • A few marginal notes and glosses. The work was composed 916 [1510]. Illegible writing on lower edge of text block. Tradition on title page. On three folios following colophon are an account from Abū ʻAlá al-Maʻarrī extracted from al-Mustaṭraf fī kull fann mustaẓraf, an account of Sīdī Darwīsh, Muftī of al-Diyār al-Ḥalabīyah, an extract from al-Mashāriq, a reading statement dated 999 and three lines of poetry (fol. 100a-101a).
    • Collation: Paper ; fol. 101 ; catchwords ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 15 lines per page.
    • Description: Rubricated ; some vowel signs ; MS in good condition.
    • Origin: Probably from the XVIth century.
    • Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلي علي سيدنا محمد وعلي اله واصحابه اجمعين ... الحمد لله على کل حال واعوذ بالله من احوال اهل النار ... اما بعد لما رايت ما ار نكبه عامة اهل القرن العاشر من مخالفات الكتاب والسنة ...
    • Colophon: والحمد لله على کل حال وهو المسئول تعالى بفضله صلاح الاقوال والافعال والاحوال ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله محول الاحوال وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه افضل صحب وال احسن الله الخاتمة على خير وفي خير امين والحمد لله تم
    Binding note
    Type III (without flap) binding in dark brown leather. Gold-tooled circular motif with pendants and gold-tooled edging on upper cover. Blind-stamped mandorla with pendants and blind-tooled edging on lower cover. Endbands. Lower cover appears to be cut down and re-used.
    Reading statement of Aḥmad ibn Abī Bakr al-Ḥanafī al-[..]wānī (fol. 1a). Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 1917.
    • Ḥājjī Khalīfah, Kashf al-ẓunūn (1835-58), II, p. 79, IV, p. 310.
    • Fihrist al-kutub al-ʻArabīyah al-maḥfūẓah bi-al-Kutubkhānah al-Khudaywīyah, VII, pp. 543/4.
    • Ahlwardt, Verzeichnis der arabischen Handschriften, 2119-21.
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