A compendium of the laws of religious endowments, being an abridgment of Kitāb Aḥkām al-awqāf of Abū Bakr ibn ʻUmar al-Khaṣṣāf.
Ms. codex.
Title from preface (fol. 2b).
Six lines of poetry and other inscriptions (fol. 1a). Table of contents (fol. 1b-2a). Fāʼidah on traditions (fol. 50b).
Collation: Paper ; fol. 50 ; catchwords ; foliation in ink using Hindu-Arabic numerals ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
Layout: 25 lines per page.
Description: Rubricated ; overlining in red ; watermarks (candlestick) ; MS in fair condition.
Origin: According to colophon copy completed 6 Rajab 989 by Muḥammad ibn al-Damrārī[?] al-Maḥallī (fol. 50a).
Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله الذي خلق الانسان في احسن تقويم ... وبعد فان العلما الاولين قد جعلهم الله تعالي للاخرين لبذل مهجهم في بذل احكام دين الاسلام ...
Colophon: ووافق الفراغ من نسخه فى اليوم المبارك سادس رجب الكرام سنه 989 على يد مالكه الفقير محمد بن الدمرارى المحلى ... عفر الله عنه وعمن دعاله بالحمرة والملك امين امين امين
Binding note
Later type II (with flap) binding in light brown leather and marbled paper. Orange paper pastedown. Not sewn.
Ownership signatures: Ḥasan al-Jabartī al-Ḥanafī with his seal impression; Muḥamad al-Harāwī[?] (fol. 1a). Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1904.
Source acquisition
Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 1879.
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Also available in an electronic version.
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