خلاصة الفتاوى.

Khulāṣat al-fatāwá.

Manuscript, Book
21 Ramaḍān 786-24 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 885 [November 14, 1384-March 5, 1481]
2 volumes (255, 329 leaves) : paper ; 270-292 x 180-183 (190-215 x 120-133) mm bound to 265-287 x 175-190 mm.


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 834Hq Oversize Browse related items Reading Room Request
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  • Vol. 1-v. 2


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    A work on the details of Hanafite law, being a concise manual for judges which the author wrote subsequent to his larger work, Khizānat al-wāqiʻāt and al-Niṣāb.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title from lower edge of text block.
    • Marginal notes and glosses. Volume 1 has a table of contents (fol. [i]b-[ii]a) and extracts (fol. 1a). Volume 2 has a table of contents (fol. 1a) and a later table of contents which doesn't appear to belong to this manuscript (fol. 2a-2b). Title on lower edge of text block of both volumes. Inscriptions after the colophon and on the verso (v. 1, fol. 255a-b). Collection of masāʼil (vol. 2, fol. 329b).
    • Collation: Paper ; vol. 1: fol. ii (later paper) + 255, vol.2: 329 (fol. 2 is later paper) ; catchwords ; foliation in ink using Hindu-Arabic numerals; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 25-29 lines per page.
    • Description: Rubricated (vol. 2 only) ; some vowel signs ; MS in good condition.
    • Origin: [Volume 1] Copy completed 24 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 885 by Aḥmad ibn Pīrmazīd (v. 1, fol. 255a) -- [Volume 2] Copy completed Sunday 21 Ramaḍān 786 by Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf ibn ʻAlī, known as Ibn Ṣalāḥ al-Suʻūdī (v. 2, fol. 328a).
    • Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين الحمد لله خالق الارواح والاجسام ... ان العلوم کثيرة والاعمار قصيرة فالاولى ...
    • Colophon: [الجزء 1] تم الدفتر الاول من الخلاصة الفتاوى بعون الله تعالى والثانى منه كتاب الاجارات في اليوم الرابع والعشرين من شهر ذى الحجة سنه خمس وثمانين ونثانمائة ... احمد بن پير مزيد عفر الله له ولوالديه واحسن اليها واليه -- [الجزء 2] وکان الفراغ من نسخ هذا الکتاب وهوالجزء الثاني من خلاصة الفتاوي يوم الاحد الحادي والعشرين من شهر رمضان المعظم قدره سنة ست وثمانين وسبع مائة على يد الفقيرالى الله تعالى محمد بن يوسف ابن علي الشهيربابن صلاح السعودي غفرالله له ولوالديه ولمن ترحم عليّ واليه ولجميع المسلمين امين والحمد لله وحده
    Binding note
    Later type II (with flap) binding in red leather. Volume 1 has small blind-stamped central design and a blind-tooled and -stamped outer frame on covers and similar decoration on flap and flap fore-edge. Volume 2 has blind-stamped mandorla with pendants and blind-tooled edging. Spine of volume 2 is replaced and flap is missing.
    • Vol. 1: Kitāb al-Ṭahārah-Kitāb al-Ṣarf
    • v. 2: Kitāb al-Ijārāt-Kitāb al-shufʻah.
    Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 1688.
    • Ḥājjī Khalīfah, Kashf al-ẓunūn (1835-58), III, pp. 136/7, 165.
    • Fihrist al-kutub al-ʻArabīyah al-maḥfūẓah bi-al-Kutubkhānah al-Khudaywīyah, III, p. 44.
    • A catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, 205.
    Other format(s)
    Also available in an electronic version.
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