كتاب عنقود الزواهر.

Kitāb ʻUnqūd al-zawāhir.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
178 leaves : paper ; 179 x 129 (115 x 70) mm. bound to 179 x 135 mm.


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 381H Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    A treatise on grammar.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title from title page (fol. 3a).
    • Marginal notes and glosses. A statement on title page attributes the work to Muḥammad ibn Farāmirz [sic], known as Mawlānā Khusraw, and another from al-Shaqāʼiq al-Nuʻmānīyah of Ṭāshkubrīzādah stating that more correctly the work is of the authorship of al-Qūshjī. The two folios preceding the title page have several notes, including one about Sūrat al-Dukhān, and a list of dual nouns. Following the colophon is a note that the MS was compared and corrected beginning to end.
    • Collation: Paper ; fol. i + 178 + ii ; catchwords ; foliation in ink in Hindu-Arabic numerals ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 17 lines per page ; ruled.
    • Description: Rubricated ; overlining in red ; some vowel signs ; watermarks (bull's head) ; MS in good condition. MS is rare.
    • Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لمن جلت اسماوءه عن ان يغيرها حال
    • Colophon: حامدين لله على التوفيق للاتمام ومصلين ومسلمين على رسوله سيد الانام وعلى اله واصحابه ومن تابعهم باحسان الى يوم القيام. م
    Binding note
    Later? type II (with flap) binding in brown leather and marbled paper. Multi-colored endbands. Yellow paper pastedowns.
    Language note
    • Ownership signatures: ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAbd Allāh with his seal impression; ʻAbd al-Raḥīm al-Mudarris with his seal impression
    • Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 460.
    • Ḥājjī Khalīfah, Kashf al-ẓunūn (1835-58), VI, p. 270.
    • Brockelmann, GAL, II, p. 235.
    Other format(s)
    Also available in an electronic version.
    Statement on language in description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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