كتاب يتيمة الدهر في محاسن اهل العصر / تأليف ابي منصور عبد الملك بن محمد الثعالبي النيسابوري.

Kitāb Yatīmat al-dahr fī maḥāsin ahl al-ʻaṣr / taʼlīf Abī Manṣūr ʻAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad al-Thaʻalibī al-Nīsābūrī.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
1282 [1865 or 1866]
2 volumes (182, (1), 336 leaves) : paper ; 198-217 x 129-148 (170-175 x 85-100) mm. bound to 197-217 x 138-157 mm.


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 124H Browse related items Reading Room Request
  • Location has
  • Vol. 1-v. 4


    Library of Congress genre(s)
    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    An anthology by al-Thaʻalibī of the poets of his time arranged according to the countries of their birth, together with a brief biography of each poet.
    • Collation: Paper ; fols. i + 182 + (1), 336 ; catchwords ; foliated in ink at upper left edge of text ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Description: Rubricated ; verse separators in red ; larger measurements are for vol. 1 ; watermarks volume 2 only (heart shape with a cross inside) ; MS in good condition.
    • Layout: 23-25 lines per page ; ruled.
    • Marginal notes and glosses. Volume 1: On the four folios before the title page occur a table of contents; 11 verses of poetry by Ḥasanayn Muḥammad, dated 1301 [1884]; and a short biography of the author. On the title page are three verses of poetry and the autograph and seal impression of the copyist, Muṣṭafá ibn Muḥammad al-ʻAfīfī 1279 [1862/3]. Volume 2: On the page after the colophon of Vol. III, on the two following folios and on the page before the beginning of Vol. IV occur several medical prescriptions, a verse of poetry and instructions for strengthening the paper of Qurʼāns by applying alum solution.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Origin: According to title page copied 1282 by Muṣṭafá ibn Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān al-ʻAfīfī (vol. 1, fol. 5a).
    • Title from title page (vol. 1, fol. 5a).
    • Colophon, volume 1-2: تم الجزء الثاني من يتيمة الدهر في ملح اهل العصر ويتلوه الجزء الثالث في ذکر ابن العميد والحمد لله وحده وصلى الله على سيدنا ومولانا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه کلما ذکره الذاکرون وغفل عن ذکره الغافلون ورضي الله عن اصحابه واتباعه اجمعين
    • Colophon, volume 3-4: انتهى الباب العاشر وبه تم الکتاب وبقي علي ذکر قوم من نيسابور لم يحضرني اشعارهم وهم ابو سلمة المؤدب وابو حامد الحازرنجي [؟] وابو سهلة البستي وابوبکر الحلابادي وابو القاسم مسعود بن حبيب المذکور وابو القاسم الحسن بن عبدالله المستوفي الوزير وسيتفق لي او لمن بعدي الحاق ما يليق من ملح اشعار هم بهذا الباب وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه وسلم تسليما کثيرا امين
    • Incipit, volume 1-2: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله خير ما بدي به کلام وختم
    • Incipit, volume 3-4: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. القسم الثالث من کتاب يتيمة الدهر في محاسن اهل العصر
    Binding note
    Type II (with flap) binding in red leather and red paper with black and yellow block-pressed design. Both volumes in cases (220 x 162 mm. and 198 x 145 mm.) matching the binding. Cases lined with manuscript fragments. Case of vol. 1 has a red leather pull strap.
    • al-Juzʼ 1 (vol. 1, fol. 5a-91b)
    • al-juzʼ 2 (vol. 1, fol. 93b-182a)
    • al-qism 3 (vol. 2, fol. 1b-154a)
    • al-qism 4 (vol. 2, fol. 157b-336b)
    On the title page of volume 2 are several autographs of readers and an owner with his seal impression, and a waqf statement dated 1137 [1724/25] by Muḥammad ibn Khalīl ibn Ibrāhīm al-Diyārbakrī that he had dedicated this volume and the ones before to God, not to be owned nor sold nor given away nor pawned. Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Ahlwardt, Verzeichnis der arabischen Handschriften, 7401-3,5.
    • Catalogue des manuscrits arabes de la Bibliothèque Nationale, 3308-12.
    • Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium (1846), 572.
    • Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen handschriften der Kaiserlich-königlichen hofbibliothik zu Wien, 363-5.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett Coll., 183, 184.
    • Pertsch, Die orientalischen handschriften der Herzoglichen bibliothek zu Gotha, 2127.
    Other format(s)
    Also available in an electronic version.
    Other title(s)
    • جزء الاول من يتيمة الدهر
    • جزء الثاني من يتيمة الدهر
    Title on case of volume 1
    • Juzʼ al-awwal min Yatīmat al-dahr
    Title on case of volume 2
    • Juzʼ al-thānī min Yatīmat al-dahr
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