ff. 218. 205 x 150; 160 x 95 mm. 27 lin. Dhū al-ḥijjah 1080; collated with the autograph in Jumādá I, 1081.
Baghdādī, Īḍāḥ al-maknūn, II, 695 attributes this title to ḥamza ibn Aḥmad al-ḥusaynī, d. 874/ 1469 or 70; Fihris al-kutub al-mawjūdah bi-al-Maktabah al-Azharīyah, II, 290 (anon.).
Incip.: ... الحمد لله الذى وفقنا لفقه ... باب الجمعة والعىدبن
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