(1720). An Act for laying a duty upon wrought plate: and for applying money arising for the clear produce (by sale of the forfeited estates) towards answering His Majesties supply; and for taking off the drawbacks upon hops exported for Ireland; and for payment of annuities to b purchased after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum at the Exchequer, redeemable by Parliament; and for appropriating supplies granted in this session of Parliament; and to prevent counterfeiting receipts and warrants of the officers of the South-Sea Company; and for explaining a late Act concerning foreign salt cellar'd and lock'd up before the four and twentieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and nineteen; and to give a further time for paying duties on certain apprentices indentures; and for relief of Thomas Vernon Esq; in relation to a parcel of senna imported in the year one thousand seven hundred and sixteen. [London: printed by John Baskett, and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, deceas'd.