[United States steel industry; historic documents #2B]

30 v., v.77-106 (v.1-76 contained in file #2A, IR-11573A)


Summary note
This is a diverse collection of materials chronicling the history of the United States steel industry.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
  • [77] Statement of international wage policy committee / United Steelworkers of America, 1963
  • [78] Recent steel price increases: an analytical statement / United Steelworkers of America, 1950
  • [79] Annual labor institutes / United Steelworkers of America at the Pennsylvania State College, 1946
  • [80] Here's how USWA dues work for you! / United Steelworkers of America, 1960
  • [81] Role of labor-management relations in economic growth: role of labor / by David J. McDonald, 1963
  • [82] Collective bargaining relationship in the United States and its relationship to productivity and technological change / by Otis Brubaker, 1957
  • [83] Automation and employment 1964 / Department of Education, United Steelworkers of America, 1964
  • [84] Economic documentation of the steelworkers' position in the 1959 steel strike / Research Department, United Steelworkers of America, 1959
  • [85] Labor's philosophy concerning cost reduction programs / by Joseph N. Scanlon, 1945
  • [86] Labor's interest in financial information / by Otis Brubaker, 1948
  • [87] Vacation plans in united steelworkers of America contracts / United Steelworkers of America, 1948
  • [88] Labor's views on American economic policies / prepared by Clinton S. Golden, 1943
  • [89] Steelworkers' need for a wage increase / United Steelworkers of America, 1956
  • [90] Opening statement made before the subcommittee on antitrust and monopoly of the senate judiciary committee / by David J. MacDonald, 1957
  • [91] 1954 guaranteed wage plan proposal / United Steelworkers of America, 1954
  • [92] Arbitration information bulletin no. 143 / United Steelworkers of America, March 13, 1945
  • [93] Homestead health survey: summary and conclusions / United Steelworkers of America, 1956
  • [94] Study of comparative economic relationships in the iron and steel industry in recent years / United Steelworkers of America, Research Department, 1947
  • [95] Application of the wage portion of the steel 'pattern' settlement / from David J. McDonald, August 13, 1956
  • [96] What it might be like / by Robert J. Blakely, 1955
  • [97] Outline of the history of the united steelworkers of America / United Steelworkers of America, 1955
  • [98] Union is you!: the grievances handbook / United Steelworkers of America, 1973
  • [99] USWA safety and health program / International Safety and Health Department, United Steelworkers of America, 1971
  • [100] Audit report January 1 to June 30, 1966 / International Union, United Steelworkers of America, 1966.
  • [101] Steel strike injunction affirmed by U.S. supreme court / Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 1959
  • [102] Civil rights guidelines / United Steelworkers of America, 1970
  • [103] Address at dinner observing 40th anniversary, American Arbitration Association / by I. W. Abel, 1966
  • [104] Reaching the new member / United Steelworkers of America, 1970
  • [105] Handbook on procedure and preparation of cases before national war labor board / by United Steelworkers of America, 1942
  • [106] Pages and indices to be filed in front of loose-leaf binder / United Steelworkers of America, 1969.
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