Handbook of forensic anthropology and archaeology / Soren Blau and Douglas H. Ubelaker, editors.

Walnut Creek, Calif. : Left Coast Press, c2009.
534 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.


Library of Congress genre(s)
World Archaeological Congress research handbooks in archaeology [More in this series]
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • 1. Forensic anthropology and archaeology: introduction to a broader view / Soren Blau and Douglas H. Ubelaker
  • pt. 1. History of the disciplines.
  • 2. Forensic anthropology and archaeology: past and present, a United Kingdom perspective / Margaret Cox
  • 3. Forensic anthropology and archaeology: perspectives from Italy / Cristina Cattaneo
  • 4. Forensic anthropology: perspectives from France / Eric Baccino
  • 5. A history of forensic anthropology in Spain / José L. Prieto
  • 6. The application of forensic anthropology to the investigation of political violence in South America / Luis Fondebrider
  • 7. Historical development of forensic anthropology: perspectives from the United States / Douglas H. Ubelaker
  • 8. Forensic anthropology: Canadian content and contributions / Mark Skinner and Kristina Bowie
  • 9. The development and current state of forensic anthropology: an Australian perspective / Denise Donlon
  • 10. Historical perspectives on forensic anthropology in Indonesia / Etty Indriati
  • pt. 2. Forensic archaeology.
  • 11. The search for and detection of human remains / Thomas D. Holland and Samuel V. Connell
  • 12. Excavation and recovery in forensic archaeological investigations / Paul N. Cheetham and Ian Hanson
  • pt. 3. Forensic anthropology.
  • 13. Differentiating human from non-human skeletal remains / Dawn Mulhern 14. Dating of anthropological skeletal remains of forensic interest / Shari Forbes and Kimberly Nugent
  • 15. Analysis of commingled human remains / John Byrd and Bradley J. Adams
  • 16. The assessment of ancestry and the concept of race / Norman J. Sauer and Jane C. Wankmiller
  • 17. Anthropological estimation of sex / Valeria Silva Braz
  • 18. Skeletal age estimation / Tracy L. Rogers
  • 19. Histological age estimation / Christian M. Crowder
  • 20. Stature estimation / P. Willey
  • 21. Antemortem trauma / Eugénia Cunha and João Pinheiro --
  • 22. Perimortem trauma / Louise Loe
  • 23. Forensic taphonomy / Stephen P. Nawrocki
  • 24. Burned human remains / Tim Thompson
  • 25. Craniofacial identification: techniques of facial approximation and craniofacial superimposition / Carl N. Stephan
  • 26. Biomolecular applications / Lori Baker
  • 27. Forensic odontology / John Gerald Clement
  • pt. 4. The crime and disaster scene: case studies in forensic archaeology and anthropology.
  • 28. Domestic homicide investigations: an example from the United States / Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, William Basler, Michael J. Hochrein, Dennis F. Klein, and Julia C. Goodin
  • 29. Domestic homicide investigations in the United Kingdom / John Hunter
  • 30. Forensic anthropology in disaster response / Paul S. Sledzik
  • 31. Medico-legal investigations of atrocities committed during the Solomon Islands "Ethnic Tensions" / Melanie Archer and Malcolm J. Dodd
  • 32. Disaster anthropology: the 2004 Asian tsunami / Sue Black
  • 33. The role of the anthropologist in disaster victim identification: the Bali incidents of 2002 and 2004 / Christopher A. Briggs and Alanah M. Buck
  • 34. Dealing with the remains of conflict: an international response to crimes against humanity, forensic recovery, identification, and repatriation in the former Yugoslavia / Jon Sterenberg
  • 35. Forensic anthropology and archaeology in Guatemala / Ambika Flavel and Caroline Barker
  • 36. Grave challenges in Iraq / Derek Congram and Jon Sterenberg
  • pt. 5. The professional forensic anthropologist.
  • 37. More than just bare bones: ethical considerations for forensic anthropologists / Soren Blau
  • 38. How to do forensic archaeology under the auspices of the United Nations and other large organizations / Richard Wright and Ian Hanson
  • 39. Contribution of quantitative methods in forensic anthropology: a new era / Ann H. Ross and Erin H. Kimmerle
  • 40. The expert witness and the court of law / Maciej Henneberg
  • 41. Legal aspects of identification / David Ranson
  • 42. Global perspectives on issues in forensic anthropology / Douglas H. Ubelaker and Soren Blau.
  • 9781598740745 (hardcover : alk. paper)
  • 1598740741 (hardcover : alk. paper)
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