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Princeton University Library Catalog
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The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933-1945.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press ; [Washington, D.C.] : In association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, c2009.
Bloomington : Indiana University Press ; [Washington, D.C.] : in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, [2009]-
volumes <4 in 6> : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm.
Nazi concentration camps
Jewish ghettos
Europe, Eastern
World War, 1939-1945
Concentration camps
World War, 1939-1945
Megargee, Geoffrey P., 1959-
Related name
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Library of Congress genre(s)
Getty AAT genre
Summary note
Created by the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the monumental 7-volume encyclopaedia that the present work inaugurates will make available - in one place for the first time - detailed information about the universe of camps, sub-camps, and ghettos established and operated by the Nazis - altogether some 20,000 sites, from Norway to North Africa and from France to Russia. This volume covers three groups of camps: the early camps established in the first year of Hitler's rule, the major concentration camps with their constellations of sub-camps that operated under the control of the SS-Business Administration Main Office, and youth camps. Overview essays precede entries on individual camps and sub-camps. Each entry provides basic information about the purpose of the site; the prisoners, guards, working and living conditions; and key events in its history. Material drawn from personal testimonies helps convey the character of each site, while source citations for each entry provide a path to additional information.
General editor: Geoffrey P. Megargee.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Association of Jewish Libraries Judaica Reference Award, 2010.
v. 1, pt. A. The early National Socialist concentration camps. Introduction to the early camps
Camps and subcamp under the SS-inspectorate of concentration camps/business administration main office. The genesis and structure of the National Socialist concentration camps ; Arbeitsdorf main camp ; Auschwitz I main camp ; Auschwitz II-Birkenau main camp ; Auschwitz III-Monowitz main camp (aka Buna) ; Auschwitz subcamp system ; Bergen-Belsen main camp ; Buchenwald main camp ; Buchenwald subcamp system ; Dachau main camp ; Dachau subcamp system ; Flossenbürg main camp ; Flossenbürg subcamp system ; Gross-Rosen main camp ; Gross-Rosen subcamp system ; Herzogenbusch main camp (aka Vught) ; Hinzert main camp ; Kauen main camp (aka Kaunas, Kovno, Kowno, also Slobadka)
v. 1, pt. B. Krakau-Plaszow main camp ; Lublin main camp (aka Majdanek) ; Mauthausen main camp ; Mauthausen subcamp system ; Mittelbau main camp (aka Dora) ; Mittelbau subcamp system ; Natzweiler-Struthof main camp (aka Natzweiler, Struthof) ; Natzweiler subcamp system ; Gruppe "Wüste" complex ; Neuengamme main camp ; Neuengamme subcamp system ; Ravensbrück main camp ; Ravensbrück subcamp system ; Riga-Kaiserwald main camp (aka Mez̆aparks) ; Sachsenhausen main camp ; Sachsenhausen subcamp system ; SS-Baubrigaden and SS-Eisenbahnbaubrigaden ; Stutthof main camp ; Stutthof subcamp system ; Vaivara main camp ; Warschau main camp ; Wewelsburg main camp (aka Niederhagen)
Youth camps. Introduction to youth camps.
v. 2, pt. A. Incorporated eastern territories. Zichenau region (Regierungsbezirk Zichenau) ; Warthegau region (Reichsgau Wartheland) ; Eastern Upper Silesia region (Ost-Oberschlesien)
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (Protekrorat Böhmen und Mahren)
General Government (Generalgouvernement). Radom region (Distrikt Radom) ; Warsaw region (Distrikt Warschau) ; Kraków region (Distrikt Krakau); Lublin region (Distrikt Lublin); Eastern Galicia region (Distrikt Galizien)
Białystok region (Distrikt Bialystok)
v. 2, pt. B. Reich Commissariat Ostland (Reichskommissariat Ostland) ; Estonia and Latvia regions (Generalkommissariat Estland und Generalkommissariat Lettland) ; Lithuania region (Generalkommissariat Litauen) ; Weissruthenien region (Generalkommissariat Weissruthenien)
Reich Commissariat Ukraine (Reichskommissariat Ukraine). Volhynia and Podolia region (Generalkommissariat Wolhynien und Podolien) ; Zhytomyr region (Generalkommissariat Shitomir) ; Kiev region (Generalkommissariat Kiew) ; Nikolaev and Dnepropetrovsk regions (Generalkommissariate Nikolajew und Dnjepropetrowsk)
Regions of the USSR under German military occupation. Eastern Belorussia region ; Eastern Ukraine and Crimea region ; Occupied Russian Territory
German-occupied Greece.
v. 3. Camps and Ghettos under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany ; Croatia pp. 45-78
Finland pp. 79-88
France/Vichy pp. 89-239
Vichy Africa pp. 240-300
Hungary pp. 301-388
Italy pp. 389-478
Italian-Occupied Albania pp. 479-501
Italian-Occupied East Africa (Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia) pp. 502-504
Italian-Occupied Greece pp. 505-526
Italian-Occupied North Africa pp. 527-530
Italian-Occupied Southeast France pp. 531-539
Italian-Occupied Yugoslavia pp. 540-558
Norway pp. 559-568
Romania pp. 569-830
Serbia pp. 831-840
Slovakia pp. 841-892
Tunisia (French and Italian Camps) pp. 893-902
List of Abbreviations pp. 903-926
Table of Approximate Rank Equivalents pp. 927-930
List of Contributors pp. 931-934
About the Editor pp. 935-936
Names Index pp. 937-952
Places Index pp. 953-976
Organizations and Enterprises Index pp. 977-990
v. 4. Camps and other detention facilities under the German armed forces. Wehrmacht prisoner of war camps
Prisoner of war special camps
Camps and other facilities for civilians
Tunisia Wehrmacht camps
Wehrmacht disciplinary facilities
Names index
Places index
Organizations and enterprises index.
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Other title(s)
Encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933-1945
9780253353283 (v. 1 set : cloth : alk. paper)
0253353289 (v. 1 set : cloth : alk. paper)
9780253354280 (v. 1, pt. A : alk. paper)
0253354285 (v. 1, pt. A : alk. paper)
9780253354297 (v. 1, pt. B : alk. paper)
0253354293 (v. 1, pt. B : alk. paper)
9780253355997 (v. 2 set : cloth : alk. paper)
0253355990 (v. 2 set : cloth : alk. paper)
9780253002266 (v. 2, pt. A : alk. paper)
0253002265 (v. 2, pt. A : alk. paper)
9780253002273 (v. 2, pt. B : alk. paper)
0253002273 (v. 2, pt. B : alk. paper)
9780253023735 (v. 3, : alk. paper)
0253023734 (v. 3, : alk. paper)
0253060893 (v. 4)
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Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage.
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Other versions
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945, vol. III : Camps and Ghettos under European Regimes Aligned with Nazi Germany.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of camps and ghettos, 1933-1945. Volume IV, Camps and other detention facilities under the German Armed Forces / editor, Geoffrey P. Megargee.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945. Volume III, Camps and ghettos under European regimes aligned with Nazi Germany / volume editor, Joseph R. White ; contributing editor, Mel Hecker.