[Insurance; social security documents through the 1930s]

68 v.


Summary note
These are materials pertaining to social security coverage in the 1930s.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
  • [1] Social security legislation / by K. H. Condit, Editor for American Machinist, 1935
  • [2] Summary: social security act / by Research Division, Group Department, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1935
  • [3] Workers' unemployment, old-age, and social insurance (report no. 418) / by House of Representatives, 74th Congress, 1st Session, March 15, 1935
  • [4] Bill to provide for the establishment of unemployment and social insurance, and for other purposes (H. R. 7598) / by House of Representatives, 73d Congress, 2d Session, February 2, 1934
  • [5] Bill to provide for the establishment of unemployment, old age, and social insurance (H. R. 2827) / by House of Representatives, 74th Congress, 1st Session, January 3, 1935
  • [6] Need for economic security in United States / by the Committee on Economic Security, [1934]
  • [7] Business literature: a monthly note (vol. VII, no.8) / by Public Library of Newark, 1935
  • [8] Summary: social security bill H.R. 7260 / by Research Division, Group Department, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1935
  • [9] Summary: economic security proposals now before congress / by Research Division, Group Department, Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1935
  • [10] Scope of insecurity in the United States / by Committee on Economic Security, [1935]
  • [11] Social security legislation / by National Retail Dry Goods Association, [1935]
  • [12] Facts about old age security / prepared by Committee on Social Legislation of the National Conference of Business Paper Editors and the Associated Business Papers, Inc., 1935
  • [13] Financial aspects of social legislation now before congress / by William J. Graham, [1935]
  • [14] Modern economic trends and the need for social security / by Broadus Mitchell, Economist, Johns Hopkins University, 1935
  • [15] Analysis of the social security act / by Insurance R&R, 1935
  • [16] Summary of address by Harold B. Butler before the National Conference on Economic Security / by Harold B. Butler, Director of the International Labor Office, 1934
  • [17] Problem of insecurity / by Committee on Economic Security, [1935]
  • [18] Outlook for economic security / by Dr. Joseph P. Harris, 1935
  • [19] French social insurance law / by Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1930
  • [20] Address of Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, before the National conference on Economic Security / by Frances Perkins, 1934
  • [21] Plans for old-age security studied as a leading issue / by Barbara N. Armstrong, 1934
  • [22] Social reserves / text of talk by President P. W. Litchfield, 1934
  • [23] Insurance and labor laws section: new French social insurance law / by Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, [1935]
  • [24] Economic insecurity in "normal" times / by Committee on Economic Security, [1935]
  • [25] Retailer's economic security plan / by Executive Committee, 1935
  • [26] Report of committee on social legislation regarding old age security section of the bill H.R. 7260 / by Business Advisory Council for the Department of Commerce
  • [27] Social insurance: address of P. Tecumseh Sherman before insurance department round table / by Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1931
  • [28] Unemployment insurance asked by the president "for recovery" Iowa enacts 28th pension law / by Social Security, 1934
  • [29] High lights of social security laws / by Louis Toth, 1935
  • [30] Federal social security legislation / by Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1935
  • [31] Two special reports on social legislation / by Business Advisory Council, 1935
  • [32] Social security with social justice / by Frank G. Dickinson, 1935
  • [33] Financing the social security act / by Bureau of Research and Statistics of the Social Security Board, 1936
  • [34] Social security amendments explained / published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1939
  • [35] Social security controversy / by T.J. Hamilton, Jr., 1936
  • [36] Constitutionality of the social security act (document no. 74) / by U.S. Senate, 75th Congress, 1st Session, 1937
  • [37] Revamping social security / by Rainard B. Robbins, 1939
  • [38] Social security for household employees / radio talk by Mary Anderson, Director, Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, 1939
  • [39] Democracy and security / presidential address by Reinhard A. Hohaus, President of American Institute of Actuaries, 1939
  • [40] Truth about social security / by Democratic National Campaign Committee, [1939]
  • [41] Conservation of industrial capitalism: a challenge to our collective intelligence - the problem of social security and progress under the social security act / by J. Douglas Brown, 1939
  • [42] Turning point in social security / speech by Abraham Epstein, Executive Secretary, American Association for Social Security, 1939
  • [43] Treasury income over five years has climbed to 1922-30 average / published by New York Times, 1938
  • [44] Future of social security: needed amendments in the present law / by New Republic, 1937
  • [45] Obligation of social security / address by James H. R. Cromwell, 1938
  • [46] Main features of the federal social security act, the federal and the New York State unemployment insurance laws and the unemployment compensation law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts / by Mount & Carter, [1939]
  • [47] Social insurance: a select list / by General Assembly Library, 1937
  • [48] Status of social security act at end of June 1937 (serial no. R. 627) / by Monthly Labor Review, 1937
  • [49] 19 states approved for social security / published by New York Times, 1936
  • [50] Are 'security' pensions a bargain? / by M. A. Linton, President of the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1936.
  • [51] Notice: deductions from pay start Jan. 1 / by Social Security Board, 1937
  • [52] Development of the federal social security act: a selected list of references / compiled by Helen Baker, Librarian, Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University, 1936
  • [53] Social security: A.P.W.A. bibliography no. 2 / prepared by American Public Welfare Association, 1936
  • [54] Nonpartisan social security commission sponsored by the Hearst newspapers authorizes the subjoined statement of its views on reserves / by Nonpartisan Social Security Commission, 1937
  • [55] Social security steal / by Roger Sherman Hoar, [1936]
  • [56] Bulletin / by Consumers' League of New Jersey, 1936
  • [57] What's new in social security literature / by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, May 8, 1936
  • [58] Address by Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, made over a national broadcasting company network Thursday night, August 15, 1935 / by National Broadcasting Company, 1935
  • [59] Social security betrayed / by Abraham Epstein, 1936
  • [60] What's new in social security literature / by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, May 15, 1936
  • [61] Social security act and personnel administration / by O. Preston Robinson, 1937
  • [62] European and American social security parallels / by C. A. Kulp, 1938
  • [63] Records necessary under social security laws / published by Horwath Hotel Accountant, 1937
  • [64] Social security laws (service bulletin no. 5-46) / by The Horwath Hotel Accountant, 1936
  • [65] Social security: selected list of references on unemployment, old age and health insurance (preliminary) / prepared by Helen Baker, Librarian, Industrial Relations Section, 1936
  • [66] Scope of the social security law: who shall participate in the unemployment compensation and contributory old-age provisions / by Rainard B. Robbins, 1937
  • [67] Chester Wright's social security letters (April 1937 - March 1938) / published by Chester M. Wright and Associates, 1938
  • [68] Regulations concerning management of public pension fund etc. / Stockholm, 1936.
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