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Princeton University Library Catalog
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[Ladies Garment Workers Union; International]
170 v.
Summary note
This is a collection of historic documents from the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Statement before the subcommittee on study of monopoly power / by Lazare Teper, 1949
[2] Health and welfare programs of New York City locals of the international ladies garment workers union / International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 1946
[3] Educational qualification courses for officers / Educational Department, ILGWU, 1938
[4] Radio stations run by labor / by Frederick F. Umhey, 1947
[5] Why is our union different? / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1939
[6] Leadership training institute as described by Tamaara Danish / Educational Department, ILGWU, 1947
[7] Why adult labor education / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1957
[8] Workers' education - the dream and the reality / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1948
[9] Why workers' education? / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1947
[10] Union counseling / Waist and Dress Joint Board, 1947
[11] Application for admission to training institute / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1952
[12] Function of management in achieving sound labor relations / by Lazare Teper, 1949
[13] Women in America / from Justice, 1955
[14] Garment workers: welfare unionism / by Mark Starr, 1954
[15] Workers' education in a troubled world / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1949
[16] Union participation in high productivity / by William Gomberg, 1946
[17] Organized farmers and workers / Educational Department, ILGWU, 1941
[18] Memorandum on the testimony of Dr. John V. Van Sickle / by Lazare Teper, 1948
[19] Union members learn to live and lead / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1953
[20] Adult labor education in a troubled world: a guide for teachers / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1958
[21] Education is a must / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1971
[22] Seventh avenue - road to improved labor-management relations / by Mark Starr, 1958
[23] Philosophy of workers' education / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1948
[24] Union interest in engineering techniques / by William Gomberg, 1946
[25] Understanding basic problems / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1949
[26] ILGWU cooperative village: a dream come true / by Abraham E. Kazan, 1961
[27] Labor relations as a function of management / by Lazare Teper, 1948
[28] Conditions in the women's garment industry / Research Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1964
[29] ILGWU management engineering department / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1948
[30] Wage dilemma 1947 / by Lazare Teper, 1947
[31] New advance in union democracy: when organizers organize / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1961
[32] Right to organize: do union staff employees have it? / Advisory Council of Representatives Unions, 1961
[33] Conditions in the women's garment industry / Research Department, ILGWU, 1963
[34] Prices and steady economic growth: an issue in public policy formulation / by Lazare Teper, 1958
[35] Negro's stake in the future of American industry / by Mark Starr, 1948
[36] Minimum wage: what it means / from Justice, 1955
[37] Social security after 65 / from Justice, 1955
[38] Battle of the rules / Political Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1961
[39] Rules and regulations: retirement fund of the coat and suit industry in the New York metropolitan area / Retirement Fund of the Coat and Suit Industry, [1943]
[40] Immediate release concerning biennial report / from Mark Starr, 1950
[41] Plan and program: international ladies' garment workers' union training institute / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1952
[42] We kept our faith: a memorial to our triangle victims / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1961
[43] Let's give to get what we need / ILGWU 1962 Campaign Committee, 1962
[44] Training for union leadership / by David Dubinsky, 1945
[45] Health and welfare funds in the needle trades / by Adolph Held, 1948
[46] Here's our hand / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1963
[47] Trends and prospects in the women's garment industry 1962-1965 / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1965
[48] This thing called productivity / by Lazare Teper, 1948
[49] Headlines for local 35's achievements / Union Health Center, January 1945
[50] Labor examines time study methods / by William Gomberg, 1944.
[51] Relationship between the unions and engineers / by William Gomberg, 1943
[52] Management and labor make strong medicine / by Dr. Lazare Teper, 1947
[53] Officers' duties for officers of the international ladies' garment workers' union / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1947
[54] Union health center claim card / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, date unknown
[55] Information bulletin / United Cloak, Suit, Infants' and Children's Coat Operators and Samplemakers' Union Local 117, ILGWU, February 1946
[56] Letter to members concerning benefits / Unity House, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1952
[57] Higher education and organized labor / by Mark Starr, 1955
[58] New York City election statistics 1944-1957 / ILGWU Policital Department, 1957
[59] Our program / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1958
[60] Conditions in the women's garment industry / Research Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1958
[61] Workers' education and the social studies / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1944
[62] Working women in action / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1936
[63] Health survey of workers in garment industry as part of preventitive-medicine program / Joseph H. Kaplan, Nathaniel N. Bennett, and Grace Foley, 1951
[64] Throwback to terrible thirties - outrage / San Antonio AFL-CIO Council, 1959
[65] ILGWU benefit funds / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1970
[66] Financial report of the health and welfare retirement and supplementary unemployment - severance funds / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1964
[67] By-laws of the supplementary unemployment severance benefits fund, ILGWU / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1960
[68] ILGWU political department / Political Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1956
[69] Struggle for the schools / by Mark Starr, 1954
[70] Organized labor and politics / by Gus Tyler, 1961
[71] Workers' family budgets in wage negotiations / by Lazare Teper, 1947
[72] Speech problems in labor - management relations / by Mark Starr, 1953
[73] Immediate release on ILGWU training institute enrollment of students for 1953-1954 sessions / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Training Institute, 1953
[74] Planning for freedom / by Mark Starr, 1947
[75] UNESCO: its objectives and how to implement them / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1947
[76] American adventure in workers' education / by Charles A. Beard, 1936
[77] With these hands / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1960]
[78] Vote liberal party! pamphlet / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1947
[79] Constitution and by-laws of ILGWU health insurance fund / by International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1942
[80] Semi-annual report: educational activities / by Mark Starr, Educational Director of ILGWU, [1945]
[81] Dramatic group presents "musical Americana" produced and directed by Lee K. Bendheim and Edward Dinetor / play pamphlet by ILGWU, [1945]
[82] Social and educational centers, New York City / by ILGWU, Educational Department, 1940
[83] Planning for freedom / by Mark Starr, Educational Director, ILGWU, 1945
[84] International ladies garment workers union presents "whirrs with music" a musical revue in three scenes by Lee K. Bendheim / play pamphlet by ILGWU, [1945]
[85] Workers' education and the social studies / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1945
[86] Labor needs learning...and vice versa / by Mark Starr, 1942
[87] Purging the text books / by Mark Starr, 1945
[88] Meet your boss! what we did for him; what he did for us / by Joint Board Dress & Waistmakers' Union, [1932]
[89] Notes on the indexes of unit labor costs of the B.L.S. / paper presented by Lazare Teper, Director of Research, ILGWU, 1946
[90] Radio stations run by labor / by Frederick F. Umhey, Executive Secretary of ILGWU, [1946]
[91] Teacher, lecturer, discussion leader gets his inspiration from his audience / by Fannia M. Cohn, [1940]
[92] Labor's record speaks / by Educational Department, ILGWU, 1943
[93] State writes a textbook: New York's new book on labor relations / by Mark Starr, Educational Director, ILGWU, 1943
[94] Workers' education / by Mark Starr, 1943
[95] Statement of receipts and disbursements of the general funds, and benefit funds of the locals, joint boards and general office (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1935) / compiled by Auditing Department, ILGWU, 1946
[96] Statement of receipts and disbursements of the general funds and benefit funds of the locals, joint boards and general office (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1941) / compiled by Auditing Department, ILGWU, 1942
[97] Statement of receipts and disbursements of the general funds, and benefit funds of the locals, joint boards and general office (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1944) / compiled by Auditing Department, ILGWU, 1945
[98] Work in the clinic for the first six months of 1944 / by ILGWU, 1944
[99] Review of the strike / by Citizens' Emergency Committee, [1930]
[100] Seniority, work sharing / by ILGWU, 1940.
[101] Letter with an urgent appeal for an immediate contribution for the ladies' tailors in the fashionable shops of the fifth avenue couturiers' association and a few independent employers / by Citizen's Emergency Committe, 1930
[102] You and the world: learning, playing, action / by ILGWU, Educational Department, 1946
[103] Many union / by ILGWU, 1946
[104] Basic facts and figures on the women's apparel industry / by Lazare Teper, Director of Research, ILGWU, 1941
[105] Questions and answers about the Wagner Act / by ILGWU, [1945]
[106] Letter to Norman C. Dahl concerning the northeast department of the international ladies' garment workers union / by James M. Barker, Executive Secretary, Health Fund, Waterproof Garment Workers Union, 1946
[107] Periodic health examinations - important findings among garment workers / by Leo Price, Assistant Director, Union Health Center, 1942
[108] Rules and regulations of the health fund / by Joint Board of the Dress and Waistmakers' Union of Greater New York, 1944
[109] Laborite looks at the business world plan / by William Gomberg, 1943
[110] Opportunity for leadership / by Julius Hochman, 1943
[111] Local 24's highway of health (vol.1, no.1) / published by Health Fund of Local 24, Waterproof Garment Worker's Union, ILGWU, 1945
[112] Union health center of the ILGWU / by Pauline M. Newman, [1936]
[113] Statement to the New York state temporary commission to formulate a health plan / by Leo Price, Assistant Director of Union Health Center, 1938
[114] Limitations of the existing productivity measures and the need for new studies / by Lazare Teper, Director of Research, ILGWU, 1946
[115] New dress agreement / by Julius Hochman, 1941
[116] Some pertinent facts about housing cooperatives and prospectus on seward park housing cooperative / by Community Services, Inc., [1961]
[117] Unions fight Jim Crow and racism / by Mark Starr, Educational Director of ILGWU, 1946
[118] In the matter of the application of Nathaniel M. Minkoff... to confirm the ward of arbitration, etc. against Jaunty Junior Inc. / by N.Y. Supreme Court, 1942
[119] Role of labor in the war effort / by Mark Starr, 1943
[120] Where's my raise? / by Cotton Dress & Misc. Trades Department, [1945]
[121] Working women in action / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1936
[122] Librarians and labor / by Mark Starr, 1946
[123] Publication list / by ILGWU, [1938]
[124] Agreement between Joint Board of the Cloak, Skirt, Dress and Reefer Makers' Unions of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and ... / by ILGWU, 1924
[125] 7 million allies / by Dressmakers Union, Local 22, ILGWU, 1946
[126] On complaints and grievances / by Dressmakers Union, local 22, ILGWU, 1940
[127] Coming great expansion in public education / by Mark Starr, 1945
[128] What unionism means to you! / by Dressmakers Union, local 22, ILGWU, 1940
[129] Know your city: our saturday visits to points of interest / by Educational Department, ILGWU, [1941]
[130] Get in step!: educational courses / by Dressmakers Union, Local 22, ILGWU, [1939]
[131] Planning for freedom / by Mark Starr, 1945
[132] Learning and living the union way / by ILGWU Students and Teachers in New York City Classes, [1940]
[133] Social educational centers / by ILGWU, 1939
[134] Education: a never-ending process / by Mark Starr, 1943
[135] Can women lead? / by Fannia M. Cohn, 1936
[136] Publications list / by Educational Director, ILGWU, [1943]
[137] Our aim (vol. VI, no. 49) / by Local 91 ILGWU, 1941
[138] Protocol / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and Boston Ladies' Garment Manufacturers Association, [1950]
[139] Why the new industrial program? / Dressmakers Union, Local 22, ILGWU, 1941
[140] Design for victory / ILGWU Campaign Committee for Roosevelt and Truman, date unknown
[141] Educational program / Educational Department, Dressmakers Union, Local 22, ILGWU, 1941
[142] ILGWU publications 1939 / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1939
[143] In the beginning - children's dress, infant's wear, housedress and bathrobe makers union / Local 91, ILGWU, [1941]
[144] You can earn $450.00 an hour, here's how / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1948]
[145] Liberal votes liberal / Liberal Party, [1947]
[146] ILGWU publications 1942-3 / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1943]
[147] How lucky is my social security number? / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1945]
[148] Welcome to our union / Dressmakers Union Local 22, ILGWU, [1946]
[149] Let the record speak / by Mark Starr, 1943
[150] Thanks: report ILGWU war relief fund / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1944.
[151] ILGWU program vitality for victory / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1945]
[152] Collective agreement 1936-1939 / between Popular Priced Dress Manufacturers Group, Inc., and International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union and Joint Board of Dress and Waistmakers' Union of Greater New York, 1936
[153] Songs - knowledge is power / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1945]
[154] Pleased to meet you / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1946]
[155] Meet the ILGWU / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1946
[156] What every member should know about his rights, privileges and duties / International Laies' Garment Workers' Union, 1946
[157] Unity centers of the international ladies' garment workers' union / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1920
[158] Philadelphia union health center: rules and regulations / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1942
[159] Annual report of local 91 - ILGWU 1946 / by Harry Greenberg, 1946
[160] Local 91 annual report for the year 1939 / by Harry Greenberg, 1939
[161] Local 32 ILGWU - and this is your union / Corset and Brassiere Workers Union, 1953
[162] Facts every member of local 23, ILGWU, should know / International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1954]
[163] We're glad you're here / Dressmakers Union Local 22, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, AFL, [1952]
[164] Introducing local 40 ILGWU / Beltmakers Union, [1954]
[165] Local 40 ILGWU - your union guide / Beltmakers Union, [1954]
[166] ILGWU publications 1939-40 / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, [1940]
[167] ILGWU publications 1940-41 / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1941
[168] Home town union: the story of the ILGWU in fall river and vicinity / District of Southern New England, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1948
[169] We shall be free: festival dance and pageant of the ILGWU student fellowship / Educational Department, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, 1937
[170] In the matter of the Cleveland cloak, suit, skirt and dress industry / Miller, Franklin & Basset, 1920.
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