An anthology of Qurʼanic commentaries.

Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press ; London : in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2008-2021.
2 volumes ; 26 cm.


Summary note
  • "On the Nature of the Divine analyses the works of twenty selected Sunni, Shi'i, Ibadi, Mu'tazili, and Sufi commentators on six Qur'anic verses, revealing varied approaches to the scripture and its meaning. In their attempts to discern God's nature, the commentators inevitably introduce their own particular theological concerns into their commentaries. Contextual introductions and annotated translations allow the reader to follow the genesis of key intellectual debates and religio-political attitudes still relevant to the lives of Muslims today. This combination of previously untranslated texts and extensive annotation provides an invaluable and innovative contribution to the field of Islamic studies."--Jacket.
  • "An Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries, Volume II: On Women offers a thematic overview of the subject of 'women' in the Qur'an and in the commentarial tradition known as tafsīr. Influential commentaries on five key Qur'anic verses are made accessible through extensive introductory materials and critically annotated translations, while contemporary debates are addressed in interviews with Muslim scholars, including women themselves. On Women addresses sociocultural and legal issues that impact Muslims' daily lives in the private and public sphere."--Back cover.
Bibliographic references
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
  • Volume I. On the nature of the divine: Seeking the face of God ; God's throne and the seat of knowledge ; Incumbent mercy ; Light of heavens and the earth ; The measure ; Oneness / edited by Feras Hamza and Sajjad Rizvi, with Farhana Mayer
  • Volume II. On women: Human creation (Q. 4:1) ; Mary (Q. 3:35-6) ; Marital roles (Q. 4:34) ; The veil (Q. 24:31) ; Women's testimony (Q. 2:282) / edited by Karen Bauer and Feras Hamza.
Volume I has title
  • On the nature of the divine
Volume II has title
  • On women
  • 9780197200001 ((v. 1))
  • 0197200001 ((v. 1))
  • 9780199600595 ((pbk ; v. 1))
  • 0199600597 ((pbk ; v. 1))
  • 9780192842855 ((hardcover ; : Vol. 2))
  • 0192842854 ((hardcover ; : Vol. 2))
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