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[Strikes ... lockouts ... injunctions #2]
72 v.
Summary note
This collection is comprised of a broad range of publication materials associated with strikes, lockouts, and injunctions.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Strikes and the public interest / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1946
[2] Conviction on "red" issue voided / New York Times, June 18, 1941
[3] To end strikes: can democracy find a way? / by R. L. Duffus, 1934
[4] London dock dispute / Ministry of Labour and National Service, 1945
[5] Telephone strike discussed / by Henry Mayer, 1944
[6] List of bibliographies on strikes / Library of Congress, Division of Bibliography, 1922
[7] What do strikes teach us? / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1946
[8] Public bill of rights urged to cut strikes / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1946
[9] What can we do about strikes? / by Merlyn S. Pitzele, 1946
[10] Wartime strikes in American industry / National Association of Manufacturers, 1942
[11] Dry up the defense industry strike menace / National Metal Trades Association, 1941
[12] Strike is upheld for closed shop / from New York Times, September 15, 1937
[13] Sit-down ended in grand stores / from [New York Times], March 26, 1937
[14] Act on delivery strike / source unknown, April 14, 1938
[15] Some clerks aid strike at stores / source unknown, April 16, 1938
[16] Philadelphia strike hits 4 big stores / from New York Times, April 13, 1938
[17] Peace moves made in store strikes / source unknown, March 23, 1937
[18] Stores strike ended / from New York Times, May 11, 1938
[19] All grand stores face strike call / source unknown, March 25, 1937
[20] Strike in 5 stores to be ended today / from New York Times, March 24, 1937
[21] National strike, 1926 / from Labour Bulletin, July 1929
[22] Opinion of the court / New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals, 1928
[23] Strike and riot insurance today / Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1938
[24] Strike relief / by Helen G. Norton, 1938
[25] Kenosha hosiery workers' lockout / National Women's Trade Union League of America, 1928
[26] List of references on the right to strike / Library Bureau of Railway Economics, 1920
[27] Selected list of material on municipal strikes / Public Affairs Information Service, 1920
[28] Why do men strike? What's to be done? / by Louis Stark, 1945
[29] Hepburn tells why he is fighting the C.I.O. / by Russell B. Porter, 1937
[30] American woolen wins short-lived strike / from Business Week, March 11, 1931
[31] Strikes - Paterson / source unknown, March 17, 1935
[32] Some of the problems and fallacies developed through the two great strikes / by Ralph M. Easley, 1922
[33] Strike at consumers' research / source unknown, 1935
[34] President's strike figures / from New York Times, March 7, 1941
[35] Dache firm wants election / from Women's Wear Daily, March 10, 1941
[36] List of references on the right to strike / compiled by Mary B. Ladd, 1919
[37] Fewer strikes - more prosperity / by Irving Fisher, 1928
[38] Veteran and the strike situation / from Industrial Relations, a Dartnell Management Service, 1946
[39] Strikes and lockouts in Canada during 1945 / from Labour Gazette, March 1946
[40] In the nation: two states face problem of utilities strikes / by Arthur Krock, 1946
[41] When a strike is called, who pays? / Darnell File, Labor Relations, 1946
[42] Strikes in the pacific northwest / Northwest Regional Council, 1942
[43] Cost of industrial disputes: a statistical study / by Noel Sargent, 1924
[44] Organized lawlessness / National Metal Trades Association, 1940
[45] Strike and the injunction - problems of remand and removal / by Benjamin Aaron, 1966
[46] Memorandum on state anti-injunction legislation / National Committee on Labor Injunctions, 1933
[47] Injunction in labor disputes / source unknown,1933
[48] Compilation of the laws of various states relating to injunction in the case of labor disputes / Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University, 1928
[49] Use of labor injunctions in the United States / by Idele Wilson, 1939
[50] Coal operators fight anti-injunction bill / from New York Times, January 30, 1932.
[51] Reports bill to bar strike injunctions / New York Times, February 3, 1932
[52] Use of injunctions in labor disputes / Editorial Research Reports, 1928
[53] Practical politics / Utah Associated Industries, 1928
[54] Trade unions prevail in suit brought under Sherman act by organ makers / from New York Times, October 30, 1929
[55] Use of injunctions in labor disputes / Editorial Research Reports, 1928
[56] Mine injunction binds union's hands / from New York Times, October 12, 1927
[57] Bedford stone case and what it means to American industry / from Law and Labor, May 1927
[58] Bill no. 119, Senate / State of Wisconsin, 1931
[59] Shipstead anti injunction bill S. 1482 / Counsel of the League for Industrial Rights, 1928
[60] Labor injunction in Hawaii / by Paul F. Brissenden, 1956
[61] Injunction curbs on pickets upheld / from New York Times, November 23, 1938
[62] S. 935, report no. 163, calendar no. 176 / Senate of the United States, 72nd Congress, 1st Session, 1931
[63] Anti-injunction bill up before congress / National Catholic Welfare Conference, Department of Social Action, 1932
[64] Injunctions in labor disputes: list of recent references / compiled by Laura A. Thompson, 1928
[65] Yellow dog ban is voted by senate / from New York Times, March 3, 1932
[66] Norris gives way on injunction bill / from New York Times, March 10, 1932
[67] Injunction bill signed by Hoover / from New York Times, March 24, 1932
[68] Free injunction bill of mandatory clause / from New York Times, March 14, 1932
[69] Lehman approves state norris act / from New York Times, April 27, 1935
[70] Injunction bill action delayed / from Trenton Bureau, April 14, 1936
[71] Labor injunctions in action: a five-year survey in Los Angeles County / by Benjamin Aaron and William Levin, 1951
[72] Law and trade unions: the use of injunctions / by Alexander Szakats, 1975.
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