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[United States steel industry; historic documents #2A]
76 v., (v.77-106 contained in file 2B, IR-11573B)
Summary note
This is a diverse collection of materials chronicling the history of the United States steel industry.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Outline of decisions reached between Elliott Company and grievance committee of SWOC lodge 1145 / from Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 1938
[2] Steel union drive starts in Chicago / from The World, July 18, 1923
[3] Why the steel industry cannot pay increased wages now / from American Iron and Steel Institute, 1945
[4] Charles E. Wilson's own story of break with Truman / from U.S. News and World Report, May 2, 1952
[5] Steel and law / from International Juridical Association Monthly Bulletin, October 1936
[6] Statement of signed agreements over steel industry strike / from Rev. James Myers, 1937
[7] Wage stabilization board recommendations in steel dispute / from Senate, 82nd Congress, 1952
[8] Steel mills sponsor retraining school / by George R. Reiss, 1964
[9] Indexes of output per man-hour: steel industry, 1957-63 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1964
[10] Wage trends in the iron and steel industry / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1961
[11] Story of the homestead strike / from Alfred H. Howell, 1961
[12] Letter discussing questions with regard to the steel settlement / from Richard Nixon, 1960
[13] Pay increase brings steel wage rates 19% above level of 1929 / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, December 1936
[14] Belgian treaty means less work, wages for steel employees in United States / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, April 1935
[15] Inflation robs us all / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1959
[16] Cost of the steel strike / from Economic Intelligence, Economic Research Department, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, December 1959
[17] Steel companies see no threat of serious labor shortage impending / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, October 1940
[18] Wage trends in the iron and steel industry / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1959
[19] Steelmaking capacity of nation expanded sharply during 1942 / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, April 1943
[20] One out of twenty steelworkers who went to war already back at work / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, August 1944
[21] Wage adjustments in steel equal to $285,000,000 added payroll in year / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, June 1947
[22] End of long steel strike - with its heavy losses - sets off race to overtake demands / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, August 1952
[23] Sheet and strip capacity will be 2,500,000 tons higher in year / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, August 1946
[24] Proportion of light products rises to 45.4 percent of total steel shipped / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, October 1946
[25] Chronology of controversy over new steel contract / from New York Times, January 5, 1960
[26] Improving labor relations in the steel industry / by Benson Soffer, 1960
[27] What a spanking he gave Truman! / by Beverly Smith, 1952
[28] Text of letter from steel union president on issues involved in strike / from New York Times, July 23, 1956
[29] Newspaper comment on steel crisis / by Hon. Richard M. Nixon, 1952
[30] Statement on the steel situation / Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 1952
[31] White house strike role / from New York Times, July 31, 1956
[32] Text of steel industry's reply to union / from New York Times, July 24, 1956
[33] Statements in steel negotiations / from New York Times, June 28, 1956
[34] Steel output shackled by strikes, hitting at vital needs of nation / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, June 1946
[35] Excerpts on the vital subject of steel mill seizure / from Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 82nd Congress, 1952
[36] Monthly letter on economic conditions governement finance / National City Bank of New York, May 1952
[37] Statement before the president's fact panel in the steel industry / by Ira Mosher, 1949
[38] Editorial judgement on the steel wage case: second edition / from Steel Magazine, 1949
[39] Safety in the iron and steel industry / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1944
[40] United States labour problem / by Denys Smith, 1952
[41] Editorial judgement on the steel wage case: third edition / distributed by Press Headquarters on behalf of the Steel Companies, 1949
[42] Strike against self-help / from Steel Companies in the Wage Case, 1949
[43] Steel ... a struggle for power / published by Bureau of Personnel Admiistration, 1936
[44] Wages and prices go together / by Dr. Jules Backman, 1946
[45] Text of the address by Eugene G. Grace before the iron and steel institute / from New York Times, May 24, 1935
[46] Should the government force employees to join a union? / by John C. Gall, 1952
[47] Wage trends in the iron and steel industry / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1955
[48] Report no. 1147: requesting the secretary of labor to furnish house of representatives with information / from House of Representatives, 75th Congress, 1937
[49] More steel and more jobs / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1956
[50] Stock plan voted for C. & O. workers / from New York Times, June 19, 1952.
[51] Compare Youngstown's offer with the demands of the steelworkers' union / Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company, 1952
[52] Chairman's progress report / British Iron and Steel Federation, Training Committee, 1956
[53] Wage trends in the iron and steel industry / American Iron and Steel Institute, April 1957
[54] List of selected readings for high school students and teachers / issued by College of Education and Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, 1952
[55] Should Uncle Sam go into the steel business? / by U.S. Representative Clarence J. Brown of Ohio, 1949
[56] Exports of steel 26 per cent lower in first half of 1948 / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, October 1948
[57] Expenditures for new equipment scheduled to rise to $448,000,000 / from Steel Facts, published by American Iron and Steel Institute, February 1947
[58] Expansion of steel capacity / by Otis Brubaker, September 11, 1947
[59] Labor-management production committee of the baldwin locomotive works and the united steelworkers of America / War Production Board, War Production Drive Division, 1943
[60] Income and expenditure study of steelworkers' families / United Steelworkers of America, 1944
[61] Basic steel ingot capacity / United Steelworkers of America, Research Department, 1957
[62] Collective bargaining or monopoly / United Steelworkers of America, 1959
[63] Letter concerning 1956 bargaining gains / United Steelworkers of America, August 21, 1956
[64] Call to greatness in leadership / by Clinton S. Golden, 1958
[65] Summary of major economic gains won in 1956 steel settlement / United Steelworkers of America, 1957
[66] Letter of understanding with great lakes steel corporation re: negotiation of seniority provisions of new agreements / United Steelworkers of America, 1960
[67] Enterprise for everyman / by Russell W. Davenport, 1949
[68] Memorandum to all USA district directors enclosing two letters of agreement / United Steelworkers of America, November 29, 1965
[69] Results of evaluation questionnaire / Steelworkers Institute, University of Illinois, 1947
[70] Letter to all USA district directors, staff representatives and local union presidents of the eleven major basic steel producers and their subsidiaries concerning extended vacation plans / United Steelworkers of America, November 15, 1963
[71] Report on certain 'fringe' provisions in major contracts in industries other than basic steel / Research Department, United Steelworkers of America, 1959
[72] What labor wants from education / by Clinton S. Golden, 1946
[73] Steelworkers election, 1965 / by Meyer Bernstein, 1965
[74] Comparison of employment conditions: US steel and Bethlehem mining operations in the United States with US steel and Bethlehem iron mining subsidiaries in Venezuela / from Meyer Bernstein, 1959
[75] Memorandum of agreement between basic steel companies and united steelworkers of America / Bureau of National Affairs, Inc., 1960
[76] Union casualty company / United Steelworkers of America, 1947.
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