[Railroad Industry: Historical documents through 1959]

125 v.


From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
  • [1] Wage statistics of class I steam railways in the United States / by Interstate Commerce Commission, 1939
  • [2] Operating revenues and operating expenses of large steam railways - selected items for roads with annual operating revenues above $25,000,000 / Interstate Commerce Commission, 1939
  • [3] Railroads and labor will probably strike a bargain / by Railroads, 1932
  • [4] Wage statistics / by Interstate Commerce Commission, 1931
  • [5] Wage Statistics of class I steam railways in the United States / by Interstate Commerce Commission, 1935
  • [6] Mondism and the railway settlement / by S. Purkis, 1928
  • [7] Railroad-wage issue / by Barron's, 1933
  • [8] Federal compensation law for employees in interstate commerce / by Robert F. Wagner, 1932
  • [9] Railroad labor relations today / by Otto S. Beyer, 1938
  • [10] Employee morale problem of our railroads / by O.S. Beyer, 1923
  • [11] Railroads, asking rate raise, are confident of early relief / by Business Week, 1931
  • [12] Cooperation between railway management and personnel / by Railway Review, 1925
  • [13] Why the railroads are seeking to end "national agreements" and "rules and conditions" of employment established under federal control / by Association of Railway Executives, 1921
  • [14] Is this good leadership for labor? / by Ben W. Hooper, 1922
  • [15] Collection of 7 letters (in chronological order) from the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen / by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, [1938]
  • [16] New York comment / by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1938
  • [17] Statement of A.F. Whitney, president of brotherhood of railroad trainmen / by A.F. Whitney, 1938
  • [18] Bases of permanent recovery, future of railroad securities / by Bureau of Personnel Administration, 1933
  • [19] Railroads insure their employees under group plan / by New York Times, 1924
  • [20] Letter from BRT to all chairmen / by Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, 1938
  • [21] Press release from RLEA / by Railway Labor Executives Association, 1959
  • [22] Shall railroads be broken down by act of congress? / by Association of American Railroads, 1935
  • [23] Bill S. 4174 / by U.S. Senate, 1936
  • [24] Rail workers open six-hour day drive / by New York Times, 1935
  • [25] Decision no. 1361 / by United States Railroad Labor Board, 1922
  • [26] Open battle today for rail rate rise / from New York Times, July 15, 1931
  • [27] International railway union / by A. Pourcel, 1930
  • [28] Railroads / by U.S. Chamber of Commerce, [1933]
  • [29] Report of railway labor executives' association / by Railway Labor Executives' Association, 1932
  • [30] Railroad issue largely centers in steady work / by National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1932
  • [31] Report of railway labor executives' association / by Railway Labor Executives' Association, 1932
  • [32] Bill S. 2518 / by U.S. Senate, 1934
  • [33] Bill S. 2519 / by U.S. Senate, 1934
  • [34] I.C.C. permits roads to make loan pool of rate increases / by New York Times, 1931
  • [35] Called upon to pass the plate, the I.C.C. preaches a sermon / by Business Week, 1931
  • [36] Mr. Hoover and the unions help the railroads clear the track / by Railroads, 1931
  • [37] Eastman prods company unions / by New York Times, September 8, 1933
  • [38] Letter to Congress from transportation association of America / by Transportation Association of America, 1942
  • [39] Bill S. 3798 / by Order of Sleeping Car Conductors, 1940
  • [40] Railroad temporary disability insurance program / by Federal Security Agency, 1949
  • [41] Concerning a 30% railway wage increase demand / by War Industries Board, [1941]
  • [42] "Featherbed rules" railroad manpower, and the T.P. & W. / by Joseph Eastman, Director Office of Defense Transportation, 1943
  • [43] We challenge the railroads to deny these facts / by Railway Labor Unions, [1941]
  • [44] Secret records on Truman's handling of the recent railroad crisis / from PM Daily, June 21, 1946
  • [45] Productivity and unit labor cost in steam railroad transportation: 1935-1945 / by U.S. Department of Labor, 1946
  • [46] Partial and progress report on railroad personnel problems / by Association of American Railroads, 1943
  • [47] Letter from Joseph Eastman to Chief Executives of all Railroads / by Joseph Eastman, 1943
  • [48] Special report on public relations training for railroad employees / by Association of American railroads, 1943
  • [49] Impact of transportation policy on railroad labor / by G.E. Leighty, 1960
  • [50] It's showdown time for featherbedding on the railroads / by Alfred Steinberg, 1959.
  • [51] Decision of the supreme court of Texas on the validity of right-to-work law / by Congressional Record, 1956
  • [52] Union shop amendment: compulsory "freedom" to join a union / by J.A. McClain, Jr., 1956
  • [53] Facts on railroad bargaining / by Association of American Railroads, 1959
  • [54] What railroad employees think about the railroad industry ... their jobs ... railroad service / by Association of American Railroads, 1946
  • [55] Table of standard rates of pay - eastern territory: conductors and trainmen / source unknown, 1948
  • [56] Editorial comment on limiting the length of railroad trains by law / Association of American Railroads, 1937
  • [57] Anti-productivity: management's dilemma / by James W. Oram, 1959
  • [58] If you work for a railroad / Railroad Retirement Board, [1950]
  • [59] Year of decision: clear track or crisis? / by Daniel P. Loomis, 1959
  • [60] Opinion and award / Chesapeake and Ohio System Federation No. 41, Railway Employees Department and Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company, 1928
  • [61] Agreement / Employes' National Conference Committee, 1949
  • [62] Excerpts from report of committee elected to investigate the investments recommended to the membership; and the investements interests, banking and disposition of funds of the brotherhood of locomotive engineers of every sort whatsoever / prepared by Committee of Ten, 1927
  • [63] Suggestion concerning today's railroad problem / by Otto H. Kahn, 1919
  • [64] Annual compensation per railway employee / prepared by Bureau of Railway Economics, 1919
  • [65] What can the railroads do to enlist the services of university men who are attracted to transportation work? / by W.M. Daniels, 1924
  • [66] Railroad employes' mass meeting / prepared by Joint Association of Railway Employes representing all the railroad brotherhoods and unions of Alexandria and Washington, D.C., date unknown
  • [67] Rail workers' earnings at present rates / prepared by Association of Railway Executives, 1921
  • [68] Real issues back of shopmen's strike / by Philadelphia News Bureau Nos. 34 & 35, 1922
  • [69] Hours of service law for railroad men / prepared by Will L. Lloyd, 1908
  • [70] Organized labor and the plumb plan / prepared by Union, 1919
  • [71] Railway wages and freight rates / by Association of Railway Executives, 1919
  • [72] What constitutes a 'day's work'? shale 'rule' or rate of wage determining the compensation? the public pays the freight - is the price fair? / by Ley P. Rexford, J. M. Kurn, W. Palmer Clarkson, A.C. Lueking and John F. Shepley, 1919
  • [73] Pledge redeemed / by Philadelphia News Bureau Nos. 7 & 8, 1922
  • [74] Correspondence concerning technical meaning of terms used in legal agreements within the railroad industry / by Elisha Lee and G. L. Peck, 1921
  • [75] Memorandum describing functions of personnel department / prepared by G.L. Peck, 1921
  • [76] Calendar no. 843, S. 2646 (report no. 779): bill concerning settlement between carriers and their employees and subordinate officials / by Mr. Howell, 1924
  • [77] Decision no. 982 (docket 850): railway employes' department, AFL (federated shop crafts) vs. Indiana harbor belt railroad company / prepared by Ben W. Hooper, 1922
  • [78] Letter and memorandum concerning personnel administration / by G. L. Peck, 1921
  • [79] Correspondence concerning decision 119 / prepared by E. T. Whiter, 1921
  • [80] Speech of Ivy L. Lee / by Ivy L. Lee, 1921
  • [81] Railroad employees' benefits / prepared by Commodity Research Publications Corp., 1952
  • [82] Washington job protection agreement of 1936 / prepared by Order of Railroad Telegraphers, [1961]
  • [83] Railway labor organizations national group insurance plan / prepared by Travelers Insurance Company, 1972
  • [84] Speech delived before the Kansas Legislature by W. L. Huggins, January 9, 1920 / by W. L. Huggins, 1920
  • [85] Union management cooperative movement - maintenance of way section, minutes of systems cooperative committee meeting / prepared by Canadian National Railways, 1938
  • [86] Presentation regarding conductors' and trainmen's 1926 proposals / prepared by Conference Committee of Managers, 1926
  • [87] Final summing up arguments in New York central wage arbitration case in behalf of the shop craft organizations (opening argument on behalf of the employees) / by Donald R. Richberg, 1929
  • [88] Basic hourly rates of pay of track and roadway section men on railroads in the United States (wage report 1) / prepared by L.E. Keller, 1945
  • [89] Employment, hours and earnings of railroad maintenance of way employees by months / prepared by L.E. Keller, 1925
  • [90] Rates of pay of employes in the maintenance of way and structures department as of December 1, 1923 / prepared by L.E. Keller, 1925
  • [91] Union scale of wages and hours of labor in specified cities and occupations / prepared by L. E. Keller, 1924
  • [92] Comparison of working conditions of employes in outside industries and maintenance of way employes / prepared by L. E. Keller, 1924
  • [93] Railway association of Canada wage agreement no. 7: rates of pay and rules governing service of maintenance of way employees and shop laborers / prepared by Railway Association of Canada, 1925
  • [94] Railroad wages under the amendment to the emergency price control act of 1942 / prepared by Bureau of Information of the Eastern Railways, [1943]
  • [95] Letter to Mr. Lee concerning proceedings at Chicago / from G. L. Peck, March 31, 1921
  • [96] Starting today - the secret records on Truman's handling of rail crisis / by John P. Lewis, May 30, 1946
  • [97] Story back of Truman's labor crackdown / by John P. Lewis, May 31, 1946
  • [98] Unanswered queries on Truman's labor crackdown / by John P. Lewis, June 2, 1946
  • [99] Mystery of Truman's rail strike course / by John P. Lewis, June 4, 1946
  • [100] Revealed for first time - what happened in Truman's talks with rail union chiefs / by John P. Lewis, June 3, 1946.
  • [101] I.C.C. speeds action on rail rate plea / from New York Times, June 19, 1931
  • [102] Rate plea arouses sharp discussion / from New York Times, June 20, 1931
  • [103] Rail board orders specific rate data / from New York Times, June 21, 1931
  • [104] Rail heads draft reply to I.C.C. order / from New York Times, June 25, 1931
  • [105] Thinks long inquiry on rate plea likely / from New York Times, June 30, 1931
  • [106] Rail rate parleys called for states / from New York Times, June 24, 1931
  • [107] Railroads purpose to raise all rates / from New York Times, June 26, 1931
  • [108] Rail wage rise shown for march / from New York Times, June 11, 1931
  • [109] Life companies ask rise in rail rates / from New York Times, July 14, 1931
  • [110] Rail board speeds rate rise action / from New York Times, July 1, 1931
  • [111] Summary of wage increases awarded to railroad workers / from New York Times, date unknown
  • [112] Rail brotherhoods may ask more pay / from The World, July 9, 1923
  • [113] 'Big four' conductors and trainmen called to consider plan for higher pay demand / from New York Times, June 27, 1923
  • [114] Railroad unions to ask increases / from The World, August 14, 1923
  • [115] Texts of the statements of negro rail employment / from New York Times, December 14, 1943
  • [116] Mr. Daugherty's famous victory / from The World, July 14, 1923
  • [117] What seniority in rail shops means / source unknown, August 4, 1922
  • [118] Letters from our readers: where railroad seniority failed / from New York Evening Post, August 24, [1922]
  • [119] Rail shop strike is denounced and leaders enjoined / from Associated Press, July 12, 1923
  • [120] ...Special run to punish strikers / from Associated Press, January 27, 1923
  • [121] Railroad labor situation gives promise of better public service / from New York Evening Post, December 30, 1922
  • [122] Will increase rail wages $30,000,000 a year Jan. 1 / from Associated Press, December 17, 1934
  • [123] Speed rail repairs, Eastman advises / source unknown, August 4, 1933
  • [124] Rail labor board for collective bargaining / from Associated Press, November 24, 1922
  • [125] Job drive widened by Eastman plea to cover railways / from New York Times, August 4, 1933.
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