Alameda County (California) health and ways of living study, 1999 panel [electronic resource].

Data file
Ann Arbor, Mich. : Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006.
Extent of collection: 2 data files + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SAS setup files + SPSS setup files + Stata setup files.


Restrictions note
Use of these data is restricted to Princeton University students, faculty, and staff for non-commercial statistical analysis and research purposes only.
Summary note
This fifth wave of data, collected in 1999, provides follow-up with 2,123 respondents from Alameda County who were originally interviewed in 1965 for the first wave of the Health and Ways of Living Study. The purpose of the survey was to explore the influences of health practices and social relationships on the physical and mental health of a typical sample of the population. Part 2 of this collection contains mortality data including cause and year of death. The first wave of the study, HEALTH AND WAYS OF LIVING STUDY, 1965 PANEL: [ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA] (ICPSR 6688), collected information for 6,928 respondents (including 360 men and 530 women aged 65 years and older) on chronic health conditions, health behaviors, social involvements, and psychological characteristics. The second wave, the 1974 panel, ALAMEDA COUNTY [CALIFORNIA] HEALTH AND WAYS OF LIVING STUDY, 1974 PANEL (ICPSR 6838), collected information from 4,864 of the original respondents. The third and fourth waves, ALAMEDA COUNTY [CALIFORNIA] HEALTH AND WAYS OF LIVING STUDY, 1994 and 1995 PANELS (ICPSR 3083), provided a follow-up of 2,729 original 1965 and 1974 respondents. The fourth wave is a follow-up to the 1994 panel and contains 2,569 cases.
  • Codebook available in print and electronic format.
  • Title from title screen (viewed on September 5, 2008).
Type of data
Extent of collection: 2 data files + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SAS setup files + SPSS setup files + Stata setup files.
Time and place of event
  • Date(s) of collection: 1999.
  • Time period: 1999.
Geographic coverage
Geographic coverage: California, United States.
Funding information
  • Funding agency: National Institutes of Health; National Institute on Aging.
  • Grant number: 5 R37 AG11375-03.
System details
Mode of access: World Wide Web.
Methodology note
  • Data source: self-enumerated questionnaire.
  • Sample: the first wave (1965) of this panel study used a stratified random sample of Alameda County households with noninstitutionalized residents aged 21 or older, or aged 16-21 and older if married.
  • Universe: households in Alameda County, California.
Rights and reproductions note
Restrictions: this data collection may not be used for any purpose other than statistical reporting and analysis. Use of these data to learn the identity of any person or establishment is prohibited.
Part 1: wave 5, 1999 data; Part 2: mortality data.
Cite as
Kaplan, George A. ALAMEDA COUNTY [CALIFORNIA] HEALTH AND WAYS OF LIVING STUDY, 1999 PANEL [Computer file]. ICPSR04432-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center of Social Epidemiology and Population Health, and Survey Research Center [producer], 1999. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2006-11-16.
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