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[United States steel industry; historic documents #1]
79 v.
Summary note
This is a collection of diverse materials chronicling the history of the United States steel industry.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Program for the classification of carpenter on the basis of qualifications and ability / prepared by American Steel & Wire Company, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Columbia Steel Company, National Tube Company, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, and the United Steelworkers of America, [1944]
[2] Program for the classification of machinist on the basis of qualifications and ability / prepared by American Steel & Wire Company, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Columbia Steel Company, National Tube Company, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, and the United Steelworkers of America, [1944]
[3] Program for the classification of painter on the basis of qualifications and ability / prepared by American Steel & Wire Company, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Columbia Steel Company, National Tube Company, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, and the United Steelworkers of America, [1944]
[4] Program for the classification of electrician (armature winder, lineman, shop, wireman) on the basis of qualifications and ability / prepared by American Steel & Wire Company, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Columbia Steel Company, National Tube Company, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, and the United Steelworkers of America, [1944]
[5] Program for the classification of journeymen on the basis of qualifications and ability / prepared by American Steel & Wire Company, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Columbia Steel Company, National Tube Company, Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, and the United Steelworkers of America, 1947
[6] Statement of Clarence B. Randall before the steel industry board / by Clarence B. Randall, 1949
[7] Practices relating to layoffs, terminations, discharges and discipline in the iron and steel industry: a survey and report / prepared by American Iron and Steel Institute, 1938
[8] Economics of the iron and steel industry / by Carroll R. Daugherty, Melvin G. de Chazeau and Samuel S. Stratton, 1937
[9] Statement of E.G. Grace regarding the 'little steel' cases before national war labor board / by E.G. Grace, [1942]
[10] In the matter of bethlehem steel corporation, republic steel corporation, youngstown sheet and tube company, inland steel company and steel workers organizing committee now known as united steelworkers of America / prepared by Roger D. Lapham, 1942
[11] Human relations ... a short course / by Dr. Charles K. Ferguson, 1954
[12] Grievance cases signed by Joseph Tempko, S.W.O.C., from 1937-38 / Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel & Tin Workers, [1939]
[13] Case no. D-18-C ... united steelworkers of America, CIO and various steel and iron ore companies / Bureau of National Affairs, 1951
[14] Charts supplementing survey and report on the status of the labor supply and training activities in the iron and steel industry / from American Iron and Steel Institute, [1940]
[15] Readings on 1952 steel case, part I / Collection of Historic Documents Bound, 1952
[16] Industry exhibits filed with the steel industry board / Steel Industry Board Publication, 1949
[17] Work stoppages in the steel industry / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1949
[18] Can America afford rising steel imports? / from Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 90th Congress, 1968
[19] Statement of international wage policy committee / United Steelworkers of America, 1959
[20] Anatomy of crisis / by R. Heath Larry, 1959
[21] Demand for compulsory union membership still bars settlement of steel strike / from New York Times, July 7, 1952
[22] Steel wages and prices / by William B. Dickinson, Jr., 1965
[23] Work stoppages: big steel industry 1901-58 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1959
[24] Work stoppages: basic steel industry 1901-60 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1961
[25] Contract settlement in basic steel industry / by International Wage Policy Committee of the United Steelworkers of America, 1965
[26] Regulation concerning the application and administration of seniority provisions / Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 1938
[27] Letter enclosing application and resignation cards to steel union / from Independent Steel Workers Union, Inc., 1937
[28] Report of the American iron and steel institute committee on proposed total elimination of the twelve-hour day / American Iron and Steel Institute Committee, 1923
[29] To unionize 100,000 steel mill workers / from New York Evening, July 12, 1923
[30] Statement of the steel industry's position on the revised wagner bill / from American Iron and Steel Institute, 1934
[31] Steel industry's average return 2.5% in 10-year period; workers' pay increases / source unknown, May 14, 1935
[32] New pay cut looms in steel industry / source unknown, April 14, 1932
[33] Strategy of industrial peace / by Harold J. Ruttenberg, 1939
[34] Steel employment and payrolls rise in November / from American Iron and Steel Institute, 1934
[35] Blue cross announcement of signing of contracts in the steel industry / from Ketchum, MacLeod and Grove, Inc., 1950
[36] Wages- per ton of ingots produced / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1940
[37] Effects of the first year of the draft on employment in the iron and steel industry: a survey and report / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1942
[38] Comments on the steel report raising the price of labor as a method of increasing employment / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1949
[39] Attention! steel workers: why reduce steel wages? no. 1 / issued by Executive Council of National and International Organizations in the Steel Industry, 1924
[40] When skies glow / by Russell B. Porter, 1937
[41] Here are the hospitalization benefits available to you and your family under the "70-day" blue cross agreement / Hospital Service Association of Pittsburgh, 1950
[42] Now a new act in the drama of steel / by Russel Owen, 1936
[43] Background information on size of iron and steel industry - effect of strike - other facts / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1946
[44] Lessons of the steel strike / by Leo Wolman, 1952
[45] Labor and politics slackening steel / source unknown, June 25, 1936
[45] Role of the iron and steel industry in the immediate post-armistice period (November 1918 - May 1919) and impact of the industry's policies upon labor / by Joan Stauffer Crane, 1943
[46] Steel ingot production, total hours and total payrolls of wage earners / American Iron and Steel Institute, 1940
[47] Big steel and beth steel do the same thing - differently / from Business Week, August 12, 1931
[48] 'Mom' ... the shopping basket and the union / by United Steelworkers of America, [1946]
[49] Steel strike vote / by American Iron and Steel Institute, 1945
[50] Church joins labor in the steel wage fight / by Rev. James Chubb, 1946.
[51] Catholic priest speaks out for the steelworkers / by Rev. Charles O. Rice, 1946
[52] Plumbers' strike / by Committee on Labor Relations, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1920
[53] To make 7,600,000 more tons of steel / by American Iron and Steel Institute, [1949]
[54] Union's side in the steel crisis / by Philip Murray, 1952
[55] Why must the Trenton and Deleware Valley area face a disastrous bus strike?: Why not arbitrate? / by Norman Baker, [1958]
[56] Board of conciliation and arbitration for united steelworkers of America / by United Steelworkers of America, 1945
[57] Report of the wage rate inequities committee / by United Steelworkers of America, [1949]
[58] Why a special convention of the united steelworkers of America? / by Philip Murray, 1951
[59] Conference on a university-union education program / by Pennsylvania State University, United Steel Workers of America, 1955
[60] Steel strike / by United Steelworkers of America, [1946]
[61] Avoid another depression / by Philip Murray, President of United Steelworkers of America, 1945
[62] Welcome! to the united steelworkers of America / folder by United Steelworkers of America, [1964]
[63] Republic coercion is charged by NLRB / from New York Times, July 17, 1937
[64] 'Overheard' plan in massillon fight / by Louis Stark, from New York Times, July 24, 1937
[65] Cleveland police bar steel pickets / from [New York Times], July 28, 1937
[66] One dead, 12 hurt in Cleveland riots at big steel plant / from New York Times, July 27, 1937
[67] Union men accuse massillon police / from New York Times, July 23, 1937
[68] 'Heat' upon police to aid mills told / by Louis Stark, from New York Times, July 22, 1937
[69] C.I.O. offices shut after Ohio rioting / from New York Times, July 13, 1937
[70] Girdler offers labor peace plan / from New York Times, February 1, 1938
[71] C.I.O. tells of 'fear' in republic plants / from New York Times, August 10, 1937
[72] Lewis is slipping, Girdler asserts / from New York Times, August 5, 1937
[73] Court orders NLRB halt steel action / from New York Times, May 4, 1938
[74] Republic and C.I.O. in new NLRB clash / from [New York Times], August 12, 1938
[75] To the public and the employees in the steel industry / from New York Times, July 1, 1936
[76] Strike note sent to republic steel / from [New York Times], May 4, 1937
[77] Country sick of strikes / from Philadelphia Inquirer, 1939
[78] Why reduce steel wages? no. 2 / issued by Executive Council of National and International Organizations in the Steel Industry, 1924
[79] Why reduce steel wages? no. 3 / issued by Executive Council of National and International Organizations in the Steel Industry, 1924.
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