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[Trade unions; 20th century activities and developments #1]
66 v.
Summary note
This is a collection of trade union activities documents that is wide-ranging in scope. It contains historical government decisions as well as positions of labor and industry, inside the United States and abroad.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Reuniones de directores de centros espanoles de formacion y adiestramiento para personal directivo de la empresa / prepared by Spain Comision Nacional de Productividad industrial, 1959
[2] Statement by Anne R. Somers before the special subcommittee on labor, committee on education and labor, house of representatives, Congress of the United States / by Anne R. Somers, 1972
[3] More comments on the handbook of trade union methods / prepared by unknown, 1937
[4] Where do we go from here / by Lyle Cooper, 1958
[5] Some efforts at democratic union participation / by Ben Segal, 1957
[6] AFL-CIO codes of ethical practices as viewed by local union activists / by Bernard Goldstein and Howard Bogard, 1961
[7] Organizational survey and report / prepared by AFL-CIO Department of Organization, 1956
[8] Labor conditions and labor organizations in Hong Kong / prepared by U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor statistics, 1972
[9] Scope of this proposed federal labor law / prepared by U.S. Government, 1946
[10] Labor policies of the 30's call for changes in the 40's / by Walter Gordon Merritt, 1946
[11] Statement of Andrew J. Biemiller before the Senate finance committee on family assistance program / by Andrew J. Biemiller, 1970
[12] Statement by the AFL-CIO executive council on social security and medicare / by AFL-CIO Executive Council, 1970
[13] Statement by the AFL-CIO executive council on welfare reform / by AFL-CIO executive Council, 1970
[14] Delivery of services to people / by Leo Perlis, 1975
[15] Sound industrial relations for sound industrial progress / by Louis Ruthenburg, 1945
[16] Background, provisions and issues labor-management reporting and disclosure bill of 1959 / by Sar A. Levitan, 1959
[17] Alpa policy manual / prepared by Air Line Pilots Association International, 1967
[18] Alpa policy manual / by Air Line Pilots Association International, 1963
[19] Amalgamated clothing workers of America report on statement of assets and liabilities of general office as at December 31, 1961 and December 31, 1962 and statement of income and expenses of general office for the two years then ended / prepared by S.D. Leidesdorf & Co., 1962
[20] Research seminar on comparative labor movements / by Val R. Lorwin, 1960
[21] Sizes of trade unions: a study in the social processes of aggregation / by E.H. Phelps Brown and P.E. Hart, 1955
[22] Organized labor in the federal republic of Germany (excerpt from handbook on German labor conditions) / prepared by U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1958
[23] Where labor stands: responses to the economic crisis, 1975 / by Les Leopold, 1975
[24] Dues, per capita and strike funds / prepared by International Chemical Workers Union, 1976
[25] Voter participation in mail versus on-site elections / prepared by New York State Public Employment Relations Board Office of Research, 1973
[26] Labor movement in Turkey / by Sumner M. Rosen, 1955
[27] Procedural rules and regulations of the national joint board for settlement of jurisdictional disputes as amended October 20, 1949... Feb. 1965 / prepared by AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department, 1965
[28] Constitution of the building and construction trades department AFL-CIO / prepared by AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department, 1966
[29] Plan for national joint board for settlement of jurisdictional disputes / prepared by Building and Construction Trades Department, 1965
[30] Remarks made by George Baldanzi on June 9, 1971 at the NJ State AFL-CIO convention in Atlantic City, NJ / by George Baldanzi, 1971
[31] Union membership (economic road maps) / prepared by Conference Board, Inc., 1985
[32] United States of America before the National Labor Relations Board twenty second regions: the trustees of Princeton University, employer and Princeton University Library Assistants' Association, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO 2, petitioner; decision and direction of election / by Arthur Eisenberg, 1975
[33] Growth and functions of Turkish labor trade unions / by Orhan Tuna, 1963
[34] American labor movement in the seventies / prepared by Frank McCallister, 1970
[35] Union membership gains in public sector / prepared by Leo G. Connolly, 1974
[36] Egyptian confederation of labour: the constitution / prepared by Egyptian Confederation of Labour, 1957
[37] Challenge of 1958 / by Hubert H. Humphrey, 1958
[38] Industrial strife and the third party / prepared by American Institute of Public Opinion, 1937
[39] Official journal of hotel & restaurant employee and bartenders international union / prepared by Hotel & Restaurant Employee and Bartenders International Union, 1949
[40] 4 TUC documents approved by the Blackpool Congress / prepared by Trades Union Congress, 1945
[41] Experts questionnaire / prepared by Experts Questionnaire, [1961]
[42] Action taken at the founding conference of ALA / prepared by Alliance for Labor Action, 1969
[43] Trade union crisis and intra-union research / by Solomon Barkin, 1957
[44] Unions appeals procedures, appendix / prepared by Louis Charles Long, Jr., 1959
[45] Textile workers union of America shoppers guide / prepared by Textile Workers Union of America, 1958
[46] Insurance fund (first annual report) / prepared by Local 89, Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks & Assistants Union, AFL, 1946
[47] Insurance fund (second annual report) / prepared by Local 89, Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Cooks & Assistants Union, AFL, 1947
[48] International confederation of free trade union constitution 1955 / prepared by International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 1955
[49] Address delivered by Sir Walter Citrine to the 60th annual convention of the AFL / by Walter Citrine, 1940
[50] Labor Sunday message 1937 / by United Christian Council for Democracy Executive Committee, 1937.
[51] Noticiero obrero interamericano / prepared by Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores, [1952]
[52] Unions in the less-developed countries: a reappraisal of their economic role / by Paul Fisher, 1951
[53] 1972 trade union handbook / New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, 1972
[54] Roosevelt denies pay plan approval / Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 1936
[55] Military policy and servicemen's unions / by Paul E. Dengel, 1975
[56] Here's our union / Stockyard Division of the United Packinghouse Workers of America, [1951]
[57] Battalions of death: the destroyers are marching / by Hon. Clare E. Hoffman, 1938
[58] This is TCO / TCO, 1964
[59] Christianity and the British labor party / by Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, 1949
[60] Minority report of the committee on labor law / by Emil Schlesinger, 1945
[61] Report and resolution of the committee on labor law / New York Bar Association, 1945
[62] Labour unions in Canada / Economics and Research Branch, Canada Department of Labour, 1973
[63] New NLRB policy on employer neutrality during union organization campaigns / from Labor Relations Review, August 19, 1982
[64] ALDA policy manual / Air Line Dispatchers Association, [1968]
[65] Labor unions in Japan gaining influence, boast membership of nearly 12 million / Japan Information Service, October 1, 1973
[66] AScW and other bodies / Association of Scientific Workers, 1944.
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