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[AFL-CIO; file papers on myriad industrial relations topics]
148 v.
Summary note
This is a large and diverse collection of publications from the AFL-CIO that address a broad, broad range of industrial issues. As a major voice in the labor movement, the collection presents many significant legal and industrial opinions on a host of issues of vital importance.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Labor and UN day / prepared by United States Committee for the United Nations, 1957
[2] Labor institutes, conferences and summer schools - 1957 / prepared by AFL-CIO, 1957
[3] AFL-CIO organizational department bulletin, June, 1957 / by AFL-CIO, 1957
[4] Resolution of the AFL-CIO executive council / by AFL-CIO Executive Council, 1957
[5] Summary of H.R. 13549, "the social security amendments of 1958" / by AFL-CIO Department of Social Security, 1958
[6] Pioneers of progress / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[7] Of trade unionism / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[8] Trade union and you / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[9] Progress and productivity / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[10] Benefits for all / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[11] Freedom forever: labor rejects communism / AFL-CIO, [1956]
[12] Justice when it counts most / by Charles Zimmerman, 1958
[13] Research serves labor / by William F. Schnitzler, 1958
[14] Unemployment compensation / by A. J. Hayes, 1959
[15] AFL-CIO calls for just peace in the Middle East / AFL-CIO, [1957]
[16] New approaches in labor education / by John E. Cosgrove, 1957
[17] 1955 convention resolution on civil liberties and internal security / AFL-CIO, 1955
[18] Statement of Bert Seidman before the health subcommittee of the house interstate and foreign commerce committee / AFL-CIO, May 4, 1972
[19] Export of American jobs: an AFL-CIO analysis / AFL-CIO, 1970
[20] Note on the new commercial health insurance policies for older people / AFL-CIO, February 4, 1959
[21] To the signers of the statement criticizing the administration proposal for federal supplementary deployment benefits / AFL-CIO, April 2, 1958
[22] Kit of material on union security / AFL-CIO, 1957
[23] Don't be fooled - the target is you / AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, [1963]
[24] Statement of policy on the administration of welfare and other union funds / CIO Executive Board, October 5, 1954
[25] Statement by the AFL-CIO executive council on public health service hospitals / AFL-CIO, February 18, 1971
[26] Fact sheet on retirement test under social security / AFL-CIO, 1967
[27] Nine good reasons for the forand bill / AFL-CIO, March 1, 1960
[28] AFL-CIO comments on major aspects of social security bill / AFL-CIO, 1967
[29] Statement of Bert Seidman before the subcommittee on health of the house interstate and foreign commerce committee on H.R. 7847 / AFL-CIO, July 15, 1975
[30] Statement of Andrew J. Biemiller on social security, public welfare and related programs before the house ways and means committee / AFL-CIO, November 6, 1969
[31] Statement of Bert Seidman before the subcommittee on health of the senate labor and public welfare committee on S. 625 / AFL-CIO, March 11, 1975
[32] Statement to the subcommittee on health of the house ways and means committee on recommendations relating to revision in the medicare hospital reimbursement system / AFL-CIO, August 3, 1976
[33] Statement to the subcommittee on specific medicare amendments / AFL-CIO, September 25, 1975
[34] Statement of Bert Seidman before the senate subcommittee on health senate committee on labor and public welfare on health manpower legislation / AFL-CIO, October 29, 1975
[35] Summary of statement of Bert Seidman before subcommittee on health senate committee on finance on S. 3205 / AFL-CIO, [1976]
[36] Statement of George Meany before the subcommittee on health of the ways and means committee on national health insurance / AFL-CIO, November 6, 1975
[37] Statement to the subcommittee on social security of the house ways and means committee on the social security disability insurance program / AFL-CIO, June 11, 1976
[38] Statement by Bert Seidman on changes in medicare program / AFL-CIO, February 9, 1976
[39] Statement on medicare-medicaid staff report on senate finance committee / AFL-CIO, February 20, 1970
[40] Statement on health security program / AFL-CIO, February 19, 1971
[41] Statement on national health insurance / AFL-CIO, February 17, 1970
[42] Statement of George Meany before the senate labor and public welfare committee on national health insurance legislation / AFL-CIO, September 24, 1970
[43] President Carter's message to congress on H.R. 8410 & S. 1883 labor law reform / AFL-CIO, 1977
[44] News release containing speech by George Meany concerning health insurance / AFL-CIO, September 8. 1970
[45] Letter concerning statement by George Meany / AFL-CIO, August 25, 1967
[46] Exclusive recognition and collective bargaining coverage in the federal service / AFL-CIO Department of Education, 1967
[47] New film on the AFL-CIO program to build a free world / AFL-CIO, [1964]
[48] Statement on interest rates / AFL-CIO, August 23, 1966
[49] AFL-CIO facing major problems / from New York Times, December 12, 1956
[50] Letter to Prof. Robert F. Foerster concerning sent pamphlets / AFL-CIO, October 27, 1922.
[51] Labor unity split on foreign board / by Joseph A. Loftus, 1956
[52] Labor union rackets a continuing problem / by A. H. Raskin, 1957
[53] Addendum / AFL-CIO, 1973
[54] Statement by Boris Shishkin at the 5th labor conference on civil rights / AFL-CIO, November 1959
[55] Proceedings of the 26th regular session of the switchmen's union of North America / AFL-CIO, 1963
[56] Letter from Bert Seidman enclosing statement by Wilbur Cohen and answer to certain allegations / AFL-CIO, October 16, 1967
[57] Statement of Nelson H. Cruikshank in support of H.R. 6675 "the social security amendments of 1965" / AFL-CIO, May 3, 1965
[58] Automation and footwear manufacturing / by Ted F. Silvey, 1965
[59] Effects of automation panel presentation by Ted F. Silvey / AFL-CIO, 1965
[60] Education in the fifty states / Department of Education, AFL-CIO, 1966
[61] Reports of the economic policy committee on the national economy / AFL-CIO, February 27, 1966
[62] Statement by the AFL-CIO executive council on the national council / AFL-CIO, August 23, 1966
[63] Statement of AFL-CIO executive council on medical costs / AFL-CIO, May 13, 1968
[64] Statement of George Meany on hospital insurance for the aged through social security / AFL-CIO, January 20, 1964
[65] Statement by George Meany on labor-management relations in the federal service / AFL-CIO, October 23, 1967
[66] Statement of George Meany to the senate finance committee on social security amendments of 1967 / AFL-CIO, September 19, 1967
[67] Summary of statement of George Meany on social security amendments of 1967 / AFL-CIO, September 19, 1967
[68] Collective bargaining and management problems for white collar workers unions presented by Ted F. Silvey / AFL-CIO, 1958
[69] Statement of Mr. Bert Seidman on government operations / AFL-CIO, July 9, 1968
[70] Electronic computers and the human brain sermon by Ted F. Silvey / AFL-CIO, May 14, 1961
[71] Policy resolutions on social insurance health and welfare / AFL-CIO, 1963
[72] AFL-CIO takes action on the kingsport press strike / AFL-CIO, [1966]
[73] News release containing speech by George Meany / AFL-CIO, September 7, 1970
[74] News release on labor news conference / AFL-CIO, December 27, 1972
[75] News release on labor news conference / AFL-CIO, May 17, 1972
[76] Talk to your congressmen and senators during the 4th of July recess / AFL-CIO, June 21, 1968
[77] News release by President George Meany / AFL-CIO, August 18, 1967
[78] News release containing speech by Lane Kirkland / AFL-CIO, June 2, 1971
[79] News release containing statement by George Meany on public assistance / AFL-CIO, November 1967
[80] Congress moves slowly on labor's 1969 goals / AFL-CIO, March 21, 1969
[81] Tax justice needs support now to get action from congress / AFL-CIO, April 29, 1969
[82] Talk to your congressmen and senators during the August summer recess / AFL-CIO, August 15, 1969
[83] 1969 fact sheet no. 1 / AFL-CIO, [1969]
[84] News release on statement by George Meany / AFL-CIO, October 24, 1973
[85] Revenue sharing: passing the buck / by Arnold Cantor, 1970
[86] Fast write-off tax gimmick / by Nat Goldfinger, 1971
[87] Merger's impact on the community / by Willard F. Mueller, 1971
[88] Occupational safety and health: 1970 fact sheet no. 3 / AFL-CIO, [1970]
[89] Fair tax policy: 1967 fact sheet no. 2 / AFL-CIO, 1967
[90] Letter to Helen Fairbanks concerning comparative survey of collective bargaining agreements / AFL-CIO, February 11, 1972
[91] Letter to presidents and secretary-treasurers of international unions concerning new pension legislation / AFL-CIO, September 9, 1974
[92] Letter to members on unemployment rising / AFL-CIO, August 11, 1970
[93] Letter to members concerning food stamps to strikers / AFL-CIO, July 21, 1972
[94] Record of teller votes on amendments / AFL-CIO, July 29, 1972
[95] Letter to the editor concerning concerning statement made by Nick Kotz / AFL-CIO, August 31, 1971
[96] Letter to the editor concerning discussion of soundness of the social security system / AFL-CIO, November 11, 1974
[97] Letter concerning the AFL-CIO national conference on community services / AFL-CIO, January 14, 1974
[98] Letter concerning issues of first and second reader, senior citizen news, and postcard survey / AFL-CIO, July 23, 1971
[99] United way staff reassignments / AFL-CIO, August 9, 1971
[100] Letter concerning President Meany's labor day speech / AFL-CIO, September 8, 1970.
[101] Statement on revenue sharing / AFL-CIO, February 15, 1971
[102] Statement on unemployment compensation extended benefits / AFL-CIO, February 19, 1971
[103] Statement of Andrew J. Biemiller on health planning legislation / AFL-CIO, March 26, 1974
[104] Statement on comprehensive child care / AFL-CIO, February 19, 1971
[105] Statement on veterans hospitals / AFL-CIO, February 15, 1971
[106] Statement on nursing homes / AFL-CIO, February 16, 1971
[107] Statement on public health service hospitals / AFL-CIO, February 18, 1971
[108] Statement on social security and medicare / AFL-CIO, February 18, 1971
[109] Statement on welfare reform / AFL-CIO, February 15, 1971
[110] Statement on health security program / AFL-CIO, February 19, 1971
[111] Statement on campaign financing reform to the tenth constitutional convention / AFL-CIO, October 22, 1973
[112] Statement on President Nixon to the tenth constitutional convention / AFL-CIO, October 22, 1973
[113] Resolution no. 92: old age, supervisors, disability and health insurance / AFL-CIO, 1973
[114] Letter to Honorable Richard H. Fulton concerning federal-state programs for the aged, blind and disabled / AFL-CIO, June 18, 1975
[115] Letter to Honorable Peter Brennan concerning proposed work incentive program / AFL-CIO, October 10, 1974
[116] AFL-CIO statement on H.R. 11511 to amend the public health service act and related laws / AFL-CIO, February 1974
[117] Letter with attached information on resolutions by the tenth AFL-CIO convention / AFL-CIO, November 2, 1973
[118] Letter with enclosed statements adopted by the AFL-CIO executive council / AFL-CIO, May 4, 1972
[119] Statement by George Meany on the report of the advisory council on social security / AFL-CIO, 1975
[120] Summary of statement by Andrew J. Biemiller on social security amendments (H. R. 1) before semate finance committee / AFL-CIO, January 31, 1972
[121] Statement on social security and medicare / AFL-CIO, February 20, 1970
[122] Statement on appropriations for domestic programs / AFL-CIO, February 23, 1968
[123] Statement of Bert Seidman on social security amendments / AFL-CIO, February 6, 1976
[124] Statement by Andrew J. Biemiller on social security of the house ways and means committee / AFL-CIO, June 18, 1975
[125] Letter concerning untrue statements on H. R. 5710 / AFL-CIO, October 4, 1968
[126] Statement by Bert Seidman on long-range financing - decoupling proposals / AFL-CIO, July 26, 1976
[127] Letter enclosing resolutions adopted by the AFL-CIO convention / AFL-CIO, December 1, 1971
[128] Letter enclosing statements adopted by the AFL-CIO executive council / AFL-CIO, February 28, 1972
[129] Statement on removal of punitive welfare restrictions / AFL-CIO, February 23, 1968
[130] Statement on medicaid / AFL-CIO, February 23, 1968
[131] Statement on occupational safety and health act of 1968 / AFL-CIO, February 22, 1968
[132] Statement on child health / AFL-CIO, February 23, 1968
[133] Statement on drugs / AFL-CIO, February 19, 1968
[134] Statement on H.R. 1 welfare reform and amendments to the social security program / AFL-CIO, August 10, 1971
[135] Statement on medicare - medicaid staff report to senate finance committee / AFL-CIO, February 20, 1970
[136] Housing - the key to prosperity / by Joseph D. Keenan, 1958
[137] Report to the executive council of the AFL-CIO to review the memorandum on civil rights in the AFL-CIO / AFL-CIO, 1961
[138] Report of civil rights department to the executive council / AFL-CIO, February 23, 1970
[139] Summary of statement by Andrew J. Biemiller on social security (H.R. 17550) amendments before senate finance committee / AFL-CIO, September 15, 1970
[140] What is COPE? / by AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, [1956]
[141] Memo from COPE and AFL-CIO legislative alert! / by AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, 1981
[142] Constitution: 1957 / by AFL-CIO, 1957
[143] Safety on the job with red cross first aid training / by Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO and the American National Red Cross, [1965]
[144] What every worker should know about drug abuse / by AFL-CIO Community Service Activities, 1969
[145] How to conduct a COPE dollar drive / by AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, [1961]
[146] AFL-CIO codes of ethical practices / by AFL-CIO, 1957
[147] Labor looks at education / by AFL-CIO, 1961-- [148] Contribute to COPE to help elect good candidates to keep America at work / by AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education, [1961].
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