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[Black labor in the history of American industry]
117 v.
Labor unions, Black
20th century
Working class African Americans
20th century
African Americans
20th century
Summary note
This material pertains to historical labor developments for African-Americans in the 20th century.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
[1] Paradox of three million unfilled jobs and three million unemployed / Program Dynamics, Inc., 1966
[2] Craft unions and blacks: the view from Newark - the need for result oriented research / by Alfred W. Blumrosen, 1971
[3] Story of house bill no. 445 ... a bill that failed to pass and the problem of the negro in industry ... a question that lives on / Indiana State Chamber of Commerce, 1941
[4] Labor situation in the cotton belt / Munds and Winslow, 1923
[5] American unions and African problems / American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa, [1981]
[6] Manpower: one tenth of a nation / by U.S. War Manpower Commission, 1942
[7] Negro's war / Fortune, 1942
[8] Utilization of reserve workers / by War Manpower Commission, 1944
[9] State legislation forbidding discriminatory employment practices / by President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, 1944
[10] Blessings of freedom / by Francis J. Haas, 1952
[11] Poster: equal economic opportunity / by President's Committee on Government Contracts, 1955
[12] Resolution on question of negro rights and self-determination / by Communist Party, 1953
[13] Cotton and the labor problem / by Information Service, 1925
[14] D.R.U.M - vanguard of the black revolution / by South End, 1969
[15] Some negro-white differences in consumption / by Marcus Alexis, 1962
[16] Bias behind the wheel / by Commercial Car Journal, 1966
[17] Proceedings of a national conference for human rights / by George M. Leader and David J. McDonald
[18] Battle of filibuster: new round opens / by New York Times Magazine, 1952
[19] Practical application of a non-discriminatory employment policy / by Labor Management Panel, 1954
[20] Equal opportunity is good business / by President's Committee on Government Contracts
[21] NAM speaks out for equal opportunity / by National Association of Manufacturers, 1953
[22] Economics of fair employment laws / by Journal of Political Economy, 1968
[23] Urban poverty and labor force participation / by Journal of American Economic Association, 1967
[24] Economic discrimination and unemployment / by Harry J. Gilman, 1965
[25] Fair employment practice legislation / by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1953
[26] After FEPC - what? / by William Becker, 1962
[27] Text of rules and regulations of president's committee on equal employment opportunity / by Bureau of National Affairs, 1961
[28] Racial integration in medicine / by Committee for the Nation's Health, 1953
[29] Opportunities for negro women in the medical and other health services / by U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau, 1948
[30] Recent developments in regional education / by American Council on Race Relations, 1950
[31] Upward bound / by Fortune, 1968
[32] Negroes getting new jobs in south / by New York Times, 1959
[33] Employment of the negro in war industries / Journal of Negro Education, 1943
[34] Some problems of labor supply and training in war production / by Robert C. Weaver, 1942
[35] Long road ahead for black executives / by New York Times, 1977
[36] Construction union at airport starts training blacks / by New York Times, 1972
[37] Labor union influences / by Economics of Racism, 1978
[38] Black protest and the struggle for union democracy / by Herbert Hill, [date unknown]
[39] Fact sheet on educational attainment of nonwhite women / by U.S. Department of Labor, 1968
[40] Present status of negro labor / by T. Arnold Hill, 1929
[41] Impact of the changing economy on the negro and Puerto Rican worker / by U.S. Department of Labor, 1968
[42] Occupational benefits to whites from the subordination of negroes / by unknown source, 1963
[43] Youth unemployment: scope and solution / by [American Federation], 1967
[44] Race and socioeconomic status as moderators in predicting machine-shop training success / by Mary L. Tenopy, 1968
[45] Employee testing: guide signs, not stop signs / by U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1968
[46] Nonagricultural placements, total and nonwhite by major occupational group / by U.S. Department of Labor, 1949
[47] Management and the negro employee / by Elaine Pollard, 1948
[48] Minority group study / by U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1965
[49] Full employment and the negro worker / by Willard S. Townsend, 1945
[50] Section E: workers' education: a challenge to negro colleges / by Thomas E. Posey, 1947.
[51] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / by American Federation of Labor, June 20, 1942
[52] Measurement of ecological segregation / by American Sociological Review, 1947
[53] Industrial training for the negro / by James E. Gregg, 1929
[54] Negroes in southern industry / by T. Arnold Hill, 1931
[55] Negro press and the issue of democracy / by Marshall Field, 1944
[56] Negro women in industry / by Southern Workman, 1929
[57] Status and characteristics of minority groups in the labor force in the United States as of April 1949 / by U.S. Department of Labor, 1949
[58] Craft unions a link in the circle of negro discrimination / by Herman D. Block, 1958
[59] Survey no. 77, personnel policies forum / by Bureau of National Affairs, 1965
[60] Survey of employment prospects for negroes in armament industries / by Negro Labor War Labor Policies Board, 1942
[61] Not in the headlines: a story of a negro radio operator / by Elmer A. Carter, 1931
[62] Employment and economic status of negroes in the United States / by Subcommittee on Civil Rights, 1954
[63] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / by President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, 1942
[64] Industrial relations bulletin / by Chicago Urban League, 1945
[65] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / by President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, 1942
[66] Let us assure the negro a place in the post war transportation world / by Negro Labor, 1945
[67] Negro comes of age in industry / by Robert C. Weaver, 1943
[68] American magazine poll of experts / by Arthur Kornhauser, 1945
[69] Let's be human / by Harry Fleischman, 1955
[70] Bill: S. 1732 / by United States Senate, 1951
[71] Bill: S. 551 / by Unites States Senate, 1951
[72] Step toward fair employment / by Frank S. Loescher, 1950
[73] Hiring minorities / by Modern Industry, 1952
[74] Negro in industry / by Ralph Rose, 1953
[75] FEPC - the challenge for the democrats / by Hubert H. Humphrey, 1952
[76] Discrimination in employment / by College of Education and Institute of Labor and International Relations, University of Illinois, 1950
[77] Equal employment opportunity act of 1966 / by House of Representatives, 1966
[78] Place of the negro in a reconversion program / by Dartnell War Production Service, 1943
[79] Blacks and the unions / by Bayard Rustin, 1971
[80] Let us build a national negro congress / by John P. Davis, 1935
[81] Second national negro congress / by Negro Labor, 1937
[82] Voice of colored labour / by George Padmore, 1945
[83] We are ready to help him, are you? / by National Urban League, 1942
[84] Negro in america; how we treat him and how we should / by Negro Labor, 1945
[85] Why race riots? lessons from Detroit / by Earl Brown, 1944
[86] Jobs without creed or color / by Winifred Raushenbush, 1945
[87] Henry Ford and the negro people / by Christopher C. Alston, 1940
[88] Next emancipation / by James Oneal, 1941
[89] March on Washington one year after / by Albert Parker, 1942
[90] Constitution of the general rules of the brotherhood of sleeping car porters, train, chair car, coach porters and attendants / by American Federation of Labor, 1946
[91] Pettis Perry: the story of a working class leader / by Richard O. Boyer, 1950
[92] Jobless negro / by Elizabeth Lawson, 1933
[93] Speed defense production, open the gates! / by National Urban League, 1942
[94] Workers battle automation / by Charles Denby, 1960
[95] Performance of negro workers in 300 war plants / by Department of Industrial Relations, 1944
[96] Introduction of negroes into white departments / by Erdman E. Palmore, 1955
[97] War-time changes in the occupational status of negro workers / by Julius A. Thomas, 1945
[98] Mr. employer: I can run your machines! / by National Urban League, 1941
[99] Negro employment in New York / by Donald H. Balleisen
[100] Toward victory for democracy, headlines tell the story / by National Urban League, 1942.
[101] Organized labor and the black worker / by Negro Labor, 1967
[102] A. Phillip Randolph at 80; tributes and recollections / by A. Phillip Randolph Institute, 1969
[103] Georgian would halt exodus of negroes / by Journal of Commerce, 1923
[104] Negro drops hoe to puddle steel / by N.Y. Times, 1920
[105] Skilled negro labor in north / by Journal of Commerce, 1923
[106] Fines imposed for enticing negro labor from the south / by N.Y. Times, 1923
[107] Exodus of negroes arouses Georgia / by N.Y. Times, 1923
[108] Fight back volume 1, number 4 / edited by William Carlotti, Joe Carnegie, Guillermo Cotto, James Haughton, Mike Santo, and Arthur Trigg, June 1969
[109] Insurance and the disadvantaged / from Journal of Insurance Information, September-October 1968
[110] 70th birthday reception tendered to Frank R. Crosswaith by the negro labor committee / Harlem Labor Center, 1962
[111] Study of negro women in industry / from Southern Workman, 1929
[112] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, January 19 and 20, 1942
[113] Summary of hearings on complaints of negro plumbers against the Chicago journeymen plumbers' union / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, April 4, 1942
[114] Summary of hearings on complaints of negro steamfitters against the steamfitters' protective association / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, April 4, 1942
[115] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, June 19, 1942
[116] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, June 20, 1942
[117] Summary of the hearings of the president's committee on fair employment practice / President's Committee on Fair Employment Practice, October 20 and 21, 1941.
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