[Strikes ... lockouts ... injunctions #1]

101 v.


Summary note
This collection is comprised of a broad range of publication materials associated with strikes, lockouts, and injunctions.
From the holdings of Princeton University Industrial Relations Library.
  • [1] New Orleans strike bulletin (4 unnumbered pieces, bulletin #1, 3-15, 17-18, 21-34, 36-41) / New Orleans Branch of the M.T.W.I.U. 510 of the I.W.W., [1923]
  • [2] Report on impact of steel stoppage on employment in selected areas / News from the U.S. Department of Labor, 1959
  • [3] Second report on impact of steel stoppage on employment in selected areas / News from the U.S. Department of Labor, 1959
  • [4] Third report on impact of steel stoppage on employment in selected areas / News from the U.S. Department of Labor, 1959
  • [5] Fourth report on impact of steel stoppage on employment in selected areas / News from the U.S. Department of Labor, 1959
  • [6] Trade disputes under the California unemployment insurance act / prepared by San Francisco Employers Council Department of Research and Analysis, 1949
  • [7] First and second interim reports of the strike committee / by T.D. Perera, J.P. Appleby, M.F.S. Pulle, 1947
  • [8] Anti-injunction proposals / prepared by National Association of Manufacturers, National Industrial Council, [1928]
  • [9] Review of labor-management disputes, 1946 / from U.S. Department of Labor, [1947]
  • [10] Fact sheet on collective bargaining in the longshore industry, 1958-70 / News from the U.S. Department of Labor, 1971
  • [11] Memorandum on strikes in the defense period / from U.S. Department of Labor, 1942
  • [12] Addenda to "strikes are not democratic and not necessary" / by Jerome Levy, 1945
  • [13] Issues in the steel wage fight / by Liston Pope, 1946
  • [14] Euclid candy co. of California Inc. vs. international longshoremen & warehousemen's union, local 1-6 (injunction) / Honorable Frank T. Deasy, Judge Presiding, 1940
  • [15] Practical but almost compleat guide for the striking college teacher / American Federation of Teachers, 1969
  • [16] Why does steel strike go on despite best wage offer in industry's history? / by Steel Companies in the Wage Case, 1952
  • [17] Who lost the steel strike? / National Association of Manufacturers, 1952
  • [18] Origin of Ca' Canny / Special Report of the Commissioner of Labor, Ireland, [1924]
  • [19] Guide to materials on the 1971 Newark teachers strike / by Thomas McCarthy, 1971
  • [20] Lahiere's on strike ... and here's why / employee poster, Hotel and Restaurant Union, [1959]
  • [21] Work stoppages by state, 1927 / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1959
  • [22] Story of the "lockout" in Cleveland ... Cleveland "yellow dog contract and open shop" ... / Cleveland Lockout Committee, [1930]
  • [23] Fact sheet on work stoppages in the motor vehicle industry, 1946-69 / USDL, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1970
  • [24] Exploring alternatives to the strike / Monthly Labor Review, 1973
  • [25] Why did they strike? / Sweden Now, 1970
  • [26] Long strike's human damage / by Robert Wallace, 1957
  • [27] Kohler company of Kohler, Wisconsin / Northwestern University, 1957
  • [28] Riots, strikes / NEMA Insurance Committee, 1937
  • [29] Amendments to section 14 "notice of strikes and lockouts" and "procedure in applying section 14" ... / from William H. Stead, USDL, United States Employment Service, 1939
  • [30] Three letters concerning strike notices / Hotel and Restaurant Employees' and Beverage Dispensers International Alliance, 1930/31
  • [31] Your personal strike cost computer / by Bridgeport Manufacturers Association, 1954
  • [32] Mutual "strike insurance" aid pacts: a bibliography / Deere and Company, Engineering Research Library, 1968
  • [33] Lockout - the other dimension / by Willard A. Lewis, 1967
  • [34] Work stoppages: fifty states and the District of Columbia 1927-62 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1963
  • [35] Work stoppages in New Jersey / Research Section, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers, 1965
  • [36] Two ways to stop strikes / by Leonard E. Read, 1953
  • [37] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1964: annual tables / extract from N.S.W. Industrial Gazette, March 1965
  • [38] Managing and advancing the industrial chemist / from Chemical and Engineering News, October 23, 1961
  • [39] Company letters and releases pertaining to strike / Bearfoot Sole Company, Inc., 1954
  • [40] Work stoppages: national emergency disputes under the labor-management relations act / U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1953
  • [41] Work stoppages: national emergency disputes under the labor-management relations act / U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1956
  • [42] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1960 / extract from Industrial Gazette, March 1961
  • [43] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1956 / extract from Industrial Gazette, March 1957
  • [44] Work stoppages by state, 1927- / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1955
  • [45] Dear mom / by Mrs. Edward W. Greenfield, 1957
  • [46] To end strikes in essencial industries / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1947
  • [47] Motion picture studio strike / from New Leader, June 29, 1946
  • [48] What to do about the labor mess / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1946
  • [49] World events / from New Leader, March 30, 1946
  • [50] Memorandum: some facts relevant to strikes in the brewing industry / source unknown, 1950.
  • [51] Pragmatism and strikes / by Sidney C. Sufrin and T. Donald Rucker, 1952
  • [52] Basic elements of the labor problem / by A. H. Raskin, 1949
  • [53] Review of labor-management disputes in 1948 / U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1948
  • [54] Real lesson of the strikes / by Francis Tyson, 1946
  • [55] How to handle a strike / Labor Relations Institute, 1949
  • [56] Non-stoppage strike / by George W. Goble, 1950
  • [57] Strikes in perspective / by Dr. Arthur M. Ross, 1950
  • [58] Work stoppages: national emergency disputes under the labor management relations act 1947 - June 30, 1952 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1952
  • [59] Work stoppages: collection and compilation of work stoppage statistics / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1953
  • [60] Work stoppages: electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies industry 1927-60 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1962
  • [61] Current proposals for dealing with strikes affecting the national interest / Industrial References Section, Princeton University, 1967
  • [62] Paterson studies anti-strike plan / New York Times, March 17, 1935
  • [63] Test of some assumptions underlying the path goal model of supervision: some suggested conceptual modifications / by Tove Helland Hammer and H. Peter Dachler, 1975
  • [64] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1961 / extract from Industrial Gazette, March 1962
  • [65] Lockouts / by Robert V. Sweetall and Stanley L. Aiges, 1958
  • [66] 475 air engineers strike at united / New York Times, November 24, 1955
  • [67] Industrial disputes in New South Wales: statistical survey for 1954 / extract from N.S.W. Industrial Gazette, March 1955
  • [68] Mr. Truman's memoirs: John L. Lewis' defiance / by Harry S. Truman, 1955
  • [69] Foremen during a strike / National Industrial Conference Board, 1956
  • [70] White collar workers during a strike / National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1956
  • [71] Strikes and real income / Economic Research Department, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1956
  • [72] Great question in industrial relations / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1947
  • [73] To end strikes in essencial industries / by Sumner H. Slichter, 1947
  • [74] Mohawk valley formula: how to break a strike / source unknown, 1953
  • [75] Work stoppages: metropolitan areas 1952-61 / United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, 1963
  • [76] Arbitration and discipline for wildcat strikes / by Morrison Handsaker, 1963
  • [77] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1962 / extract from Industrial Gazette, March 1963
  • [78] Do workers have rights during a strike / from Mill and Factory, March 1963
  • [79] Nigeria's levellers / from World International Reporter, 1964
  • [80] Industrial disputes in New South Wales in 1963: annual tables / extract from N.S.W. Industrial Gazette, March 1964
  • [81] Industrial conflict in Lebanon / by Samir G. Khalaf, 1965
  • [82] How to sign up non-members in plant organizing / IAM Education Bulletin, 1965
  • [83] Letter to C. J. Haggerty pertaining to strike / from Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1965
  • [84] California grape pickers strike schenley liquors / Princeton Students for a Democratic Society, 1966
  • [85] Industrial disputes in 1958 / from N.S.W. Industrial Gazette, March 1959
  • [86] Ironminers' walkout - signal of change? / Swedish Information Service, 1970
  • [87] Locked out: cooks - waiters - waitresses / by American Federation of Labor, 1930
  • [88] New blow at labor: no union can feel secure while the apex verdict stands / by Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1939]
  • [89] Agreement between labor union and employer to establish weekly wages in place of daily or hourly wage rates / by Department of Justice, Division of Enforcement of Antitrust Laws, 1940
  • [90] Strikes and lockouts in Canada during 1951 with information for certain other countries / by Canada Department of Labour, Economic and Research Branch, 1952
  • [91] Legislative bill 537 / introduced by John P. McKnight of Nemaha, State of Nebraska, 1947
  • [92] Act to provide settlement of labor disputes between public utility employers and their employes (no. 485) / by General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1947
  • [93] Act for the better protection of public welfare against unwarranted strikes and lockouts / by Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly, [1923]
  • [94] Our aluminum industry has had a rapid growth / [source unknown, 1934]
  • [95] Aluminum co. bars closed shop plan / by New York Times, August 4, 1934
  • [96] Parley gives hope of aluminum pact / by New York Times, August 27, 1934
  • [97] Minneapolis strike ends / by New York Times, March 4, 1937
  • [98] Strikes and economics / by Labor Bureau, Inc., 1922
  • [99] Dead, but not forgotten / Publicity Committee, MTWIU #510, [1923]
  • [100] Letter to the officers and members of international unions concerning struggle with general motors / International Union, United Automobile Workers of America, [1937].
  • [101] Letter to employees concerning situation in company as a result of strike / Republic Steel Corporation, June 15, 1937.
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