كتاب سر البلاغة ويقال له ايضا فقه اللغة / تصنيف الشيخ الجليل ابي منصور عبد الملك ابن محمد بن اسماعيل الثعالبي رحمة الله عليه رحمة واسعة امين

Kitāb Sirr al-balāghah wa-yuqāl lahu ayḍan Fiqh al-lughah / taṣnīf al-Shaykh al-Jalīl Abī Manṣūr ʻAbd al-Malik Ibn Muḥammad ibn Ismāʻīl al-Thaʻālibī raḥmat Allāh ʻalayhi raḥmatan wāsiʻatan amīn.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
i, 121, i leaves: paper ; 228 x 150 (175 x 115) mm. bound to 235 x 165 mm.


Summary note
Treatise on synonyms and style, in two parts (qism): Fī asrār al-lughah al-ʻarabīyah wa-khaṣāʾiṣihā (fol. 4b-80a, in 30 bāb) -- Fī majārī kalām al-ʻArab wa-rusūmihā wa-sunanihā wa-mā yataʻallaqu bi-al-naḥw wa-al-iʻrāb [min-hā] wa-al-istishhād bi-al-Qurʾān ʻalá aktharihā (fol. 80a-121a). See description of contents in preamble, fol. 2a-4b. The beginning of the text is supplied by a later hand.
  • Ms. codex.
  • Title from title page (fol. 1a, later hand).
  • Physical description: 13 lines per page. Written in medium small naskh (professional hand) in black ink, with use of red for headins; red tear drop text-stops. . Soft cream paper, hardly translucid, with pulp visible through. Fol. 1 and 119 are later replacements. Biographical note on the author on fol. 1a. Verse of poetry on the pastedown of the upper cover. The pages have been trimmed. Foliation in black ink using Arabic numerals (starts with "1" on fol. 3a).
  • Spine label with inscription in Arabic script reading: "Fiqh al-lughah lil-Thaʻālibī makhṭūṭ 653".
  • Origin: According to colophon, copied by Jarbān(?) ibn Mūsá ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khartabirtī, Saturday 8 Rabīʻ al-Awwal corresponding to 17 Nīsān 653 [April 17, 1255] (fol. 121a).
  • Incipit: بسم ... وصلى الله على نبيه محمد وآله ... اما بعد حمد الله على الائه والصلاة على محمد وآله فان من احب الله احب رسوله ... ومن احب الرسول احب العرب ومن احب العرب احب اللغة العربية ... [2أ] وفنون المحاسن بكل اقلام الكتبة
  • Explicit: هذه الواو احسن من واوات الاصداغ فى حدود المرد الملاح
Binding note
Quarter bound in purple paper and dark brown leather. Edges of the textblock sparkled with blue ink. Paper pastedowns.
Acquired by Robert Garrett from the books of Murād Bey al-Bārūdī (Beirut), 1925.
Source acquisition
Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
  • Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 516
  • Brockelmann, C. GAL, I, 285 ; SI
  • Mach, R. Yahuda, 3759
Other format(s)
Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
Other title(s)
  • Sirr al-balāghah
  • سر البلاغة
  • شمس الادب في استعمال العرب
Title in GAL and Hitti
  • Shams al-adab fī istiʻmāl al-ʻArab
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