Sidurim, Maḥzorim, and other Jewish prayerbooks.

25 v. ; 10-18 cm.


Language note
Mostly in Hebrew, with some English and German.
  • Minḥah ḳeṭanah = Israels Gebete für Wochen, Sabbath und Festtage nebst den Pirke Aboth = Gebete der israeliten / übersetzt von K.J. Fürstenthal, Prag, 840 p., 1877
  • Seder le-hadrat ḳodesh, kolel tefilot kol ha-shanah, ṿe-khol birkhot ha-nehenin, u-virkhot ha-mitsṿot, u-virkhot ha-reʼiyah ṿeha-reaḥ ha-nitsrakhim la-daʻat le-khol ish Yehudi, be-haʻataḳat leshon English = Form of prayers and blessings of Israel with an English translation, Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 507 p., 1881
  • Sidur Śefat emet (ha-ḳaṭan) kolel kol tefilot Yiśraʼel le-khol ha-shanah / mugah u-mesudar ʻal yede A. Haiman = Daily prayer with English directions / revised and arranged by A. Hyman, Hebrew Publishing Company, 314 p., c1917
  • Berakha u-tehilah = Blessing and praise, a book of meditations and prayers for individual and home devotion, Birkat ha-mazon ʻim seder ha-berakhot = Grace and blessings for various occassions, North American Book Co., New York, 68 p., 1924
  • Tefilat Yeshurun = The form of daily prayers according to custom of the German and Polish Jews / with a new translation by Joseph Güns, Star Hebrew Book Co., 875 p., 1928
  • Seder Tefilot kol ha-shanah, ke-minhag Polin / mugah u-meduyaḳ heṭev u-meturgam li-leshon English ʻal yede Shimʻon ben Yehudah Singer ; metuḳenet u-murḥevet taḥat hashgaḥat Yosef Tsevi Herts = The authorised Daily prayer book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire / with a new translation by S. Singer ; revised and enlarged under the direction of J.H. Hertz, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 329, 329 p., 1929
  • Śiaḥ Yiśraʼel, seder tefilot le-khol ha-shanah = The complete prayer book, 320 p., 1932
  • Sidur ʻAvodat Yiśraʼel = Siddur Avodat Israel with English translation, Sinai, Tel-Aviv, 446 p., 1959
  • Birkat ha-mazon, zemirot u-verakhot shonot = Grace, hymns and blessings / compiled and arranged by Ch. M. Brecher, Ktav Publishing House, New York, 145 p., c1960
  • Maḥazor ha-shalem le-Rosh ha-Shanah ṿe-Yom ha-Kipurim, ha-Merkaz le-ʻinyene ḥinukh, Ḳehot, Kefar Ḥabad, 498 p., 1966
  • Sidur ha-shalem kolel kol ha-tefilot ṿeha-baḳashot ke-sidran ... ṿe-ʻim Tehilim u-maʻamadot, Sinai, Tel-Aviv, 768 p., 1966
  • Sidur Tehilat H. ʻal pi nusaḥ ha-Ari zal = Sidur Tehilas hashem, ha-Merkaz le-ʻinyene ḥinukh, Bruḳlin, N.Y., 702 p., c1966 --- Sidur Tefilat Yiśraʼel kolel kol ha-tefilot ṿeha-baḳashot ke-sidran, nusaḥ Sefarad, Sinai, Tel-Aviv, 352 p., 1969
  • Sidur Rinat Yiśraʼel, nusaḥ Sefarad / ʻarukh u-mesudar u-mevoʼar bi-yede Shelomoh Ṭal, Hotsaʼat Moreshet, Yerushalayim, 568 p., c1976
  • Sidur ha-shalem ʻim Tehilim u-maʻamadot ṿe-ʻim ha-ḳeriʼot ṿeha-hafṭarot le-shalosh regalim, nusaḥ Ashkenaz, Eshkol, Yerushalayim, 768 p.
  • Sidur ha-shalem ʻim Tehilim u-maʻamadot, nusaḥ Sefarad, Eshkol, Yerushalayim, 727 p.
  • Seder berakhot, tefilat ha-shaḥar li-yeladim, seder seʻudah u-virkhoteha, birkat ha-mazon, birkhot ha-nehenin, berakhot aḥaronot, ḳeriʼat shemaʻ ʻal ha-miṭah u-virkhot ha-ner le-Shabat ṿe-yom ṭov = Grace and blessings / be-targum Angli ʻa. y. Yeshaʻyah Glazer, Star Hebrew Book, New York, 65 p.
  • Sidur tefilat yesharim lefi minhage ha-Sefaradim be-Erets Yiśraʼel uve-ḥuts la-Arets, le-ḥol, le-Shabatot, le-roshe ḥodashim ule-moʻadim / ba-nusaḥ ha-metuḳan ke-seder Yosef Ḥayim ; ha-ʻorekh Tsaleḥ b.R. Yaʻaḳv Mantsur, Yerushalayim, 320 p.
  • Maḥazor Shaʻare Tsiyon le-Rosh ha-Shanah ṿe-Yom Kipur , nusaḥ Sefarad, Hotsaʼat Tsevi Berfman, Yerushalayim, 439 p.
  • Maḥazor Keneset Yiśraʼel, ʻim perushim Maṭeh Leṿi, Keneset Yiśraʼel u-Feninim yeḳarim, kol tefilah u-tefilah bi-mekomah, nusaḥ Ashkenaz, Eshkol, Yerushalayim, 448 p.
  • Sidur Śefat emet kolel kol tefilot Yiśraʼel le-khol ha-shanah / mugah u-mesudar ʻal yede A. Haiman ʻim targum English = Sephath emeth = Speech of truth, order of prayers for the whole year, Hebrew and English, Hebrew Publishing Company, New York, 314, 314 p.
  • Sidur Śefat emet he-ḥadash ke-minhag Sefarad be-otiyot gedolot kolel kol ha-tefilot ṿeha-baḳashot asher yaʻarokh kol ish Yiśraʼel le-Elohaṿ mi-de yom be-yomo ṿeha-tefilot mesudarot ke-sidran ʻim hosafot rabot ka-mevoʼar ba-shaʻar ha-sheni, Verlag von Hersch Ziegelheim Buchhandlung, Wien,240 p.
  • Tefilat Yeshurun, ke-minhag ḳehilot ha-ḳodesh shel ha-Yehudim ha-Sefaradim be-Artsot ha-Mizraḥ uve-khol meḳomot moshvotehem, kolel tefilot le-khol ha-shanah : Sidur Tefilat Yeshurun / mugah be-hagahah meduyeḳet ʻal yede Even, Hibru Pablishing Kompani, Nyu Yorḳ, 319 p.
  • Sidur Ahavat Tsiyon, ha-tefilot le-khol ha-shanah, le-ḥol, le-Shabatot, le-roshe ḥodashim ule-moʻadim, lefi minhag ha-Sefaradim ṿe-khol bene ʻadot ha-Mizraḥ ba-arets uve-ḥuts la-arets, Eshkol, Yerushalayim, 318 p.
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