The Civil law, including the Twelve tables [electronic resource] : the Institutes of Gaius, the Rules of Ulpian, the Opinions of Paulus, the Enactments of Justinian, and the Constitutions of Leo / translated from the original Latin, edited, and compared with all accessible systems of jurisprudence ancient and modern, by S.P. Scott.

Cincinnati : Central Trust Co., c1932.
17 v. ; 27 cm.


Legal classics library (Buffalo, N.Y.) [More in this series]
  • This translation has been made from: Leges XII tabvlarvm restitvtae a I.N. Fvnccio, Rintelii, 1744. Gaii Institutionum juris civilis, commentarii quattuor, Lipsiae, 1886. Julii Pauli Sententiarum and filium, libri quinque, Lipsiae, 1886. Domitii Ulpiani Fragmenta, Lipsiae, 1886. Fontes juris romani antejustiniani, Florentiae, 1908. Corpus juris civilis cum notis Dionysii Gothofredi, Amstelodami, 1663. Corpus juris civilis, ediderunt d. Albertus et d. Mauritius, fratres Kriegelii, d. Aemilius Hermann, d. Eduardus Osenbruggen, Lipsiae, 1872. Pandestae Justinianeae in novum ordinem digestae, Paris, 1823. cf. v. 1, p. 50.
  • "The new constitutions of the Emperor Leo" (v. 17, p. 204-297) is translated into English from the Latin translation of Henricus Agylaeus (first published under title Imp. Leonis Augusti Constitutiones novellae. Paris, H. Stephanus, 1560).
  • "Compared with the following authorities": v. 1, p. 50-54.
  • Includes index.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. [Buffalo, NY] : W.S. Hein, [2007]. (HeinOnline legal classics library). Mode of access: World Wide Web. Made available through: HeinOnline.
  • v. 1-2. Twelve Tables ; Institutes of Gaius ; Rules of Ulpian ; The Opinions of Paulus, Enactments of Justinian
  • v. 3-4. Enactments of Justinian: digest or pandects, books III-XVII
  • v. 5-6. Enactments of Justinian: digest or pandects, books XVIII-XXIX
  • v. 7-8. Enactments of Justinian: digest or pandects, books XXIX-XXXIX
  • v 9-11. Enactments of Justinian: digest or pandects, books XXXIX-L
  • v. 12-14. Enactments of Justinian: the Code, books I-IX
  • v. 15-17. Enactments of Justinian: the Code, IX-XII; the Novels; Constitutions of Leo; General index.
Other title(s)
  • Tituli ex corpore Ulpiani. English.
  • Lex duodecim tabularum. English
  • Corpus juris civilis. English.
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