كتاب المختار الفتوى على مذهب الامام ابي حنيفة وقول ابي يوسف ومحمد وخلاف زفر والشافعي ومالك / صاحبه محمود ابن موسى الكاتب.

Kitāb al-Mukhtār al-fatawá ʻalá madhhab al-Imām Abī Ḥanīfah wa-qawl Abī Yūsuf wa-Muḥammad wa-khilāf Zufar wa-al-Shāfiʻī wa-Mālik.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
Ūrayl, 27 Ramaḍān 874 [March 30, 1470]
114 leaves : paper ; 265 x 180 (165 x 110) mm bound to 265 x 190 mm


Copies in the Library

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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 161B Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Getty AAT genre
    Summary note
    This copy comprises extended ḥāshiyah on the margins written by the same hand as the main text (see note on the left side of the title on title page, fol. 2a). The text is followed on fol. 96a-114b by notes, homilies (Khuṭbat ʻĪd al-naḥr ; khuṭbat ʻīd al-fiṭr), by a text entitled al-Farāʻiḍ, a translation in Ottoman Turkish of a treatise on the law of inheritance by Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandī (d. 383/993) (fol. 98b-109a), and by several sections (faṣl) on ṭalaq and purity in Arabic, the latter entitled "al-Masāʼil al-mutafarriqah fi al-najāsah" at the end of the text (fol. 114b).
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title from illuminated title page (fol. 2a).
    • Important interlinear and marginal annotations, comprising glosses and short texts, the ones on the margin outlined in red or green. A few slips of paper with annotations are pasted between the leaves. Fol. 22 is a later replacement. Fol. 1a-2a are covered with inscriptions and short texts, comprising ḥadīths, prayers, legal questions and their answer.
    • Collation: Paper ; fol. 114.
    • Layout: 13-37 lines per page.
    • Description: Written in medium large naskh in black ink (faded to brown) ; rubricated ; use of red and green ink ; wear on the edges of leaves (with loss of text), a few leaves at the end of the volume worm-eaten.
    • Decoration: Title page illuminated in gold. Title written in gold outlined in black in a roundel defined by gold, black and blue lines, with use of green (fol. 2a).
    • Paper: Soft cream paper, glossy, hardly translucid, with pulp visible.
    • Origin: [Kitāb al-Mukhtār al-fatawá ] According to colophon, copy completed on 27 Ramaḍān 874 [March 30, 1470] by Maḥmūd ibn Mūsá ibn Junayd al-Ḥanafī, in the village of Ūrayl, ʻAyntāb [between Aleppo and Anṭākiyah, see Yāqūt] (fol. 95b).
    • Incipit: [كتاب المختار الفتوى] الحمد لله على جزيل نعمايه احمده على جليل الآيه واشكره على جميل بلايه واشهد ان لا اله الا هو شهادة اعدّها ليوم لقايه وان محمدا عبده ورسوله سيد رسله ... وبعد فطلب الى من وجب جوابه على ان اجمع له مختصرا على مذهب الامام ابي حنيفة رضي الله عنه ... [3أ] ... كتاب الطهارة من اراد الصلوة وهو محدث فليتوضا -- [كتاب الفرائض] قال الفقيه الامام الزاهد ابو الليث نصر ابن ابراهيم السمرقندي رحمة الله عليه ايتي ادمي لرحاجتين فرايض كتابنا محتاج بغين كروم اشبوا كتابي تاليف قلدم يعني نصنيف قلدم فرايض مسئله لرندن انجا نستادن كم اندن.
    • Explicit: [كتاب المختار الفتوى] صالح من الورثة او الغرماء على شيء من التركة فاطرحه كان لم يكن ثم اقسم الباقي على سهام الباقين والله اعلم بالصواب واليه المرجع والمآب-- [كتاب الفرائض] اكر كندوقزن خلق ادنسا جواب انك كبي درر تمت الفرايض لعون الله تعالى وحسن توفيقه.
    Binding note
    Dark brown leather over paper pasteboards for upper and lower covers, fore-edge flap and envelope flap. The covers are similarly blind-tooled with a central mandorla and fillets. Paper pastedowns.
    • 1. fol. 1a-95b: Kitāb al-Mukhtār al-fatawá ʻalá madhhab al-Imām Abī Ḥanīfah wa-qawl Abī Yūsuf wa-Muḥammad wa-khilāf Zufar wa-al-Shāfiʻī wa-Mālik.
    • 2. fo. 96a-114b: [Notes, homilies and Kitab al-Farāʻiḍ].
    Acquired by Robert Garrett from the books of Murād Bey al-Bārūdī (Beirut), 1925.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 1710.
    Other format(s)
    Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
    Statement on language in description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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