منار ابن ملك من الاصول.

Manār Ibn Malak min al-uṣūl.

Uniform title
Manuscript, Book
248 leaves: paper ; 198 x 133 (142 x 70) mm bound to 202 x 140 mm.


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 811H Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    Commentary on al-Manār fī uṣūl al-fiqh by Ḥāfiẓ al-Dīn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Aḥmad al-Nasafī (d. 710/1310).
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title from fol. 2a (1a in the modern foliation in pencil).
    • Ḥāshiyah on the margins (particularly on the beginning of the text) and on slips of paper pasted between the original folios. Several inscriptions in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish, including a note mentioning a court case, in the courthouse of Maḥmūd Bey, regarding the theft of the manuscript by Muṣṭafá Kār, and his imprisonment and subsequent death in captivity. Prayer in Arabic on fol. 2a.
    • Collation: Paper, fol. 248 ; 1¹⁰ (+ 1 at the beginning of quire) 2-24¹⁰ 25⁶ (+1 at the end of quire) ; the last word of the verso is repeated on the next recto ; foliation in red ink using Hindu-Arabic numerals ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 19 lines per page.
    • Description: Rubricated ; overlining and marginal keywords in red ; watermarks .
    • Origin: Copy completed in on the last day of Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1010/Sept. 28, 1601 by Muḥammad ibn Muṣṭafá (colophon, fol. 247b, followed by verses of poetry in Arabic).
    • Incipit: لله الحى الاحد حمد لا يحتويه الحد على ما اولانا علم الفروع ... وبعد يقول عبد اللطيف بن فرشته اوصلهما الله الى جنته برشده ان ارباب البطانة واصحاب الفطانة من خلص احبابى ... [3أ] ... الحمد لله الذى هدانا اى دلّنا وقيل معناه خلق الهداية وهى الدلالة الموصلة الى المطلوب كذا ذكره صاحب الكشاف
    • Explicit: ولهذا اذا صبر فى هذين القسمين وهما الثالث والرابع حتى قتل صار شهيدا لانه يكون باذلا نفسه لاعزاز دين الله ولاقامة حق الشرع تم هذا الكتاب بعون الله الملك الوهاب
    Binding note
    Type III (without flap) binding in dark brown leather. Blind-stamped mandorla and blind-tooled edging. Possibly a type II binding with the flap removed.
    Language note
    Several ownership statements on the pastedown of the upper cover and on fol. 2a, some erased, one in the name of ʻAbd Allāh Mudarrisʹzādah Aqshahrī, with impression of a stamp dated 1231/1815 or 16. Acquired from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 1633
    • Brockelmann, C. GAL, II, 196 (I/I. cmt. 4) ; SII, 263
    Other format(s)
    • Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
    • Also available in an electronic version.
    Statement on language in description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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