The alphabet ladder, or Gift for the nursery.

London : Published by G. Martin, 6 Gt. St. Thos. Apostle, [between 1817 and 1839]
16 pages : illustrations (hand-colored engravings) ; 16 cm


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Special Collections - Cotsen Children's Library 153911 Pams / Eng 19 / Box 003 Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Rare books genre
    Summary note
    Following frontispiece are 13 engraved pages of alphabet letters (both upper-and lower-cased), arranged two to a page, accompanied by couplets of verse and illustrative hand-colored depictions of personages, animals, objects, flowers, or plants, including: King Alfred, a Dutch ship, a Frenchman, a knight, a miller, a naughty boy, a street pedlar, verjuice, a usurer, a wise man from the East, a youth studying, a zany with a duncecap; the final 2 pages each contain 2 vignettes of children or young adults sporting outside.
    • Cover title and imprint.
    • "Price 1 shilling coloured"--After title on upper wrapper.
    • First and last pages laid down to wrappers.
    • Martin active at 6 Great St. Thomas Apostle from 1817-1839 (cf. Todd, Directory of printers, p. 127)
    • Text begins: "Aa: A stands for Alfred / A fam'd British King" ; "Bb: B for a Bullfinch / That can sweetly sing."
    Binding note
    Publisher's stiff salmon-orange wrappers, upper (with hand-colored engraved pictorial onlay label) presenting a version of frontispiece illustration of a Britannia-like Fame atop an alphabetic pedestal column, admired by 4 children below on the ground.
    Other title(s)
    Gift for the nursery.
    Statement on language in description
    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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