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كتاب خلاصة الابحاث في شرح نهج القراءات الثلث ؛ كتاب شرح الرائية للشاطبي
Kitāb Khulāṣat al-abḥāth fī sharḥ Nahj al-qirāʼāt al-thalath ; Kitāb Sharḥ al-Rāʼīyah lil-Shāṭibī.
Manuscript, Book
87 leaves: paper ; 160 x 120 (115 x 90) mm. bound to 160 x 125 mm.
Shāṭibī, al-Qāsim ibn Fīrruh 1144-1194
ʻAqīlat atrāb al-qaṣāʼid fī asná al-maqāṣid
Early works to 1800
Manuscripts, Arabic
New Jersey
Garrett, Robert, 1875-1961
Related name
Princeton University. Library. Manuscript. Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 612H
Rare books genre
Jaʻbarī, Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar, 1242 or 1243-1331 or 1332.
Khulāṣat al-abḥāth fī sharḥ Nahj al-qirāʼāt al-thalath.
جعبري، ابراهيم بن عمر، 1242 or 1243-1331 or 1332.
خلاصة الابحاث في شرح نهج القراءات الثلث.
Summary note
Collection of two short treatises, one a commentary by the author on his Nahj al-damāthah on the three additional readings of the Qurʼān, the other a commentary on a versification by al-Qāsim al-Shāṭibī (d. 590/1194) of the Muqniʻ fī rasm maṣāḥif al-amṣār by ʻUthmān ibn Saʻīd al-Dānī (d. 444/1053), entitled ʻAqīlat atrāb al-qaṣāʼid fī asná al-maqāṣid. According to this copy, the first text was completed in al-Khalīl in Shaʻbān 688 [1289] (see fol. 38a).
Ms. codex.
Title from fol. 38a and fol. 40a [i.e. 1a, second group].
The title of the first text and the name of its author appear on the margin of fol. 38a as follows: Kitāb Khulāṣat al-abḥāth fī sharḥ Nahj al-qirāʼāt al-thalath taṣnīf al-Shaykh al-imām ... Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar ibn Ibrāhīm al-Jaʻbarī, nazīl al-Khalīl. Inscriptions and fāʼidah on fol. (i)a-1a. Inscription in black ink using Western numerals on the upper cover: "259".
The title of the second text appears on fol. 40a [i.e. 1a, second group].
Collation: Paper ; fol. 87 ; 1¹⁰ (the foliation omits the first fol.) 2-4¹⁰ 5¹⁰ (-1, before fol. 40) 6-8¹⁰ 9¹⁰ (-1 at the end) ; catchword on the verso of fol. 1-4 and 10 of each quire ; the middle of each quire is marked by a sign on the upper corner of the verso and the lower corner of the recto of the following page ; the quires are numbered using Arabic ordinals in the form "thānī" (see fol. 10a; starts over at the beginning of text 2, see "thānī" on fol. 49a) ; foliation in ink using Hindu-Arabic numerals ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
Layout: 21 lines per page.
Origin: Both texts are written by the same hand. Copy of text 1 completed on 22 Jumādá al-Ūlá 775 [Nov. 9, 1373] (colophon, fol. 38a). Copy of text 2 completed on 17 Shawwāl 775 [April 1, 1374] (colophon, fol. 86a).
Incipit text 2: قال الشيخ الامام ... ابو القاسم الشاطبى رحمه الله تعالى ... الحمد لله موصولا كما امرا مباركا طيبا يستنزل الدررا الحمد وللدح اخوان ولما كانت العادة مستمرة لكل من شرع فى امر ان يبتدأ بذكر الله
Incipit text 1: الحمد لله الذى انزل على عبده الكتاب هدىً وذكرى لاولى الالباب ... بعد فلما كان نهج الدماثة فى قراات الثلثة
Binding note
Later type III (without flap) binding in brown leather over paper pasteboards. Paper pasted on both covers. Paper pastedown. Spine damaged. Disbound.
1. fol. 1a-39b, first group: Kitāb Khulāṣat al-abḥāth fī sharḥ Nahj al-qirāʼāt al-thalath / Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar al-Jaʻbarī.
2. fol. 40a [i.e. 1a, second group]-86a, second group: Kitāb Sharḥ al-Rāʼīyah lil-Shāṭibī.
Ownership statement in the name of Maḥmūd ibn Saʻd al-Khālidī, dated 28 Sh[aʻbān] 1236 [May 1821] on fol. 40a. Two studying statements ("ṭālaʻa fī hādhā al-kitāb") on fol. 86b, in the name of Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī ibn ʻAbd al----? al-Shāfiʻī and of ʻUmar Ibn ʻAlī al-Miṣrī al-Shāfiʻī respectively, the latter dated Ramaḍān 987 [Nov. 1579]. Acquired by Robert Garrett from Brill, Leyden, 1900.
Source acquisition
Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 1206, 1210
Mach, R. Yahuda, 213
Other format(s)
Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
Also available in an electronic version.
Other title(s)
Sharḥ al-Rāʼīyah lil-Shāṭibī.
شرح الرائية للشاطبي
Kitāb Sharḥ al-Rāʼīyah lil-Shāṭibī.
كتاب شرح الرائية للشاطبي.
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