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عيون التفاسير للفضلاء السماسير
ʻUyūn al-tafāsīr lil-fuḍalāʼ al-samāsīr.
Siyawāsī, Aḥmad ibn Maḥmūd, -1455 or 1456
سيواسي، احمد بن محمود
Manuscript, Book
[ 1455]
2 v. (283 + 300) leaves: paper ; 265 x180 and 273 x 180 mm.
Copies in the Library
Call Number
Location Service
Special Collections - Manuscripts
Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 663H
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Vol. 1-v. 2
Manuscripts, Arabic
New Jersey
Garrett, Robert, 1875-1961
Related name
Princeton University. Library. Manuscript. Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 663H
Rare books genre
Blind tooled bindings
Summary note
Commentary on the Qurʼān up to Sūrat al-Nās. The link between the two vol. should be investigated.
Ms. codex.
Title from beginning of text (vol. 1, fol. 2, l. 14).
Vol. 1 is written in small naskh in black ink with use of red, with 25 lines per page (written surface: 190 x 102 mm.), on thick glazed light cream paper with laid and chain lines, and pulp visible. The paper is frame-ruled. Inscriptions on fol. 1a. Obliterated seal impression on fol. 2a. One leaf missing between fol. 2 and 3 (3 and 4 in the modern foliation in pencil), between fol. 8 and 9 (9 and 10 in the modern foliation in pencil). Inscription in Ottoman Turkish on fol. 282b.
Vol. 2 is written in medium small naskh in black ink with use of red, with 21 lines per page (written surface: 195 x 120 mm.), on thick light cream paper with laid and chain lines visible. Ḥāshiyah on the margins.
Origin: Copy of vol. 2 completed on a Wednesday at the end of Jumādá al-Ūlá, 859 (colophon, fol. 300b, lower margin).
Incipit: الحمد للّه الذي انزل القرآن كلاما قيّما لا يحوم حواه عوج وجعله كتابًا محاكمً ... امّا بعد فانّ كتاب الله المجيد هو منبع الاصول الدينية
Explicit: قال عثمان لن واقد سالت من محمد بن المنكدر عن المعوذتين اهما من كتاب الله تع قال من لم يزعم انهما من كتاب الله تع فعليه لعنة الله والملآئكة والناس اجمعين
Binding note
Vol. 1 is bound in dark brown, almost black, leather over paper pasteboards for upper and lower covers and envelope flap. Both covers have a blind-tooled central mandorla. Smaller stamp on the point of the envelope flap with outer frame made of fillets. The spine and fore-edge flap are repaired with dark red leather. Paper pastedown on upper and lower covers, and envelope flap. Red leather doublure on the fore-edge flap. Cloth doublure on the spine. Disbound.
Vol. 2 is bound in dark brown, almost black, leather over paper pasteboards for upper and lower covers and fore-edge flap and envelope flap. Upper and lower covers have a blind tooled central mandorla and an outer frame made of blind tooled fillets and a running pattern. Paper pastedowns on upper, lower covers and envelope flap. Green cloth doublure on fore-edge flap.
Vol. 2 is bound in dark brown, almost black, leather over paper pasteboards for upper and lower covers and fore-edge flap and envelope flap. Upper and lower covers have a blind tooled mcentral mandorla and an outer frame made of blind tooled fillets and a running pattern. Paper pastedowns on upper, lower covers and envelope flap. Green cloth doublure on fore-edge flap.
Acquired by Robert Garrett from Brill, 1900.
Source acquisition
Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 1293
Other format(s)
Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
Other title(s)
جزء الاول عيون التفاسير
جزء الثاني عيون التفاسير
جلد الثاني من تفسير شهاب الدين السهروردي المسمى بعيون التفاسير
Title on the tail of the text block of vol. 1
Juzʼ al-awwal ʻUyūn al-tafāsīr
Title on the tail of the text block of vol. 2
al-Juzʼ al-thānī ʻUyūn al-tafāsīr
Title on a note vol. 2, fol. 1a
Jild al-thānī min Tafsīr Shihāb al-Dīn al-Suhrawardī al-musammá bi-ʻUyūn al-tafāsīr
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