شرح خطبة شرح الشمسية للسعد التفتازاني ويليه شرح الشمسية له ايضا.

Sharḥ Khuṭbat Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah lil-Saʻd al-Taftāzānī wa-yalīhi Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah la-hu ayḍan.

Manuscript, Book
Jumādá al-Thānī 841 [1437 or 1438]
123 leaves : paper ; 180 x 130 (125-140 x 87) mm bound to 180 x 135 mm


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Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 476H Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Summary note
    Commentary on al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah fī al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah, a work on logic by Najm al-Dīn al-Qazwīnī al-Kātibī (d. 675/1277), preceded on fol. 2-9 by a gloss on the introduction (khuṭbah) of the commentary by Walī al-Dīn al-Qaramānī (see Mach, R. Yahuda, no. 3217), written by another hand. The identity of the author of the second text is not clear. ʻAlī al-Samarqandī, thumma al-Qaramānī al-Ḥanafī (d. ca. 860/1456) has a Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah, but his laqab is ʻAlaʼ al-Dīn, and not Walī al-Dīn (see Kaḥḥālah, vol. 7, 261).
    • Ms. composite codex.
    • Title from fol. 1a (later addition).
    • Verses of poetry on the title page of text 2 (fol. 10a). Fāʼidah (5 lines) by another hand at the end of text 2 (fol. 121b).
    • Collation: Paper ; fol. 123 + i (later free endpaper on glazed European paper, with inscription ; fol. 1 in the modern foliation) 1⁸ (text 1) 2-11¹⁰ 12¹² + ii (later free endpaper on glazed European paper with watermark, with inscription on the first recto) ; catchword on the verso of each leaf from the second quire on ; modern foliation in pencil using Western numerals.
    • Layout: 19-21 lines per page.
    • Description: Overlining in red ink ; some leaves are later replacements (see fol. 29).
    • Origin: Copy of text 2 completed on 28 ("thāmin" added in the margin) Jumādá al-Thānī 841 [Dec. 1437] (colophon, fol. 121b).
    • Explicit text 1 (fol. 8b): والايات اعم مطلقا من ذلك اى من المعجز ... نعم ان اريد بالايات ايات القران فهو اخص مطلقا من المعجزات هذا آخر ما ارادنا ايراده وبالله التوفيق للاتمام والله اعلم.
    • Explicit text 2 (fol. 121b): والاعراض الذاتية فانّ الاستقصاء فيها مما لا يليق بهذا الكتاب تم الكتاب.
    • Incipit text 2 (fol. 10b): الحمد لله الذى بصّرنا بنور الهداية والتوفيق ... وبعد فقد سالنى فرقة من خلّانى ورفقة من خلص اخواني ان اشرح لهم الرسالة الشمسية ... قال الحمد لله اقول لما انعم الله تع عليه بافاضة نفسه الناطقة المتجلية بالعلوم.
    • Incipit text 1 (fol. 2b): الحمد لله العلي الفياض المنزه افعاله عن العلل والاغراض ... وبعد فهذه تحفة مزجاة الى طلّاب كل زمان ... قال الشارح ... بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مستعنيا به او متبركا له.
    Binding note
    Later quarter-bound type III (without flap) binding in brown leather and red and black paper over paper pasteboards.
    • 1. fol. 1a-9a: Sharḥ Khuṭbat Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah lil-ʻAllāmah al-Taftazānī / li-baʻḍ al-fuḍalāʼ [added in another hand].
    • 2. fol. 10a-121b: Kitāb Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah / min taṣnīf Mawlānā al-ʻAllāmah Saʻd al-Millah wa-al-Dīn al-Taftazānī.
    Acquired by Robert Garrett from Brill, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    • Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 838
    • Mach, R. Yahuda, no. 3217
    • Brockelmann, C. GAL, I, 466 (26/1. cmt. 3 & cmt. 3 gl.); 846 (26/1. cmt. 3 & cmt. 3 gl.)
    Other format(s)
    • Microfilm negative available for reproduction.
    • Also available in an electronic version.
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