عقيلة اتراب القصائد في اسنى المقاصد

ʻAqīlat atrāb al-qaṣāʼid fī asná al-maqāṣid ... [etc.].

Manuscript, Book
Aleppo, [1468]
38 leaves: paper ; 210 x 151 (137 x 100) mm. bound to 210 x 155 mm.


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett no. 610H Browse related items Reading Room Request


    Summary note
    Collection of two qaṣidah on matters pertaining to the different readings of the Qurʼān. The texts are followed by a reading certificate indicating that Zayn al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad, known as Ibn Dahanī read the Qurʼān or part of it according to the reading of such and such, signed Abū Muḥammad Sulaymān ibn Abī Bakr al-Muqriʼ al-Harawī, dated Aleppo, Rabīʻ al-Awwal 873 [1468]. After the date, addition by the same hand stating that he also read with him a qaṣīdah by Ibn al-Ḥararī, the Kitāb al-Ṭayyibah fī al-qirāʼāt al-ʻashar, and another reading of the Qurʼān, concluding on a ijāzah. On fol. 37b-38b: Short texts copied by Muḥammad al-Muqriʼ.
    • Ms. codex.
    • Title supplied by cataloger.
    • 11 lines per page. Written in medium large naskh in black ink with. Thick light cream paper with pulp visible. Several inscriptions on fol. 1a. Short texts on the margins of fol. 35b. Title on the lower egde of the text block. Inscription in Roman script in black ink on the upper cover: "413" (corresponds to no. in Brill's list ; see Houtsma, M. Th. Catalogue d'une collection de manuscrits arabes et turcs, no. 610).
    • Copy of text 1 completed on 1 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 873 [Sept. 19, 1468] (colophon, fol. 15a). Copy of text 2 completed on 8 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 873 [Sept. 26, 1468] (colophon, fol. 35b).
    Binding note
    Marbled paper pasted on brown leather over paper pasteboards for upper and lower covers.
    • 1. fol. 1a-15a: Qaṣīdat al-Shaykh al-faqīh al-imām al-ʻālim al-ḥāfiẓ al-Muqriʼ Abī al-Qāsim al-Shāṭibī raḍiya Allāh ʻanhu al-mawsūmah bi-ʻAqīlat atrāb al-qaṣāʼid fī asná al-maqāṣid al-mutaḍamminah khaṭṭ al-Muṣḥaf al-muḥtawīyah ʻalá al-muqniʻ.
    • 2. fol. 15b-35b: Qaṣīdat al-Shaykh al-faqīh al-imām al-ʻālim ʻAlam al-Dīn Abī al-Ḥasan ʻAlī al-Sakhāwī.
    • 3. fol. 36a-37a: Reading certificate.
    • 4. fol. 37b-38b: [Two short texts].
    Acquired by Robert Garrett from Brill, 1900.
    Source acquisition
    Gift ; Robert Garrett, Class of 1897 ; 1942.
    Hitti, P. Garrett coll., 1205, 1208
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    Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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