Assessing the Efficacy of Treatment Modalities in the Context of Adult Drug Courts in Four Jurisdictions in the United States, 1997-2002 [electronic resource] / Donald F. Anspach, Jeff Bouffard, Andrew S. Ferguson

Data file
First ICPSR Version
Ann Arbor, Mich. : Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2004.
3 data files + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SAS data definition statements + SPSS data definition statements


Restrictions note
Use of these data are restricted to Princeton University students, faculty, and staff for non-commercial statistical analysis and research purposes only.
Summary note
This study examined adult drug treatment courts. Drug treatment courts are intended to reduce the recidivism of drug-involved offenders by changing their drug-use habits. These courts provide a connection between the criminal justice and treatment systems by combining treatment with structured sanctions and rewards. Researchers collected data between February 2001 and May 2002 on drug court participants, treatment services and staff, and organizations involved in drug court operations in four jurisdictions: Bakersfield, California, Jackson County, Missouri, Creek County, Oklahoma, and St. Mary Parish, Louisiana. Part 1, Retrospective Participant Data, contains recidivism and treatment data on 2,357 drug treatment court participants who were enrolled in one of the drug courts between January 1997 and December 2000. Part 2, Treatment Observation Data, contains data collected from observations of treatment sessions at each site from May through July 2001. Part 3, Staff Survey Data, provides data obtained through surveys of 54 treatment service staff members.... Cf.:
Title from ICPSR DDI metadata of 2004-10-30.
Type of data
3 data files + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SAS data definition statements + SPSS data definition statements
Geographic coverage
Bakersfield, California, Kansas City, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, United States
Funding information
United States Department of Justice. NationalInstitute of Justice 2000-DC-VX-0008
System details
Mode of access: Intranet.
Methodology note
  • Data source: Data for Part 1 were collected from administrative records. Data for Part 2 were collected by observing treatment sessions. Data for Part 3 were obtained through self-enumerated questionnaires.
  • Universe: Part 1: Individuals enrolled in one of the four drug courts between January 1997 and December 2000. Part 2: Treatment sessions held by the drug courts' treatment providers from May through July 2001. Part 3: Staff employed at the drug courts' treatment providers from May through July 2001.
Part 1: Retrospective Participant Data; Part 2: Treatment Observation Data; Part 3: Staff Survey Data
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