CBS News/NEW YORK TIMES New Jersey State Poll, October 2000 [electronic resource] / CBS NewsThe New York Times

Data file
ICPSR version
Ann Arbor, Mich. : Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2002.
1 data file + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SPSS data definition statements


Restrictions note
Use of these data are restricted to Princeton University students, faculty, and staff for non-commercial statistical analysis and research purposes only.
Summary note
This poll, conducted October 12-15, 2000, is part of a continuing series of surveys that solicit public opinion on the presidency and on a range of other political and social issues. The study was conducted in part to assess respondents' interest in and opinions about the 2000 election campaign for United States senator from New Jersey. New Jersey residents gave their opinions of candidates Jon Corzine (Democrat) and Bob Franks (Republican), as well as their opinions of President Clinton, New Jersey governor Christie Whitman, New Jersey senator Robert Torricelli, New Jersey state senator Donald DiFrancesco, New Jersey gubernatorial candidates Jim McGreevey (Democrat) and Bret Schundler (Republican), and candidates for president and vice president, Al Gore and Joe Lieberman (Democrats), and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney (Republicans). Respondents were also queried about their readiness to vote in the upcoming Senate election, whom were they going to vote for, and who, in their opinion, would become state senator. Respondents answered a set of questions comparing Corzine and Franks as Senate candidates in terms of their experience, interest in people like themselves, and political philosophy, as well as who would do more to improve education and make health care affordable for everyone. The survey also sought respondents' opinions on the use of the federal budget surplus, the role of the federal government in local education policy, the role of the federal government in ensuring access to affordable health care, and whether it would be preferable to have a smaller government providing fewer services or a larger government providing more services. Respondents' views were elicited on whether limits should be placed on the amount of their own money candidates can spend on their campaigns, whether candidates' use of funds from political action committees was problematic, t... Cf.:
Title from ICPSR DDI metadata of 2004-10-30.
Type of data
1 data file + machine-readable documentation (PDF) + SPSS data definition statements
System details
Mode of access: Intranet.
Methodology note
  • Data source: telephone interviews
  • Universe: Adult population of the state of New Jersey aged 18 and over having telephones at home.
Part 1: Data File
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