ICPSR Instructional Subset [electronic resource] : Citizen Attitudes Toward Local Government / National League of Cities. Urban Observatory Program.

Data file
Ann Arbor, Mich. : Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1984.
1 data file + machine-readable documentation (text) + OSIRIS dictionary + SPSS data definition statements


Restrictions note
Use of these data are restricted to Princeton University students, faculty, and staff for non-commercial statistical analysis and research purposes only.
Summary note
This data collection was based on the Ten Cities Survey of Citizen Attitudes Toward Local Government conducted under the supervision of the Urban Observatory Program. The research for the project was funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the National League of Cities. Each Urban Observatory network city had autonomy over the study in its area. This instructional subset includes responses from surveys administered in four of the ten cities: Atlanta, Boston, Baltimore, and San Diego. The four were selected because they represented regional diversity and also because examination of the distribution of responses suggested four rather different patterns of citizen attitudes. Variables provide information on respondents' views of local government and services, public officials, local schools and racial integration, public transportation, police protection, neighborhood safety, the uses of city funds, most urgent city problems, most problematic groups in the city, effects of urban renewal on the city, courts, city wages, and strikes by public employees. Other items probed respondents' opinions of local problems in the areas of schooling, housing, public transportation, drugs, law and order, and city taxes. Demographic items specify age, sex, education, ethnicity, family income, home ownership, length of stay in the city of residence, and interests in politics.... Cf.: http://webapp.icpsr.umich.edu/cocoon/ICPSR-STUDY/07522.xml
Title from ICPSR DDI metadata of 2004-10-30.
Type of data
1 data file + machine-readable documentation (text) + OSIRIS dictionary + SPSS data definition statements
Geographic coverage
United States
Funding information
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
System details
Mode of access: Intranet.
Methodology note
Data source: National League of Cities, Urban Observatory Program. Ten Cities Survey of Citizen Attitudes Toward Local Government
Part 1: Data File
Other format(s)
Also available as downloadable files.
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Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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