Catalogue of paper, linen and indestructible toy books half-bound and bound juvenile books, games, ABC blocks, picture and building blocks, backgammon boards, checker and chess boards, paper dolls, soldiers, &c., &c.

McLoughlin Bros [Browse]
New York : McLoughlin Brothers, 874 Broadway, [1895]
4 unnumbered pages, 111 pages, 5 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 24 cm


Former owner
Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
Restrictions note
For conservation reasons, access is granted for compelling reasons only: please consult the curator of the Cotsen Children's Library.
  • "July, 1895" --At head of cover title.
  • Index of books and games, respectively, on 4 unnumbered pages at end.
  • "Salesrooms: No 874 Broadway, New York; Factory, South 11th & Berry Sts, Brooklyn, N.Y." -- At foot of upper cover.
  • "Gentlemen: In presenting our Annnual Catalog to our friends in the trade, we desire to call attention to a fact or two... handsomer and cheaper lithographed toy books ... games, blocks ands scroll puzzles ... [the] cheapest to be had in the market place ... it is our fixed intetnion not to be undersold. --"To the Trade" note on verso of 2nd title page (page [4]).
  • A revised variation of the catalog format used in prior years: without date range on title page (e.g. ""1893 1894" for prior year), 2nd, added title page, "Note to the trade," index moved to the end, and a page advertising "lead or 'tin' soldiers" on page 111.
  • Cotsen copy: Annotated in pencil throughout, with some selections marked as deleted or with revised information; also several catalog entries physically cut out, presumably by McLoughlin Bros. corporate offices.
Binding note
  • Publisher's pale-blue-toned paper-covered boards, upper with text and floral design printed in two shades of blue and black, lower cover with floral-pattern matching the floral-patterned endpapers; blue-gray cloth spine strip.
  • Cover title inserts the text "lead or 'tin' soldiers" before "games puzzles &c.", in a slightly different font to fit it into available space (also deleting the second "&c." used in prior years).
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
Other title(s)
  • McLoughlin Bros. illustrated catalogue, July 1895 : toy and juvenile books, ABC and picture blocks, backgammon and checker boards, lead or ""tin" soldiers, games, puzzles, &c.
  • July 1895, McLoughlin Bros.' illustrated catalogue
  • McLoughlin Bros' catalogue : toy books
  • McLoughlin Bros' catalogue
  • McLoughlin Bros. catalog
  • McLoughlin Brothers' catalog
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