The American hero. [electronic resource] : Made on the Battle of Bunker-Hill, and the burning of Charlestown.

Niles, Nathaniel, 1741-1828 [Browse]
[Boston : s.n., between 1810 and 1814]
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 29 x 21 cm.


Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
Early American imprints. First series ; no. 42911. [More in this series]
  • Verse in fifteen stanzas; first lines: Why should vain mortals tremble at the sight of death and destruction in the field of battle.
  • By Nathaniel Niles. Cf. Evans 14349.
  • American Antiquarian Society copy bound in the Isaiah Thomas collection of broadside ballads, v. II, no. 132, "purchased from a ballad printer and seller in Boston" and presented to the society in August 1814. Most, if not all, of these issues were published after 1810. Cf. Ford, W.C. The Isaiah Thomas collection of ballads, 1924.
  • Text in two columns; printed area measures 23.0 x 16.3 cm.
Reproduction note
Electronic text and image data. [Chester, Vt. : Readex, a division of Newsbank, Inc., 2002-2004. Includes files in TIFF, GIF and PDF formats with inclusion of keyword searchable text. (Early American imprints. First series ; no. 42911).
  • Bristol B4083
  • Shipton & Mooney 42911
  • Ford, W.C. Broadsides, 1787
  • Ford, W.C. Broadsides, 2955
  • Ford, W.C. Thomas ballads, 5
  • Wegelin, O. Amer. poetry, 487
Other format(s)
Microform version available in the Readex Early American Imprints series.
Place name(s)
United States Massachusetts Boston.
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