Department of Politics Records, 1921-2017 1921-1978

Princeton University. Department of Politics [Browse]
  • Multiple languages
  • English
  • French
  • 39 boxes
  • 4 items
  • 1 websites


Getty AAT genre
1921-2017 1921-1978
Restrictions note
Department of Politics records are closed for 25 years from their date of creation with the exception of those records that pertain to student academic performance or faculty personnel matters, which are restricted for 75 years. Restrictions beyond 25 years are noted in the relevant series descriptions and in the folder list. Series 5: Public Website is open for research use.
Summary note
  • The Department of Politics at Princeton University is one of the University's largest academic departments, offering undergraduate and graduate courses touching on nearly every aspect of the discipline of political science. The Department of Politics records document the activities of the Department of Politics and its faculty from the time of its founding in 1924 until the mid-1960s, and contain correspondence, course syllabi and notes, examinations, and subject files.
  • The Department of Politics records document the activities of Princeton University's Department of Politics from the time of its founding until the mid-1960s. The records consist of faculty correspondence and meeting minutes; course materials such as syllabi, exams, and grades; and subject files. Please see series descriptions in contents list for additional information about individual series.
Accumulation and frequency of use
Additional transfers of records are expected from the Department of Politics on a continual basis.
Publications about
Alexander Leitch's A Princeton Companion and the March 25, 1949 issue of the Princeton Alumni Weekly were consulted in preparation of the historical note.
Finding aid
Full text searching of this collection's archived website is available through the Archive-It interface.
Statement on responsible collection description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
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Staff view

Supplementary Information