The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders : who was born at Newgate; and during a life of continued variety for sixty years...

[London] : Printed and sold in London, [approximately 1760?]
24 pages : illustrations (woodcuts) ; 16 cm (12°)


Library of Congress genre(s)
Rare books genre
  • A chapbook-style version of Defoe's novel.
  • Illustrations: Half-page woodcut, depicting Moll, on page one (title page), with smaller cuts within the text.
  • Page 2 is blank.
  • In this edition the fifth line of the title ends "5 times a wife" and "Bow-Lane" does not appear in the imprint.
  • Research by David Stoker suggests a general publication date range of 1770s to 1780s for chapbooks bearing the "Aldermary Churchyard" and "Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Lane" imprints, with those bearing the street address "No. 4 Aldermary Churchyard" probably printed sometime after the mid 1770s; lacking this added information, this printing would seem to predate those versions.
  • Full text of title, and summary, on page 1: "The fortunes and misfortunes of Moll Flanders, who was born in Newgate; And during a life of continued variety for sixty years was 17 times a whore, 5 times a wife, whereof once to her own brother, 12 years a thief, 11 times in Bridewell, 9 times in New-Prison, 11 times in Wood-street compter, 6 times in the Poultry Compter, 14 times in the Gatehouse, 25 times in Newgate, 15 times whip['] t at the Cart's arse, 4 times burnt in the hand, once condemned for life and 8 year's a transport in Virginia. At last grew rich, lived honest, and died penitent."
Binding note
  • Cotsen copy: Publisher's self-wrappers, apparently as issued.
  • Cotsen copy: Housed within a teal quarter-sheep box (uniform with Cotsen 388, "The friar and the boy," suggesting prior ownership in the same collection).
Other title(s)
Moll Flanders
Caption title
  • History of Moll Flanders
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