193 tales recounting the adventures of Nasreddin Hoca, the most celebrated comic protagonist in the Turkish-Islamic world.
Ms. codex.
Title from fol. 1b.
Physical description: 17 lines per page; written in naskhi script in black on white European glazed, laid paper. Rubrication and catchwords; some marginalia in pencil. Marginal dampstaining. Fol. 1a blacked out.
Binding note
Full brown leather with gold-stamped central medallion.
Language note
Turkish in Arabic script.
On the inside front cover, bookplate of the Librarie Orientale de Dondey-Dupré Père et Fils.
On the inside back cover, statement in French that the volume was purchased in Constantinople in 1786 and bookplate of Heron-Allen.
Source acquisition
Purchase; Sam Fogg, 2006/2/20 (2006-96).
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