Physical description: 16-17 lines per page; written in naskhī and taʻlīq scripts in black on white glazed paper. Captions in red.
Binding note
Half-leather binding with flap, rubbed.
Language note
Ottoman Turkish and Arabic.
1. fol. 1a-60b: Mecmuat ül-mücerrebat min ül-kâf. Comprises 8 chapters, each including several alchemic recipes.
2. fol. 61b-70a: A treatise inspired by alchemic passages found in the works of Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, al-Ghazālī, Sulṭān al-Ẓāhir Baybars, and the Mamlūk Sulṭān Barqūq. First 6 fol. are in Arabic, the remainder in Ottoman Turkish.
Ownership entry and stamp on fol. 1a by Jalāl al-Dīn, dated 1292 A.H. (1875-6).
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