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Princeton University Library Catalog
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American Civil Liberties Union records, 1917-1950.
American Civil Liberties Union
315 linear ft. (1886 bound volumes, 12 archival boxes on 288 reels of microfilm). Bound scrapbook volumes for the years 1912, 1917-1946, with an extensive subject card file index.
Adamic, Louis 1899-1951
Political and social views
Addams, Jane 1860-1935
Political and social views
Allinson, Brent D. (Brent Dow)
Political and social views
Anderson, Sherwood
Political and social views
Angell, Ernest 1889-1973
Political and social views
Angell, Norman 1874-1967
Political and social views
Bailey, Forrest
Political and social views
Baker, Newton D. (Newton Diehl) 1871-1937
Political and social views
Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961
Political and social views
Baldwin, Roger Nash 1884-
Politcal and social views
Beal, Fred Erwin 1896-1954
Political and social views
Beard, Charles Austin 1874-.
Political and social views
Benét, Stephen Vincent 1898-1943
Political and social views
Berger, Victor L. 1860-1929
Political and social views
Billings, Warren K. 1893-1972
Political and social views
Black, Hugo LaFayette 1886-1971
Political and social views
Boudin, Louis B. (Louis Boudianoff) 1874-1952--Political and social views
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941
Political and social views
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. (Sophonisba Preston) 1866-1948
Political and social views
Bridges, Harry 1901-
Political and social views
Browder, Earl 1891-1973
Political and social views
Bryan, William Jennings 1860-1925
Political and social views
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker) 1892-1973
Political and social views
Budenz, Louis F. (Louis Francis) 1891-1972
Political and social views
Caldwell, Erskine 1903-
Political and social views
Chafee, Zechariah Jr. 1885-1957
Political and social views
Coffee, John Main 1897-
Political and social views
Collier, John
Political and social views
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward) 1891-1979
Political and social views
Darrow, Clarence 1857-1938
Political and social views
Davis, Jerome 1891-1979
Political and social views
DeSilver, Albert 1888-1924
Political and social views
Debs, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor) 1855-1926
Political and social views
Dennett, Prescott
Political and social views
Dewey, John 1859-1952
Political and social views
Dies, Martin, 1900-1972
Political and social views
Doak, William Nuckles 1882-1933
Political and social views
Dos Passos, John 1896-1970
Political and social views
Dreiser, Theodore 1871-1945
Political and social views
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt) 1868-1963
Political and social views
Ernst, Morris L. (Morris Leopold) 1888-1976
Political and social views
Fish, Hamilton 1888-
Political and social views
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley
Political and social views
Ford, Henry 1863-1947
Political and social views
Foster, William Z. 1881-1961
Political and social views
Frankfurter, Felix 1882-1965
Political and social views
Garrison, Lloyd K. (Lloyd Kirkham) b. 1897
Political and social views
Gitlow, Benjamin 1891-1965
Political and social views
Gobitis, Walter
Political and social views
Goldman, Emma 1869-1940
Political and social views
Gompers, Samuel 1850-1924
Political and social views
Graham, Marcus 1893-1985
Political and social views
Greene, Nathan
Political and social views
Hague, Frank 1876-1956
Political and social views
Hays, Arthur Garfield 1881-1954
Political and social views
Hearst, William Randolph 1863-1951
Political and social views
Hellman, Lillian 1906-
Political and social views
Holmes, John Haynes 1879-1964
Political and social views
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr. 1841-1935
Political and social views
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar) 1895-1972
Political and social views
House, Edward Mandell 1858-1938
Political and social views
Hughes, Langston 1902-1967
Political and social views
Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair) 1874-1952
Political and social views
Johnson, James Weldon 1871-1938
Political and social views
Jung, Harry A.
Political and social views
Keller, Helen 1880-1968
Political and social views
King, Carol Weiss 1895-1952
Political and social views
Korematsu, Fred 1919- T.
Political and social views
Kühn, Fritz
Political and social views
La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion) 1855-1925
Political and social views
La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry) 1882-1947
Political and social views
Lamont, Corliss 1902-
Political and social views
Landis, Kennesaw Mountain 1866-1944
Political and social views
Lansing, Robert 1864-1928
Political and social views
Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn) 1880-1969
Political and social views
Lewis, Sinclair 1885-1951
Political and social views
Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus) 1902-1974
Political and social views
Longo, John R. 1913-
Political and social views
Lovett, Robert Morss 1870-1956
Political and social views
Lusk, Clayton R. (Clayton Riley) 1872-
Political and social views
Macintosh, Douglas Clyde 1877-1948
Political and social views
Marcantonio, Vito 1902-1954
Political and social views
Marshall, Thurgood 1908-1993
Political and social views
Marvin, Fred Richard 1868-1939
Political and social views
McNaboe, John
Political and social views
Meiklejohn, Alexander 1872-1964
Political and social views
Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis) 1880-1956
Political and social views
Milner, Lucille Bernheimer 1888-
Political and social views
Minor, Robert 1884-1952
Political and social views
Mooney, Thomas J. 1882-1942
Political and social views
Morgan, J. P. (John Pierpont) 1867-1943
Political and social views
Murphy, Frank 1890-1949
Political and social views
Muste, A. J. (Abraham John) 1885-1967
Political and social views
Near, Jay M.
Trials, litigation, etc
Nearing, Scott 1883-
Political and social views
Nelles, Walter 1882-1937
Political and social views
Niebuhr, Reinhold 1892-1971
Political and social views
Palmer, A. Mitchell (Alexander Mitchell) 1872-1936
Political and social views
Patterson, Haywood, 1913 or 14
Political and Social views
Pelley, William Dudley 1890-
Political and social views
Perkins, Frances 1880-1965
Political and social views
Pinchot, Amos 1873-1944
Political and social views
Powell, Adam Clayton Jr. 1908-1972
Political and social views
Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip) 1889-
Political and social views
Rankin, Jeannette 1880-1973
Political and social views
Rice, Elmer 1892-1967
Political and social views
Robeson, Paul 1898-1976
Political and social views
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano) 1882-1945
Political and social views
Russell, Bertrand 1872-1970
Political and social views
Sacco, Nicola 1891-1927
Trials, litigation, etc
Sanger, Margaret 1879-1966
Trials, litigation, etc
Schwimmer, Rosika 1877-1948
Political and social views
Scopes, John Thomas 1900-1970
Trials, litigation, etc
Seldes, George 1890-
Political and social views
Shaw, Bernard 1856-1950
Political and social views
Shelley, Rebecca 1887-1984
Political and social views
Sinclair, Upton 1878-1968
Political and social views
Smedley, Agnes 1892-1950
Political and social views
Smith, Gerald K.
Political and social views
Stimson, Henry Lewis 1876-1950
Political and social views
Stone. I. F. (Isidor F.) 1907-
Political and social views
Thomas, Norman 1884-1968
Political and social views
Tresca, Carlo 1879-1943
Political and social views
Tugwell, Rexford G. (Rexford Guy) 1891-
Political and social views
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo 1888-1927
Trials, litigation, etc
Villard, Oswald Garrison 1872-1949
Political and social views
Wagner, Robert F. (Robert Ferdinand) 1877-1953
Political and social views
Ward, Harry Frederick 1873-1966
Political and social views
Wheeler, Burton K. (Burton Kendall) 1882-1975
Political and social views
White, Walter 1893-1955
Political and social views
Whitney, Anita 1867-1955
Political and social views
Wirin, A. L.
Political and social views
American Union Against Militarism
United States
Constitution 1st-10th Amendments
Getty AAT genre
Legal correspondence
Legal documents
Series: I. Academic Freedom--Clippings, 1917-1950; II. Censorship--Clippings, 1928-1929, 1933-1946, 1949-1950; III. Chronological--Clippings, 1947-1948; IV. Federal Departments--Clippings, 1920-1923, 1925-1946, 1949-1950; V. General--Clippings, 1912, 1917-1946, 1949-1950; VI. Legislation--Clippings, 1917-1923, 1926-1946, 1949-1950; VII. States--Clippings, 1919-1946, 1949-1950; VIII. Academic Freedom--Correspondence, 1918-1919, 1921, 1924-1926, 1928-1934, 1936-1941, 1943-1950; IX. Censorship--Correspondence, 1917-1921, 1930-1950; X. Conscientious Objectors--Correspondence, 1917-1921, 1927, 1940-1942, 1944-1950; XI. Federal Departments--Correspondence, 1924-1950; XII. Federal Legislation--Correspondence, 1919-1921, 1926-1950; XIII. General--Correspondence, 1917-1924, 1926-1929, 1931-1950; XIV. Injunctions--Correspondence, 1931-1935, 1937-1939; XV. Labor and Liberal Organizations--Correspondence, 1921, 1931-1950; XVI. Nelles Papers, Walter--Correspondence, 1920-1926; XVII. New York City Committee--Correspondence, 1936-1950; XVIII. Organizational Matters--Correspondence, 1917-1950; XIX. Pennsylvania Civil Liberties Committee and Philadelphia Branch--Correspondence,1930-1933; XX. State Legislation--Correspondence, 1928-1929, 1935-1941, 1943-1947, 1949-1950; XXI. States--Correspondence, 1917-1950. Series are arranged alphabetically by title of the series. The records themselves are intermingled throughout the microfilm.
Biographical/Historical note
The ACLU grew out of the AUAM, formed in 1914 to prevent United States involvement in World War I. The National Civil Liberties Bureau grew out of the AUAM with Baldwin as director (1917). The ACLU was chartered (1920) after calls for a permanent organization to deal with issues such as the Red Scare and amnesty for wartime dissidents. Important activities in which the ACLU has been involved include the Paterson, New Jersey labor strike (1913), Margaret Sanger's right to deliver a speech on birth control (1929), and the commission of studies of Nazis in American and anti-Fascist laws in Europe. Significant cases in which the ACLU participated include the John Thomas Scopes trial (1925), the Sacco-Vanzetti case (1920-1927) and Near v. Minnesota, which established limits on prior restraint of the press (1931).
Summary note
Consists of the records of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), documenting its activities in protecting individual rights under the leadership of Roger Baldwin. Its primary aims have been the defense of free speech and press, separation of church and state, free exercise of religion, due process of law, equal protection of the law, and privacy rights of all citizens. The collection contains primarily correspondence and clippings. Also included are the records of the ACLU's predecessor organization, the National Civil Liberties Bureau (1917-1920) of the American Union Against Militarism (AUAM) and some material documenting a 1912 Industrial Workers of the World free speech trial.
Academic freedom clippings focus on evolution, Bible reading in schools, loyalty oaths, and Communist Party membership. Censorship clippings deal with censorship of written works and the media. Federal Department clippings cover due process matters. Legislation clippings primarily concern federal legislation and state and local legislation on espionage acts after World War I. State activities are documented within the States clippings and cover lynchings, strikes, unions, blacklisting, police brutality, free speech and assembly, discrimination, prosecutions, arrests, police raids, deportations, fingerprinting, mob violence and handbill ordinances. General clippings primarily cover the labor movement, conscientious objection, civil rights, patriotic organizations, press coverage of civil liberties issues, religious freedom and government intrusions on civil liberties
Academic Freedom Committee correspondence includes evolution, loyalty oaths, and Communist party membership matters. Censorship correspondence relates to free speech during World War I and the Committee on Freedom from Censorship. Conscientious Objectors correspondence concentrates on the two world wars and includes personal information on COs. Federal Departments correspondence particularly concerns due process. Federal Legislation correspondence pertains to amnesty for conscientious objectors and repeal of the wartime espionage and sedition acts. Injunctions correspondence focuses on attempts by the ACLU to obtain uniform state laws relating to the issuance of injunctions in the face of union organizing efforts. The Labor and Liberal Organizations series reflects the ACLU's vast correspondence with a variety of cooperating organizations and includes anti-Fascism, protection of aliens, and civil rights matters. Attorney Walter Nelles's personal papers, including writings on the constitution, the Knights of Labor, labor injunctions, the Sherman antitrust act and the Law and Freedom Bulletin, which Nelles edited (1920-1924), are included in the Nelles series. New York City Committee (after 1950, New York Civil Liberties Union) correspondence documents the internal activities of this committee and its many special interests, including opposing limits on free speech and assembly, labor strikes, and restrictive Works Progress Administration policies. Organizational Committee correspondence documents the ACLU board of directors and various committees. Pennsylvania Civil Liberties Committee and Philadelphia Branch correspondence focuses on injunctions, censorship, deportations, police brutality, and strikes. State Legislation concerns state legislative activities. State correspondence is probably the most important series in the microfilm set and primarily covers state and local officials, legal cases and the early activities of state affiliates. Records of the ACLU's involvement in many of its most significant legal cases, for example the Sacco-Vanzetti defense, are found in this series. General correspondence relates to numerous matters not found elsewhere in the collection, in particular deportations, international civil liberties, organized labor, Native Americans, minority political party rights, African Americans and civil rights, propaganda for and against civil liberties, race relations and discrimination, sedition, the United Nations, and attacks on the ACLU
Due to the size of this collection, the catalog record has been divided into two, with this record containing the personal name subject added entries and the other containing the topical term subject added entries. Aside from this, they are identical.
Other format(s)
Microfilm for volumes 1-2762 (1917-1946) is available.
Finding aid
A 224-page finding aid to the collection is available.
Statement on responsible collection description
Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage.
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