Probanca executorio : manuscript, [between 1600 and 1650].

Manuscript, Book
Mayan languages
1 v. (25 leaves) : paper ; 22 x 14.5 cm.


Copies in the Library

Location Call Number Status Location Service Notes
Special Collections - Manuscripts C0744.01 (Garrett-Gates Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 103) Browse related items Reading Room Request
    Special Collections - Manuscripts C0744 Browse related items Reading Room Request


      Former owner
      Rare books genre
      Getty AAT genre
      Contained in
      [between 1600 and 1650].
      Linking notes
      Forms part of the Robert Garrett Collection (C0744).
      Summary note
      A fragmentary account of the Spanish Conquest, probably drawn from the point of view of the Kavek lineage (perhaps of the Qoyoy sub-lineage). In language it is closer to the Popol Vuh. The manuscript includes drawings of the post-conquest second and third palaces of the Quiché kings. There are lists of the several Quiché towns and of the caciques of these towns in the late 16th century. Also mentioned are the Mam-speaking groups of the Quetzaltenango area conquered by the Quiché and an account of the conquest by Pedro de Alvarado, with reference to Capitan decum ahau.
      Decoration: 3 pen drawings.
      Binding note
      Vellum wrapper; lined with a manuscript fragment, probably written in a contemporary hand.
      Language note
      Text in K'ich'e.
      Previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
      Source acquisition
      Gift; Robert Garrett; 1949.
      Publications about
      • Carrasco, Pedro. "Don Juan Cortes, cacique de Santa Crus Quiché." in Estudios de Cultura Maya. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, v. 6, p. 251-266.
      • Crónicas indígenas de Guatemala / Adrián Recinos. Guatemala : Editorial Universitaria, 1957.
      • Edmondson, M. S. "Historia de la Tierras Altas mayas, segun los documentos indigenas." from a conference on "The Cultural Development of the Maya," titled Desarrollo cultural de los Mayas / editado por Evon Z. Vogt y Alberto Ruz L. México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras : Seminario de Cultura Maya (1964), p. 225-278.
      Cite as
      Garrett-Gates Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 103, Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
      Other format(s)
      Also available in an electronic version.
      Other title(s)
      Title of the Qoyoy lineage
      Robert Garrett Collection, ca. 1340 B.C.-1900s
      Statement on responsible collection description
      Princeton University Library aims to describe library materials in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in the collections we manage. Read more...
      Other views
      Staff view

      Supplementary Information