Deed of sale for land : Ebtún, Mexico, [1869 Feb. 21].

Dzul, Juana [Browse]
Manuscript, Book
  • Mayan languages
  • Spanish
2 leaves : paper ; 31 x 21 cm.


Former owner
Getty AAT genre
Contained in
[1869 Feb. 21].
Linking notes
Forms part of the Robert Garrett Collection (C0744).
Summary note
Deed of sale transferring land in Ebtún, Mexico to Gregorio Pat from Juana Dzul et al. "37a" on fol. 1r and "37b" on fol. 2r.
  • "Segunda Clase Imperio Mexicano. Admon. Pral. de la Renta del Papel Sellado de Yucatan"--Stamp on fol. 1r.
  • "Habilitado para el bienio del mil ochocientos sesenta y cuatro y mil ochocientos sesenta y cinco. Merida, Decbre. 28 de 1864."
  • "The American Art Association, Madison Square South, New York, 1835, 36"--Written in pencil on cover.
Binding note
In cloth box; housed with cardboard covers, removed.
Language note
Text in Yucatec; with some Spanish.
Previously owned by William Gates; sold to Robert Garrett (purchased from William Gates in 1930); deposited by Garrett at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton in 1942; removed from the Institute in 1949, at Garrett's request, and donated to the Princeton University Library.
Source acquisition
Gift; Robert Garrett; 1949.
Cite as
Garrett-Gates Mesoamerican Manuscripts, no. 37, Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
Other format(s)
Also available in an electronic version.
  • Robert Garrett Collection, ca. 1340 B.C.-1900s
  • Multi-title collection including Title to land : Ebtún, Mexico, and 2 other(s).
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