Targum Erets Yiśraʾel La-Torah: Ketav Yad Ṿatiḳan (neʾofiṭi 1) : Ha-Targum Ha-Erets-Yiśreʾeli Ha-Ḳadum Ṿeha-Shalem Le-Khol Ha-Torah, She-Neḥeshav Le-Avud, Ṿe-Nitgaleh Me-Ḥadash Ba-Meʾah Ha-Aḥaronah Bi-Khetav Yad Yaḥid Ba-ʻolam = The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch : Codex Vatican (neofiti 1) : the Earliest and Complete Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch, Considered Lost, and Discovered During the Last Century In the Only Manuscript. Mahadurat tsilum bat 140 ʻotaḳim. Yerushalayim: Maḳor, 1970.