This specimen is two conjugate leaves of an edition of the Ars minor which survives only in this bifolium and 16 other scattered leaves. The 30-line pages are set in Gothic type, 145 mm to 20 lines. According to Bruce McKittrick, "The text preserved here is Schwenke's Cap. 26 line 14 to Cap. 27 line 4 ([2]1r-v) and Cap. 35 line 6 to Cap. 35 line 43 ([2]8r; this edition did not contain the final three chapters). As it exhibits no sewing holes, its first use was probably as board reinforcement in a binding."
In clamshell box with fragments of three other editions of the Ars minor.
Haebler, K. Typenrepertorium, I, 108?
Schwenke, P. Donat- und Kalender-Type.
GW 8864.
Multi-title collection including Ars minor [fragment] and 3 other(s).
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