[Letters and documents in Arabic from Egypt].

Manuscript, Book
  • Arabic
  • Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)
Egypt [between 9--? and 18--?].
29 items (1 box).


Summary note
A collection of letters and documents in Arabic on parchment and paper as well as a few fragments. Included are handwriting exercises, personal correspondence, commercial documents and legal texts, dating from the 10th cent. to the 19th cent. (items 3 and 4 dated 1242 H. [1826 or 1827]). Item 20 is in Ottoman Turkish. Description of parchment documents by Lennart Sundelin.
Physical description: 21 documents are on paper and measure from 59 x 84 mm. to 315 x 128 mm. ; 7 are on parchment and measure from 88 x 103 mm. to 481 x 236 mm.; one piece of parchment is a fragment (item 16). Most items are written on one side only. Two pieces bear stamps of ownership.
  • Item 22 : Sale of property. 396(?) H. / early 11 century. Parchment ; 19 lines ; 65 x 185 mm. and 215 x 230 mm.. Some small holes and tears.
  • Item 24 : Sale of property to Saqina ibn Yuḥannis by his sister. Buljusuq (Fayyum), early 5th cent. H. / 11th cent. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 205 x 200 mm. Holes.
  • Item 25 : Sale of property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina. Buljusuq (Fayyum), late 4th cent. H. / 10th cent. Parchment ; 23 lines + 1 line in right margin and 1 in left margin ; 360 x 150 mm. Hole.
  • Item 26 : Document dealing with property sale, mentioning the name Saqina ibn Yuḥannis. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rabīʻ al-Awwal 407 [Aug.-Sept. 1016]. Parchment ; 22 lines ; 360 x 235 mm. A few holes and tears.
  • Item 27 : Sale of property to Yuḥannis ibn Saqina and his wife. Buljusuq (Fayyum), Rajab 369 [Jan.-Feb. 980]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 170 x 280 mm. Some smudging and a few small holes.
  • Item 28 : Sale of property. Jumādá al-Ūlá 394 [Feb.-March 1004]. Parchment ; 16 lines ; 250 x 300 mm. Upper edges mutilated and several holes.
  • Item 29 : Arabic deed (fragment) [12th century?]. Approximately 250 x 450 mm at the widest points. Gift of Robert Garrett, 2953.
Inscription on sleeve accompanying material : "From Hussein Rached Bey Conservateur du Musée arabe Place Bab El Khalk Le Caire Egypte [March 1929]".
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