Biblia Latina cum glossa ordinaria Walafridi Strabonis et interlineari Anselmi Laudunensis.

Uniform title
[Strasbourg : Adolf Rusch, for Anton Koberger, not after 1480.
4 v. ; 46 cm.


Associated name
Former owner
  • ExI copy has rubrication by hand in red and blue no catchwords. 2 cols., number of lines of text and commentary varies greatly. Type 1,2,3,4 (cf. Haebler), printed in black.
  • ExI copy has initials elaborately illuminated in gold, red, green and blue.
  • ExI copy: on front pastedown of vol. 1: Hoc volumen cum reliquis partibus biblie glosate dominus Iohannes Gerawe huius ecclesie vicarius pro anniversali memoria pie recorde domini Iohannis Walteri altariste in Kronenberg parentumque suorum et pro participacione omnium bonorum operum ecclesie ad hanc liberariam tradidit Anno domini Mcccclxxxv
  • ExI copy: on front pastedown of vol. 2: Volumen istud cum reliquis partibus biblie glosate dominus Iohannes Gerawe huius ecclesie vicarius pro anniversali memoria pie recorde domini Iohannis Walteri altariste in Cronenberg ac parentum suorum et proque participacione omnium bonorum operum ecclesie ad hanc liberariam condonauit Anno domini Mcccclxxxv
  • ExI copy: on front pastedown of vol. 3: Hoc volumen cum reliquis partibus biblie glosate dominus Iohannes Gerawe huius ecclesie vicarius pro anniversali memoria pie recorde domini Iohannis Walteri altariste in Kronenberg parentumque suorum et pro participacione omnium bonorum operum ecclesie ad hanc liberariam donauit Anno domini Mcccclxxxv.
  • ExI copy: on front pastedown of vol. 4: Volumen hoc cum reliquis partibus biblie glosate dominus Iohannes Gerawe huius ecclesie vicarius pro anniversali memoria pie recorde domini Iohannis Walteri altariste in Kronenberg et suorum parentum proque participacione omnium bonorum operum ecclesie ad hanc liberariam contulit Anno domini Mcccclxxxv
  • ExI copy: Master Johann Geraw / Gera / Gerau vicar of this church gives this volume with the remaining parts of the Bible glossed to this library for the yearly memory in pious record of master Johann Walter, Altariste, [ Priest] in Cronenberg / Kronenberg and of his obedient ones and for the participation in all the good works of the church. Year of our lord 1485.
  • WHS copy has notes in shelf-list: Anselm of Laon, fl. 1100. Provenance, Monastery of Wedinghausen. Binding, German, 15th cent. Printing types, Amerbach, J. used by Rusch.
  • WHS copy acquired 9/10/26 from Hiersemann; inv. 162.
Source acquisition
ExI copy presented by Samuel Wyllis Bandler.
  • Goff B-607
  • GW 4282 [shortly after 23 Sept. 1481]
  • Hain-Copinger 3173
  • Proctor 299
  • 'Bible Printed In 1480 Is Given To Princeton,' Christian Science Monitor, February 21, 1928, p. 5.
  • 'Princeton Gets 1480 Bible,' New York Times, February 19, 1928.
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