Biblia cum tabula nuper impressa [et] cum summariis nouiter editis.

Uniform title
[Venice] : Impressum Venetijs p[er] Symonem dictu[m] Beuilaqua, 1498 die octauo Maij.
[528] leaves : ill. ; 22 cm. (4to)


Former owner
  • Imprint from colophon.
  • Woodcuts: ill., initials, printer's device.
  • Capital spaces with guide letters.
  • In double columns.
  • 2 columns to the page; 51 lines and head-line. Gothic type (Haebler 83) Printed in black.
  • A wood-cut and a large wood-cut initial or space for initial, at the beginning of each book. The wood-cuts are from the Malermi Bible of 1490; some of them are signed "b". References and sectin letters in margin.
  • On binding: D. Hieronimi Biblia Sacra.
  • ExI copy imperfect: lacks 53 of the 528 leaves: leaf 1-16, signed (1-4)⁸, (5-8)⁸ (title, "Ad euidentiam", metrical table, Gabriel Bruno's table); leaf 10 of first sig. a (recto, last page of Summaria; verso, wood-cut of creation in 6 compartments); and 36 leaves at end, AA-DD⁸, E⁴, including printer's device.
Binding note
ExI copy in old sheep bordered in double undulant rule in blind; marbled endpapers.
ExI copy has bookplate of Frank Jewett Mather, Jr
  • BM 15th cent. v.5, p.522 (IA.23978)
  • Goff B-603
  • GW 4280
  • Hain *3124
Other title(s)
  • Biblia latina.
  • D. Hieronimi Biblia sacra.
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